Maelstorm ? Cheap and help for "flash/push" farm (not like bf but still work)
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So I've noticed late bf come around 17, 22, 30 minutes in. So would the AM player force team to play 4v5 til 50 minutes in? or does he just take opportune fights?
So you guys are in favor if 15-18 minute maelstorm vs. 22-30 minute bf?
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If you farm well you can get a bf in 13 minutes or sooner depending on ez laning.. maelstrom is trash wtf are you talking about
Get spectre instead. It doesnt really matter if u get radi 15 or 25 min, as long as your team can create some space.
i really don't like am picker farm all day like there is no tomorrow
wtf coming from jungle at 40min when the team already lost the barracks
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I've noticed the winrate of AM go down if he doesn't get battlefury within 15 minutes. I've noticed that delaying AM til 16-17 minutes in is enough or usually he can't flash farm or he goes around 20 minutes to team fight instead of flash farm and is behind the whole game.
What alternatives does AM make? S&Y or Manta or should he just flash farm and say sack team fights til 30-50 minutes/high ground?