General Discussion

General DiscussionSEX _ Arcane Curse: Dogshit spell?

SEX _ Arcane Curse: Dogshit spell? in General Discussion

    is it just me or is this spell awful? I see people get hit by thsi shit and use 50 spells, but still literally take no dmg WutFace

    I can understand it has a potentional, but vs players (not bots) isn't this spell generally fucking dogshit?

    Enlighten me, help

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      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        It doesn't do that much damage, but it will disable your blink for forever if you keep casting spells.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Silencer new spell it is.

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            bum farto

              Its not as spammable as it is a strong team fight spell, like a veno ult, might not kill anyone but its constantly ticking and resetting and stacking.

              the realm's delight

                silencer has a new spell?????????????????????????????


                  the spell is in pause mode during silence
                  (hey look, they finaly brung the pause mechanism they were supposed to implement for void, phase shift and every banish !)

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                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    I don't think it really makes much sense with the hero's kit. It's definitely annoying, just like the old CotS, but that's just it. It's annoying, much like Lich sacrifice.


                      Its made to be annoying, its a mid laner silencer spell i think, hate that hero btw :p
                      Another fucking LOL spell

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                        I wouldn't compare curse of silent to sacrifice, but im still sure that spell is fucking awful 80% of the time

                        edit: it's a nice spell for harassing offlaners actually i think

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                            it's really good against certain heroes. it's basically a pseudo 7s silence against spell spammers because they won't want to take damage.

                            imo its worse for lane than it was previously since it only deals damage as opposed to also draining mana. i dont think silencers levelled curse for lane anyway because getting glaives or LW do the same thing for zoning people but would actually be useful at levels 7-11.

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                                lm ao

                                  S E X all the way fgt OP

                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                    Is the aghanim refresher build legit again with the new spell? Should be able to do a lot of damage by stacking them up before they can finally cast anything. On paper at least.


                                      no because when a unit is silenced the curse's effects are paused. you don't take damage nor does it continue to tick down while silenced.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        The spell's potential only really shines if you're supporting your safelane carry against an aggro duo/tri lane, you really aren't going to get much out of it if you get a single target every time, there's a reason it's an aoe/multitarget spell. If you max it in the laning stage as a support and actually have mana sustain to use it, it can be devastating against duo/tri lanes.

                                        Then it's pretty nice in teamfights. But that's about it, PLEASE don't get this as a mid silencer, get the usual build, unless you are specifically supposed to provide teamfight utility and not damage (in which case, why play silencer mid at all), forget this spell even exists until lategame, because it doesn't do much for you, and certainly does not do more than lvl 4 glaive/lw which can both actually fuck people up really bad.

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                                          (the spell is pretty strong at lvl 1 though, mb time for a 1-3-1 :p)

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^Kinda depends on whether you'll have the mana to use all three spells to their full effect in the laning stage, but it's nice to have it as an option.