General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat got you angry in your Dota matches today?

What got you angry in your Dota matches today? in General Discussion

    What the title states.
    I'll start:
    Team blames me for not fighting 15 mins in as AM. I get battlefury at 20 mins, which is shit. I could've gotten it at 17 at most if my lane support (enigma) did not push creepwave and bought 1 sentry against the riki we were laning against. MMR? 1k. I guess this was expected of playing AM in my mmr where people don't understand the importance of farms on carries.


      Riki is worst nightmare in normal skill...

      King of Low Prio

        Just instalock riki at 1k mmr

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          people actually buy dusts...


            When retarded piece of shit Slark miss his pounce 3x time in a row

            bum farto

              When I get a slark player with 8k games on my team and he plays slark worse than me.


                People in normal skill think that dust is a counter to Riki...

                Farming Simulator

                  Going 14/0/25 as Invo than dying while lurking arround at enemy fountain... ruined my mood now its only 14/1/25 :/

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                    those days i went to a friend's house that i was trying to convince to come play dota , his second match he got flamed by a venomancer to not buying smoke to get invulnerability in the teamfight ("why you no buy smoke look at their slark retard he is black they cant hit you when you're black")

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                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Enigma lane support 4Head

                        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                          human emotions are usually ill supported with lacking iq.

                          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                            dota 2 is poker, don't get played.


                              getting flamed/reported by the turkish 4 stack while i've been keeping them alive and covering the map in enchanted trees for 40mins. meanwhile the lifestealer is 0-11 but that's ok because he's part of their stack. does anyone else have an alternate account jsut for the weekends?


                                Double digit feeding es who flames whole game.

                                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                  ^no it's the greatest feat in the world to be able to not get reported by 4 stack, why not some challege in life, or are you really that boring of a person


                                    People that random and feed... they should get nut punched


                                      "...they cant hit you when you're black" - story of Ferguson. =)

                                      the realm's delight

                                        the fact that i have cold hands and i cant click on shit
                                        i need some drugs too hoenslyly


                                          ^ this annoys me too. I'm playing like shit when I have cold hands...


                                            What annoys me most are retarded low mmr scrubs that take your lane and lane from your friend, then proceed to be useless whole game. Even if you buy them tons of space, ward everything ,they are still retarded enough to lose their lanes and farm nothing. Thats what i hate most about Dota and people.


                                              Lmfao Havoc Badger, that i fucked my sister anal guy he's fucking awful with Slark, I had him in my team it was an absolute disaster game.

                                              Mr. Bow wow

                                                my teammate spectre go Stout Shield brown boots and build radiance for next item... finished it at past 30minutes mark.... seriously?

                                                playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                                  My irl friend wants to play dota with me, but he only wants to play strength carries and he's shit at the game. Combine this with the fact that whenever I tell him to do something he either fucks it up or doesn't listen, it's super fucking aggravating.