General Discussion

General DiscussionNext goal 3.5k

Next goal 3.5k in General Discussion

    Hello, I just recently took of my first goal of getting the 3k. Next one is 3.5k. If you could guyz could have a look at say where I have a biggest room for improvement?


      small tip for ember
      goind for crits instead of 2nd bfury gives you way more dmg, its not worth it to get more than 1 bf, particularly if u r not playing against pl

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        Good one. I am trying to get second BF when my team is pushed heavy for better HG defense but I think I buy them too often.

        Thanks for that one m8

        King of Low Prio

          crit does not give 'way more dmg' it completely depends on what you are fighting against and how they are fighting. Double Bfury can give substantially more dmg than crit. Crit is generally a safer option tho


            ^it might give u less dmg if u have 3-4 enemy creep waves at a time. in all the other cases, crits are better. and you 1 shot these creepwaves btw, so you basically get 2nd bf for a single time in the whole game, when it turns out to give higher expected damage than crits.

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            King of Low Prio

              That's if you crit at the right angle. If the crit happens on the wrong creep your dmg can drop exponentially. Saying it is 'way more dmg' is misleading because it depends on multiple parameters


                i usually get to much kills and profit and i donrt know what to buy so i just buy a second bf, and another much money, what to buy? Rapira it is. when i want another rapira game usually end.


                  Go next goal 5.5k


                    5.5k is more than a dream than goal with my current performance :)


                      I haven't looked at any specific matches, but based on your match overview it looks like you die a lot. So you might want to look at improving your positioning in/before fights, your farm rotation and/or your map awareness. Watch a few replays of matches you played and find out if you could have done anything to prevent any of those deaths. My guess is that you will find some stuff you can improve!


                        @king of low prio
                        its pretty easy to calculate the expected damage output. instead of trying to argue with me, use wolframalpha or some other shit. i dont like to post same stuff over and over again trying to prove that some over-confident guy is wrong.

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                        Giff me Wingman

                          LoL Lucky get 4.5k first before u think of 5.5k

                          King of Low Prio


                            Yes because cleaaaarly math proves me wrong

                            I was being relatively nice about it but if you want to cry like a child when someone corrects you don't post on a open forum.

                            TWICE WTF

                              ^king of lp is crying. showing off but doesn't have the necessary knowledge.

                              Mind Games



                                  did u fully read what is written there and understand it? cz it kinda proves u r wrong for general scenario.

                                  btw the cleave aoe has been rescaled after we moved to s2, jointly with the radius of hero model circles.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    Rescaled slightly but I'm not making a new pic because it clearly shows that when you said that he loses alot of dmg getting bfury which is false. He can gain dmg if he crits at the right angle and he can lose dmg if he crits at the wrong angle. Your simple mind can not grasp complex itemization that's fine but plz stop trying

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      And Funky following me around because I called u 3k trash only proves my point further because you got so upset and need my approval


                                        "he can gain dmg if he crits at the right angle and he can lose dmg if he crits in the wrong angle"
                                        just calculate expected dmg instead
                                        the sample average for crits + 1bf build for whole games is notably lower than 2bf + crits etc. sometimes you get more, sometimes u get less, the average is what rly matters.

                                        "your simple mind can not grasp complex itemization"
                                        aight im not even mad, thats amazing


                                          generally jsut due to the way these two items stuck it is optimal to build bf first, then go for daedalus (or double cristalys if you cant leave base or are too poor), and after that you would go for 2nd bfury if you had slots, but normally ppl need to ahve some kind of blink/linkens/manta or even a rapeir at this point, so normally you wouldnt see any decent players (including competitive ones) purchasing more than 1 bf, and in most cases they will have just 1 daedalus, too.

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                                            i'll just post this here, i wasn't checking the math


                                              okay i gave it one look and that light blue part (the most important one) is bullshit
                                              i guess i downloaded some crap from d2g again


                                                well lots of time when u sleight chains you do that on isolated targets anyway.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Having been as high as 3.7 and as low as 2.9 and currently 3200 something, I can say there isn't much difference in that range, if you want to rank up you need to focus on your picks every game. Counter pick the shit out of people and/or pick op shit that's in the meta.

                                                  The highest I ever got was from spamming the shit out of troll and sniper (Which in my defense I always enjoyed playing those heroes and spammed them, they just got op and I ranked up). Then I tried the 10 hero challenges and lost a ton of rating cus I'd pick heroes I wasn't good at that weren't that good or whatever.

                                                  People will try to defend their picks and tell you picks don't matter, play matters, but there's a reason heroes like techies went from ~55% win rate to ~45% in one patch and heroes like brood and troll are always sub 50%, it's cus they aren't as good as other heroes (or have obvious counter picks that always get picked against them like brood does)! People are just stubborn and like the play cutesty heroes cus they think they are good enough to win and they aren't. Pick easy heroes to play that are strong and rank up if that's your goal.

                                                  TWICE WTF

                                                    so wat 4k scrub callng 3k scrub. i find taht hilarious. btw, i am not mind about being 3.9k or 4k. it does not affect my mentality or mood anyway. obviously you are wrong, people only go double bf when facing heaving illusion lineup. just admit you suck, you being 4k does not mean you are FAR better than me. you are just boosting mmr by dagob bh, continue to be proud to be a 4 k dagon bh,wp

                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                      Yo Samp and Funky, u gotta settle this strife via the doto tradition way of solving arguements! 1vs1, mano a mano! Anything goes! Winner takes all! :D

                                                      Looks like its Funkys Terrorblade vs Samps Zues!

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                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        going thru my match history and studying me. Dis kid is so pathetic its funny. Bro calm down ur trash but that ok if it where not for 3k trash I would be 2k trash because I need you guys to bump me up. Thanks for all your hard work man, Im awful at this game but it takes some next level fuck ups to give me wins. I truly salute your hard work and being total trash.

                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          Ohhh shiettt damnn u gotta respond to dat funky! :O

                                                          TWICE WTF

                                                            50.39% wr ... 4k boasting a lot. I doubt even if you are 4 K?? post your picture ,please? guys, King of LP EMBER doesnt MAX his SS by lvl 16. WP, how pro are this ember and boasting abt his double bf build. kids will even max ember ss by lvl 16 for more burst and not just fooling round with his 2nd skill.

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                                                            King of Low Prio


                                                              I feel like I am picking on some autistic 12 year old. Cant u see my ranked games are in normal bracket I shit 3k player like you, we are brothers in arms.


                                                                meh. two of you talk like a pro but behave like a kid. both 4k and 3k are trash tier. so there is nth so proud about two of you and I do not think the skill gap between two of you is that huge. but i think that guy with EG logo is improving since he has 57% WR in rank. LP you are especially rude and arrogant, I am ashamed of you as a Malaysian. King of LP I challenge you to play 10 solo q rank with 2 bf build(not bf,deaduls den bf),


                                                                  Damn Sampson at this rate ur gonna be so busy with 1v1's you aint gonna have time for regular doto


                                                                    Ember ulti damage is laughable, its not wrong to skip ulti, ember stats gain is below average so its okay to skip ulti at level 11 and 16

                                                                    Its not wrong, some ember spammer do it

                                                                    So king of lp is right

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      I never once said double Bfury build was better I just stated it was not alot more dmg going daed vs bfury and corrected his mistake.

                                                                      "Crit is generally a safer option"
                                                                      -Sampson 2015

                                                                      You illiterate kids need to hit the books

                                                                      and I am ashamed a Malaysian thinks he is allowed to talk to anyone outside of his third world shitcan he lives in.

                                                                      A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                                        4k players xD


                                                                          ^ people often ignore how good is ember in the mid game with flame guard. but the way king of LP play is just spamming his W. About his ss (lvl 1 ss 300 dmg. lvl 3 ss 600 dmg), that might be huge in certain case. + 4 stat isn't that impressive anyway.


                                                                            ^this kids show no respect to his country. well, continue to enjoy your low priority games, u deserved it.

                                                                            TWICE WTF

                                                                              king of lp. u literally does not honor your country? feel so bad about your nation? why not you migrating outside? never appreciate that you live peacefully in Malaysia while enjoying the various food and culture. Remember, never think what the country do for you but what you cna do for your country. By the way, Malaysia is not a third world shitcan like what you said, at least it is a developing country. If you live in third world country there is no way for you to enjoy your dagon 5 BH casually.


                                                                                Who the fuck use all his ember ulti you cant escape at mid game, but if you want yolo its okay

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                                                                                  Half of goal reached. Still dying like sh!t though.