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General Discussionquestions

questions in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    I have some questions on this patch carries.

    Which are good? I heard jugg, ursa, LD, TB, morph, are pretty good.

    How do you build jugg? Battlefury? MoM? Drums?
    How do you build TB? SnY first item? Or how?
    What about morph? Stats like manta, skadi, butterfly, satanic etc? Or shotgun build?
    and ursa, do you still build vlads or just morbid mask? And is aghs worth? And if you go jungle ursa is iron talon worth or is better to go for a faster morbid mask?


      Those carries are good, spectre has shit laning but high winrate.
      Jugg you go: phase aquila battlefury manta/s&y blink then some endgame like butter or skadi

      the realm's delight





            According to stats, medusa is doing pretty well in this patch. You should read the blogs they post here, it's good.

            Jugg, depends on the situation

            TB, i recently tested out a build that seems pretty good for it, going treads, aquila and SnY in that order as cores, luxury or situational items, your call but going skadi next is the better choice.

            I have no idea for morph, maybe somebody here can enlighten me as well

            Ursa, with the removed UAM for fury swipes awhile ago, morbid mask is actually enough to take down roshan or make you survive a bit, but of course, vlads gives you that bit of mana regen and that armor. Aghs is pretty good against a lineup of a lot of disablers. Lastly, iron talon is quite godly on a lot of jungling heroes, i think it's good as a starting item.

            saving private RTZ

              @Allison whats the skillbuild for OD? and itembuild? I saw arteezy maxing Q and E. Sometimes he gets orchid, atos etc, what's a good general build?

              the realm's delight

                basically u max passive first and then the orb, get 1 point in astral thing and try get a kill on lane with it or avoid stuff w/e. i skip ult until lvl 10 but u could skill it earlier too
                for items rtzs build looks good but im sure theres other options too shivas octarine refresher kind of shit but i thinnk u build that if u go mid, for safe lane u should go with rtzs

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                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Do you go Midas? Mek/Force type of stuff? Or do you go all out on selfish items?

                  the realm's delight

                    i dont think midas is that good on him i didnt try it this patch but i feel like delaying his items is a big thing. plus u can farm quite fast with him after lvl 14 u do 1-2 hits with the orb (depending on ur int) on every creep while imprisoning one of them and u clear the wave

                    force is a must imo, mek its kind of like sf mek if u ask me, not good for pubs. i guess if u could get ur team to make good use of mek it could work but i wouldnt get it. not as a safe laner at least

                    i was thinking about dragon lance too but idk

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                      max astral or stats


                        Allison said it
                        U play passive/orb then u max astral. This way u clear the waves fast by attack each creep once and the astral damage = clleared wave kinda like qop scream wave cleaning

                        the realm's delight

                          ye it helps with farming plus lower cd i think its worth maxing it

                          lm ao

                            Ursa is da shit

                            U know, u may want to make HoD cz ursa dont make a good aura carrier yo

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                              OP you appear to be in the same mmr range as me, and I find juggernaut to be really successful. Battlefury is usually great I find, then often do the stats build of s&y into skadi. Best base attack time in the game with cleave and you'll be rolling in money