General Discussion

General DiscussionTrends

Trends in General Discussion

    I was looking at some stats at the site today and noticed something wrong.
    Just want to point out that the way the % change for Win Rate and Pick Rate is calculated is not really relevant.

    The current calculation is:
    Change in % = Current % - Start %

    instead of the logical:
    Change in % = Current % / Start % *100


    Invoker is currently ranked second as the biggest winner of this week.
    Let's look at his pick rate and compare it with Death Prophet

    Start = 31.86%
    Current = 33.45%
    Change = +1.59% (?)

    Death Prophet:
    Start = 4.85%
    Current = 6.35%
    Change = +1.50% (?)

    If we use the correct formula for percentage change, it would be:
    +4.99% increase for Invoker
    +30.93% increase for Death Prophet

    Hopefully that made sense because at the moment the many of the stats are like that for some reason

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      Another example:
      (pick rate)

      Hero 1
      Start = 3%
      Current = 4%
      Change = 1% according to the current formula, % Change in reality is 25%.

      Hero 2
      Start = 4%
      Current = 5%
      Change = still 1% according to the dotabuff formula, the real % change is 20% though.

      The current foruma (Current - Start) would rate %change for both heroes the same, because the sum % change (Current - Start) increased in the same increment of 1 for both of the heroes, regardless of the fraction, or how significant it is to the overall sum.

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        Isn't it because it rather than showing % change from start to current, it shows percent change relative to 100% of games?

        So Invoker is in 1.59% more games, not that his specific pick rate increased by 1.59% (because his specific pick rate increases by 4.99%, as you pointed out).

        Overall, not sure if you realize ^ or are just saying it makes less sense to do it that way when it could be the % change per hero, which I agree with. Maybe a separate tab could be added to reflect both changes.


          I know that it has be a % of all games for 'Start' or 'Current' i just think the % change pick rate /win rate and many other stats could be better

          the realm's delight

            what do u care

            lm ao

              lol moku y do u care

              Dire Wolf

                It's not wrong and actually think your version is less logical. You just need to throw out the percentages and look at it as unitless. Old invoker was picked 31.86 units. New invoker is picked 33.45 units for a change of +1.59 units. I think that makes more sense than using a percentage increase though maybe the percentage could be in a separate column.


                  It would make sense to use the 'previous winrate' - 'current winrate' if the previous winrate of all heroes was the same.
                  In reality the pick rate of heroes varies by a big margin so there's no way for +5% added on top of a 30% base pickrate to ever equal +5% on top of 10%.


                    @Allison, Hotsauce
                    I care because that's what I do when I procrastinate lol

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