General Discussion

General DiscussionStreaks have no sense

Streaks have no sense in General Discussion

    So I'm playing regularly ranked again since 3-4 months
    started at 3300 i reached the max of 4250
    however in the last 2 weeks, literally half of my games are unwinnable bullshit where enemies get throne in 20 min
    i usually don't blame team when I lose, but you can't really do anything if the enemy team is on your rax 15 minutes into the game
    i'm currently at 4100
    it's like volvo wants me to lose, how is this possible? I remember getting good games, now I can't play dota anymore
    does this happen to you?

    i'm taking a break from ranked because this shit made me tilt

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    one syllable anglo-saxon

      Same shit, dropped from 4100 to 3900 when I was tilted, now sitting at 44% winrate. During the last week, that's about 15 matches, I've got 4 guys who randomed a carry and forced out of safelane, 2 guys who went doublemid/double safelane, not even counting junglers, 0 impact supports or shit team compositions, I've never met so many ruiners in such a short time span before.

      I still think it's just a very unlucky streak, there's no reason to shadowban me or do similar bullshit, I don't start blaming,try to get my team do something useful, don't ruin games intentionally, never fed myself or couriers, never went afk unless I was sure it is a 100% loss(i.e we got 1 rax left when they took Rosh with all of their T2s are still intact etc.) This will probably go after some time or games played, though I'm really anxious to start a ranked game now.


        Solution is easy dont play solo matches make a team with 5 people for allpick matchces so you know nobody randoms like a meepo and goes mid with it . Or if you play solo play captians mode . The amount of idiots there is much lower but even there you will have games that are simply unwinable .

        Paid actor

          Ive found that durin the weekend this kind of things happen alot, mb coz the number of players is higher. It cant be helped tho its unfortunate but u have to live with it :(. Trust me u aint the only 1 who has those problems, but on the bright side (if there is one) this things happen almost the same amount of time to the enemy team which still aint fun thing to play against but gives that +25 if u rly are in to that.


            When i realize im in losing streak.
            I play spectre (as support hero).
            Nofarm, roam, wards, and stupidly win the game.


            Paid actor


              ROFL, gj man XD


                I dropped from 4900 to 4200 and now I'm sitting at 4780.

                Dr Steve Brule

                  I like to pick late when I m on a bad run just to ensure the team gets what they need. There is nothing worse than being on a bad streak and than getting an unbalanced team or poorly picked team.


                    you can't say "weekends" "shit player pool" or similar
                    simply because feeders should be in the enemy team as well in this case
                    so i should have the same amount of "lose in 20 min" and "win in 20min" matches

                    yesterday i played 7 ranked matches, outcome:
                    4 TOTALLY UNWINNABLE SHITS (the OD game i was like 13 0, slark decides to farm all game, then he fights, dies, instabuybacks, dies again for 120, gg. They won all fights with bkb ursa sven and magnus and i couldn't do shit anymore)
                    3 hard matches where I carried the game

                    this isn't fair
                    i don't like playing in a 5 stack, dunno why

                    I tried playing mid, carry, support, same thing over and over again

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                      I want a steak too!



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                            ez party mmr
                            kids = dumpstered

                            Livin' Real Good

                              I totally get what you mean.

                              Your teams aren't those typical teams that you normally get, they're not those typical bad teams that are still carryable. They're those type of teams that are barely level 8-9, while you're level 13 right? Then you think yourself " WTF? Why am I a level 13 support, while my fucking Spectre is level 9 and had free farm, and has NO items, and lacks dota basic 3.9-4.2K mechanics along with everyone else here, and this happens pretty much every game you play right? Nothing but under leveled teammates every game, teammates that play sooo slow and passive right?

                              Then all of a sudden, maybe a few days later, it's not even that you're playing better, all of a sudden your teammates just get better again, they become normal right? Those type of loss streaks literally make me feel like i'm hidden pool'd for being reported too much (communication abuse) but talking about the hidden pool is forbidden here on DotaBuff, or else look like a scrub, so don't you dare bring it up. Kappa

                              Been playing like shit lately tho.

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                              lm ao

                                I want a steak too!

                                lm ao

                                  Damn the joke was already taken


                                    I'm still trying to get back that 250 i lost on Sunday....I think Valve should introduce something like in Starcraft, if you don't play the game for a while, your mmr drops automatically since there are a lot of people who play every once in a while and have calibrated at a certain MMR then they don't play for a while, drop in skill yet they are still getting paired with people who actually have that skill level and just suck.


                                      @npc_dota_hero_slark_bio: exactly this.
                                      i get balanced games, cooperative teammates for a while, and then suddenly every game becomes a shitshow for the next 2-3 weeks
                                      I don't understand
                                      and I don't believe in shadow pool simply because games are unbalanced and my team is worse

                                      Attitude is worse too, people are flaming me from pick screen for no reason, like last game "spectre picker i hate you" (??)

                                      i agree with the mmr reset after a while
                                      and however half of the people in low 4k are smurfs

                                      i think i'll go get a steak now

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                                      lm ao

                                        Skolder NO PLS FUCK OFF LOSER

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          I am getting complete retards right now, I don't know what to do. Invoker that I have to keep alive throughout the fucking laning phase against a solo gyro, techies and lion who can't use their fucking spells and have no sense of judgement, windranger that uses an almost minute cooldown ult to farm the big creep in the enemy jungle after dying four times to a solo PA, etc, just rofl.

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                                            Yeah, it must be that 2.4k mmr is too hard, kappa. Must be retards.

                                            @ on topic

                                            Just take a small break, balance between ranked and unranked, if you're in hidden pool, you should be able to get out of it after you win few games with nice kda or some shit.

                                            Don't tilt and lose more mmr jsut because you want to get back old one, you'll end up in 3k and trust me, you don't want to go back here m8.


                                              Bro I agree with you. I finally stopped ranking at 4450 solo and 5018 party and play only normals now. I feel you. Even everybody is saying the amount of luck should be equal with unluck I used to lose from start like 50% of games and for the rest of 50% to incredibly struggle so I can win. I was sometimes even depressed because of this shit.

                                              However the only ways to raise let's say more than 4k and to stay up ( not to climb and go down ) are the following:
                                              1)Just be a lucky player ( Not joke I have seen lots of 5k, 6k and even 4k which I don't say they are weak, but they just play normally good)
                                              2)Play a huge amount of games so that unluck will tend to be indeed equal with the luck. If you play just 3-4 games a day it seems extremely hard to raise your mmr. But if you plane insane amount of time, you analyze replays, you are friendly, you always try to pick mid or carry but if those are already picked you pick support and not jungler, if you pick heroes strong on meta and on this particular range of mmr can grow :D


                                                Yeah I'll take a break from ranked for at least a week

                                                @All games are WINNABLE: this was my point. My mindset was "okay, I lost 25, can't do shit, go next, on a large number of games i'll win more than I lose"
                                                but if matchmaking shits on me 20 times in a row I will tilt and I'm afraid I will lose winnable matches as well, so goodbye mmr
                                                this works only for some people, for me if I play too much ranked I simply tilt and I become pessimist.
                                                I try to improve every game however i think i'm ready to climb 4k because I play good when I get a decent game, and I had like 65% winrate in the last 3 months before of this shit

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                                                Pale Mannie

                                                  I stole all of your steaks


                                                    When you lose a game or two,gotta take a 2 or 3 hour break to just chill out and watch some streams or games

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