General Discussion

General DiscussionA intentional feeder/thrower on your team yet you still won

A intentional feeder/thrower on your team yet you still won in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The most idiot mid invoker I've ever seen. Lucky we still won (through comeback xD)

    Its pretty rare to see a intentional feeder in a ranked game, but what can we do if theres a feeder in your team? Try to fight hard or just let the game end quickly? (¬_¬)

    Riguma Borusu

      Doesn't really matter most games, sometimes those people just feed the enemies' confidence, and you end up killing them to get more gold and exp after they over-confidently overextend.

      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        He intentionally feed in the beginning but eventually switch his mind when he see were catching up the game xD (but he's already 20+ deaths with only lvl9 while I'm already lvl16 i think).

        Well, 9 out of 10 you'll eventually lose if you have a intentional feeder on your team. Lucky comeback doesnt happen pretty more often o(╥﹏╥)o

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          why make their days harder, just feed with them so you all get an easy loss



            2v5 with courier feedng and all that good stuff, still pretty ez win tho


     qop fed couriers,gems and herself because i apparently stole a kill.

              When we were about to win she bought rapier and tried to throw even harder.


       this husker died 3 times in the first few minutes so he raged. Literally dived the rest of the game or say in fountain.


                  ^^ at least she still does more damage than bh

                  inb4 typical bh teamfight contribution


                    Had a game where guy gets charged by spirit breaker, we ping him, >spirit breaker is missing, type in chat "ss spirit breaker" of course he dies first blood then proceeds to not only feed himself but couriers for a full 45 minutes. We held out so long as we were certainly mechanically more skilled but eventually they just won due to massiive gold advantage. Im positive we would have won if he had just abandoned after dying first blood.


                      I'm positive I would have won so many games as well if the useless shits on my team just abandoned before they fucked up.


                        New strat: Ddos entire team at start of every match, 100% winrate.


                          Kappastorm is new IceFrog

                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                            I'm also annoyed in this situation:

                            Scenario: Ranked Match picking phase

                            -Player A pick 'Tiny' and chat "im mid"
                            -Player B select offlane
                            -Player C select support
                            -Player D select 'Pudge' then chat "Im mid".

                            Player A and D argue. Eventually, dual mid happened, and player A decided to throw the game.

                            Whos at fault?

                            Both of them are idiot. But Player D is at fault. Don't try to steal other players lane especially if the team already decided whos going to take the mid.

                            bum farto

                              ^ Wrong. There is no such thing as fault in DotA. Passing blame is something that people that don't want to climb do.

                              The simple fact that someone will select mid when the mid is already picked/selected tells me he's not willing to cooperate and if I was mid I would do something else. Winning the game is on you and no one else, I have had plenty of questionable people in my game, and have even been one of those people but that is theirs, and my loss.

                              If you want to win you can. Also Invoker "intentionally" feeding did a fair amount of hero damage so I highly doubt it was all intentional at the start, honestly getting shit talked by his team mates probably set him off.

                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                I see your point. But still, if only he control his temper during the early stages of the game, we should had won that game much easier. We're just lucky to win that game xD


                                  A bloodseeker started to feed after i accidently last hitted enemy ward (seems he wanted to get 50 gold)