General Discussion

General DiscussionAnoyed when 2k player say to me that MMR is just a NUMBER

Anoyed when 2k player say to me that MMR is just a NUMBER in General Discussion

    Anyone relate?

    Riguma Borusu

      Well, it is just a number after all. It's just that more often than not, it shows how good/shit you are.


        Yeah it's a number but not "just" a number


          mmr is a word, 2000 is numbers.

          lm ao

            Yeah i get annoyed really much OP, I mean its MMR! M-M-R its obviously letters


              Hehe @fucboi420 u make me laugh hehe
              but I mean when he say it to me directly


                MMR is not just a number, its the size of my e-penis.


                  its actually an acronym for MATCH MAKING RATING u retards


                    no because your rating is a number. lots of 2k players, and I know this is crazy, play just to have fun.


                      MMR = Match Making Rating.

                      a number that shows your rank. A number I wouldn't care too much about.



                        no. Xd


                          That number also shows how insanely bad you are at the game.


                            i mean it's obviously absolutely okay if you play for nothing
                            but if it's that bullshit like "i belong to 5k but my team drags me down","i've seen 2k ppl play like 7k ppl and the other way around too" or "mmr doesn't mean anything and doesn't reflect your skill at all" then you're a moron

                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                              Yeah, a MMR is a number that measure how good you are. While the TBD 10 games is not that accurate, after many games you'll eventually fall to your "real" MMR.

                              Example: You can calibrated right away to 5200MMR in just a few games "if" you are a already a great player. Vice versa, bad player are calibrated on much lower mmr.

                              Although there's "trick" for the sudden MMR boost during TBD period, its pretty long to explain here. You can try google and search it for yourself :-)

                              Dire Wolf

                                it is just a number

                                Does it make any difference if you are 5000 or 2000? No. Neither are going pro. There's no tangible difference. Both play pub matches.


                                  afaik 10 calibration games aren't that important now that u have to play actual games before playing ranked, instead of playing against bots until lv 13 so that there's only a sample size of 10 games.

                                  > does it make any difference if you are 5000 or 2000?

                                  there's a difference in skill, that's all. that shouldn't stop someone enjoying the game if they're bad but saying that there's no difference whatsoever is delusional


                                    there are pros with 5k mmr actually


                                      isnt that cos they don't play ranked often though?

                                      mason was like high 4ks for a while but thats cos intentionally feeds alot i think, he's got some god awful NP winrate. those that are 5k could get 6k easily though.


                                        there are actually bad pros, don't wanna name them tho


                                          i mean bad for pro scene ~5k

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            being pro doesn't have anything to do with mmr actually, some pros don't even pub play anymore. But that's my point mmr doesn't mean anything other than you would beat people lower than you. So what? Want a cookie? People get too obsessed with it.

                                            The whole reason for it really is so your matches are fun, you win about half of them and don't stomp or get stompped.


                                              4 shiny numbers

                                              CLEETUS McFarland

                                                Dont forget those stuck with 3 numbers. I cant go over 950 :)

                                                Chairman Mao

                                                  Simply put, all players are shit.


                                                    well, mmr only shows ur capacity to win games

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      No it doesn't even show that. It shows your capacity to win games while being calibrated I guess.

                                                      *Change* in mmr shows your capacity to win games. Ideally everyone would calibrate perfectly and would win exactly 50% of their games.

                                                      For as much as people bitch about it, do you really want to live in a world without mmr? Every match would be a coin flip, you wouldn't know if opposing players were 5k equivalents or 2k equivalents, matches would be so imbalanced.

                                                      Putting a visible number on it just makes people take the game seriously. It's really a neat mental trick.

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                                                        mmr is like swag