General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win TA mid

How to win TA mid in General Discussion
i just wanna have fun

    i cant handle TA mid with lina , huskar, or sf but i see pro player can handle this stuff(i saw it on youtube)
    can anyone teach me how to win TA mid?


      If u pay


        You don't have to. There are heroes who are only good during laning stage and completely useless after it.

        P.S. So just get as much farm as you can and don't feed.

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          TA Useless after laning phase heard it here first boys WOOOOOOOOOO

          Pale Mannie

            TA is useless after laning stage?
            KILL THIS SORCERER!!!1

            Livin' Real Good

              You don't, It's TA, bitch.

              Just kidding.


                Well as Huskar it should be ez. Harrass her hard.

                Or just pick Viper. Sf and Lina are more about getting your LH. Killing her as SF is not really possible. Make sure you have sentries on your hill beyond 6, or she can kill you with traps. Also care about haste run. Can also be devastating as sf, since you have not much to break her refractions.


                  I cant even tell what op wants, is he the TA or is he playing against TA?


                    I thought that OP is "NORMAL SKILL", but I was surprised to see that he's actually not. xD


                      try to play TA yourself, its an extremely good method to learn to deal with this hero

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                          Venomancer my ngga.

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                              I've seen it many times. For TA game goes like this:
                              1) TA buys fast Blink Dagger;
                              2) TA makes couple kills;
                              3) enemy team starts to play as group of 5;
                              4) TA becomes a support with only function to give vision and slow enemies;
                              5a) TA loses the game.
                              5b) despite useless mid, her teammates somehow manage to win.

                              yung griphook

                                TA does retarded damage, not sure how that becomes useless...

                                if thats the case, why doesnt sf fall off?

                                i really dont understand the logic there


                                  yes TA wins almost every matchup but thats assuming the TA player is good which is probably not the case in OP's pubs

                                  one thing people dont usually do (idk why) is fucking right click the shit out of TA, once her refracton is down shes very vulnerable to harassment and nukes (sf, lina)

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                                  the realm's delight

                                    sf can win ta btw


                                      buy venom orb


                                        ^It can only stop her Blink Dagger.


                                          just spam auto attacks on her, it will disturb creep equilibrium causing her to have to psi blade u with moving targets, and will allow you to overwhelm her refraction charges with double wave.

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                                            George The Zookeeper

                                              sf can rekt ta i did it most of my games but also rekt with ta sf so it's just about who is better playe (better player wins lane) as sf i get sentry pre 6 so i can remove traps cuz that's only way she kills me and i try to make her go on me so it takes refractions and i raze her up so it's simple and since i got sentry her melt doesn't save her either the point is u should not fuck up early if u do u need to stack jungle then or ask ur team


                                                Veno is ebola for ta

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                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    i killed Lina as TA mid because lina players are horrible at positioning, they get rekt by psiblades so hard. And against huskar i max meld, they towerdive and he gets meld dead.

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      Ogre is actually decent against TA.


                                                        i think i saw someone (miracle i think) maxing meld first against veno or some dps shit after two points in Q and one in E


                                                          Phoenix was popular mid for some time. How is he against TA now?

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            @soultrap that's cus dumb TA's go all ape shit ganking and forget to keep farming. Psi blades lets you farm very fast, a TA should be a position 1 carry, not just a ganker mid. Actually I never even play TA but if I did and was mid I would sit on it and farm unless I got a really good rune.


                                                              Position 1 TA is autolose. Unless she soloing safe lane, while supports doing aggro trilane. She needs to be highest level fish in the pond.

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                                                                Phoenix mid is so bad, why not just get it on a pos 4 or 5 and go mid eventually to set up a kill?


                                                                  Viper dumpsters TA ez.

                                                                  i just wanna have fun

                                                                    should i control lane or just clean wave fast and farm jungle(lina and sf)
                                                                    still cant imagine how can lina haras ta so easy,if sf i would say LH cause i've done that and it worked
                                                                    if i go his high ground then he can fight me with refrac
                                                                    if i stay behind and LH ,then he can also haras me
                                                                    agro creeps and positioning in lane seems to be the biggest impact??

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                                                                        ta also has a tendency to end up with pos 1 worth of farm unless the safe lane carry is a hero that is extremely good at farming

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                                                                        i just wanna have fun

                                                                          the point is,how to win as lina?


                                                                            Lina has a pretttty big advantage in the early levels, especially at 1 when she only has level 1 refract or level 1 psi. LSA can control the lane really well and force her away from the wave, and Lina has like the longest range of mid heroes.

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                                                                            i just wanna have fun

                                                                              when i got 5 or 7,should i just push the wave for farm jungle and rune or keep controlling and haras

                                                                              i just wanna have fun

                                                                                btw from your profile,you are a templar picker lol


                                                                                  ya which is why i understand what heroes can beat templar and how

                                                                                  you want to keep controlling if you have a level advantage - hitting 6 first lets you pressure for a potential kill. if she hits 6 first then rotate and try to find kills

                                                                                  i just wanna have fun

                                                                                    can i add you though,you seems good to be a teacher

                                                                                    Krazy Kat

                                                                                      Waga has all the answers. watch his vids.

                                                                                      i just wanna have fun

                                                                                        waga teach how to win as TA,he only tell that his weakness is positioning and dps
                                                                                        if u watch waga,basically looks like no one can counter ta even viper and qop
                                                                                        i want to counter ta since i rarely fight ta but when i do most of the time i lose my lane


                                                                                          at same skill, viper dumpster ta
                                                                                          waga won because viper player not as good as him