General Discussion

General DiscussionIf omniknight has such a high winrate

If omniknight has such a high winrate in General Discussion

    Even in 5k+ then why do people not just spam the hero to get free mmr? Isn't that the reason why u have high mmr games spamming invokers? Not just invokers, meta heroes whatever the patch is.And yet omni has higher winrate but no one picks him


      A lot of people consider the hero boring I think.

      acc buyers in my team

        cuz it's a support


          after 4.5k they counter you with diffusal every game and you become useless

          Livin' Real Good

            Cause he's a support, and no one likes playing support. (obviously not everyone, fuck off)

            I don't play him cause he's pretty slow and boring, Dunno. I also hate fighting him, so part of why I don't pick him myself.


              hes boring as fuck

              Pale Mannie

                Diffusal Blade is knocking on his door


                  Reese my man. Highest winrate hero in 5k+ Statistically speaking he is not countered well if he still wins so much. I get that he is a boring support. But you still need supports eveRy game. And support players also like to pick meta supports more then omni? How does that make sense. Can we all conclude that the hero is just boring as fuk?

                  waku waku

                    he's not THAT good


                      he isnt the highest winrate in 5k,chen is


                        Over 4.5k Everyone get's a free diffusal blade, silver edge and AA ult at the start of the game and Omni is useless there.


                          Because if you want to pick Omniknight, you have to convince your teammates to pick 4 cores. Which is not always happens. There is always someone who just watched KuroKy or FY playing Rubick videos.


                            trust me there are omni spammers in 6k and 7k lol
                            altho its mainly an nadota thing


                              also everyone is obsessed with support omni for some reason which will never survive in a meta where duo offlanes are so common
                              as a result this also makes offlane omni the most ideal (since u get to fight a duao safe lane often) but ur teammates wont let you sometimes

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                                Being bored to death far outweights 25 points.


                                  its a myth to say diffusal blades counter omni. There's only a few heroes for which a diffusal is a good choice. It also only has a few charges.

                                  I'd say getting the enemy to buy diffusals and use the charges on repelled and guardian angelled targets is already going some way to winning.


                                    A myth would be if it didnt counter him, it does, hence its not a myth. You can get a difusal on any hero. 8 charges are not a "few" charges.
                                    Its like saying aa forcing enemy heroes to buy bkbs is already paving a way to victory.
                                    Otherwise no one would ever bother countering with items and would just make their optimal builds all the time, because thats how dota works, right?

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                                      ^ way to go being super-obtuse.

                                      and as an aside there are plenty of heroes that would rather not have to buy a bkb and forcing them to buy a defensive item does go a long way to winning a game.

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                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Necro has a gigantic pub win rate too but he's also boring


                                          ^Not in 5k+


                                            1: He's boring to play
                                            2: He's a support (people don't like to play supports)
                                            3: Better players counter him with diffusal


                                              hey im slark u know what time to buy diffusal to counter omni
                                              hey im invoker u know what better get that diffu mane
                                              hey im dazzle better get the diffu maaaaneee
                                              hey im shaker, guna rush dat blade my nigga, u know difusal
                                              hey im sven, difusal is core mane



                                                ^^Pick spectre win game


                                                  3k mmr scrubs think that Diffusal counters Omni? It's wrong, just fucking wrong. Blink and Force staff and silence counters him, that hero is slow as fuck.

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                                                    If ember spirit has such low winrate, why do people spam the hero?



                                                      MMR won't bring you happiness MMR won't bring you glory.

                                                      There is only one score that matters: prize money. If you don't earn any then your games of dota mean fuck all when the throne is down. These endless MMR threads are getting fucking ridiculous.

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                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Necro win rate is still 53% even in 5k. People spam heroes they think are fun


                                                            People actually play dota for fun far more than to gain MMR.

                                                            Playing Omni is worse than boring - it is frustrating. When you play Omni a lot your game experience is focused on how stupid your team really is because you are constantly looking to save them from their mistakes. When you see just how many stupid mistakes they really make, the game is less fun.

                                                            Diffusal does almost nothing to counter Omni-knight because people don't get diffusal until after the enemy cores can get bkb anyway. Repel covers the early part of the game when there are no diffusals. By the time you get one; its too late you already lost. Removing guardian angel with diffusal charges is rarely practical or important.

                                                            Omni is really countered by good teamwork and even 5k's don't have it because they are random people instead of a real team.




                                                                a lot of people do spam omni ....

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  SirActionSlacks spams omni.


                                                                    He can be fun if played as a core with s&y Skadi + Degen aura for superomgwtf slow.

                                                                    Anyway support heroes that fully rely on saving other people like omni/dazzle are extremely boring to play, at least for me.

                                                                    Whenever I play support I play either Visage or WD with max Maledict and go around and kill people, fuck healing.

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                                                                      He is melee and slow. He is consigned to be played as a support even though he can be played as Tanker-utility-semi-carry is hard to enjoy a game where you are consigned to general public perception. Win = gg ez mmr from mid. Lose = gg weak omni. Also, there are better safe-lane support than omni who can actually zone people out.

                                                                      If purification can be cast as a nuke similar to mist coil, he would definitely see a huge spike in popularity.

                                                                      Still, I rather play him/face him rather than techies.....


                                                                        Because Omni is a support and being support means not doing all the farming and getting all the kills. RIP.


                                                                          Omni CAN ZONE one offlaner, but he has hard times vs duo.



                                                                            I don't know, but in my trench, 3.7-4.3k, I am fine playing ANY offlane range hero versus a solo omni + carry who try to zone me out. I have no problem even if I am playing offlane SB versus 1 omni + carry.

                                                                            It is different if there are two supports trying to zone me out though.


                                                                              I play Omni alot but in Sea server, your skill is useless here :D


                                                                                And what you do when Omni runs at you? Hug your tower 10km away from XP range? =)


                                                                                  blame server for ur own incompetence sure xDDD


                                                                                    It seems the doom over-extend quite a bit....why did he walk into the nc instead of blocking his creep spawn is beyond me.....

                                                                                    Any ranged hero will be able to get cheap shots at him and slowly poke him into lane submission. Even if I am playing a melee hero, I have no qualms to trade hits with Omni if I am near my tower too.

                                                                                    There is a reason why ranged support is valued so much over melee supports because it is generally hard for them to zone offlaners, unless you are referring to ogre......


                                                                                      Also, match id please? I am curious to know did you win the game in the end?


                                                                                        Chen has the highest win rate in 5k+ games btw

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                                                                                            Ofc, I lost. You can't watch replay, it's too old. But if you look at Slark's KDA... well... you can guess what happened.

                                                                                            Be Blue ! 👌

                                                                                              Idiots saying diffusal blade, you do reaslise even if you have a max of 8 per diffusal, a good ulti will cover at least 3 people + repel... Spamming diffusal cause of omni would make you lose the game not win cause you made the item


                                                                                                If the other team takes omni then you should pick Riki or PL.

                                                                                                Riki is good because he can force the greedy support Omni to be very poor as well as the Diffusal blade purchase.

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  Actually you should pick invoker (mass dispel tornado shit), and silencer (blow them all up before omni does anything), clinkz (with orchid, sneak up and blow omni up before he ults), though riki can do same shit clinkz can with a smoke bomb.


                                                                                                    Reese2 days ago
                                                                                                    after 4.5k they counter you with diffusal every game and you become useless

                                                                                                    umm NO


                                                                                                      With HOTD buff, you can just dominate a creep for the need to be obsessed with diffusal.....

                                                                                                      I would thought naga might be a legit counter to omni. Repel + GA? Naga cast song and proceed with her team to whack the repelled hero with impunity....however, statistics seems to tell a different story....