General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play DK

How to play DK in General Discussion
Mary Poppins


    For my quest I need to deal 3k damage to enemy construction with DK. Any advice for playing him?

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      desolator and whatever else.

      Mary Poppins

        Hulll never saw that before, basicly i go tread, armlet, bkb, ac, buriza.

        Deso first item after tread?

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          3k tower damage is easy just get your normal items then go mid take mid tower if enemy midlaner is missing then tell your team to push whenever your ult is off cooldown stack ancients go rosh then go high ground with aegis


            just think that deso is very easy for tower damage, as it removes armor from buildings as well
            do JUST for the sake of the quest, use deso. i wouldn't recommend it in a normal DK build

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              Dire Wolf

                If all you care about is the quest, just go treads, two bracers, then rush AC.


                  not sure if you're serious


                    make AC

                    Dire Wolf

                      AC will get you that needed tower dmg. I like double bracers cus they're fucking cheap and with his passive it's a ton of EHP. I'm not a huge fan of drums, the active is awesome but otherwise overpriced.

                      There's tons of good items on DK though, halberd, s&y, bkb, ac, armlet, satanic, heart, daedulus even mjollnir can be good. It just depends on how much farm you can get and when you wish to fight. Can't really go wrong with bracer, s&y, bkb, ac.


                        except if you build just build normal DK items and play him normally like you should, you'll easily get 3k tower damage before you reach AC and you'll have a better chance of winning the game which is needed to complete the quest, it's not enough to just get 3k tower damage which is why rushing AC with no other items or building shit like deso doesn't help.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Don't go first item Blink if you don't know what you're doing or else it will be a waste of gold. Also, your build is fine. Armlet is not good every game but it's fine.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Deso is stupid, but what's wrong with ac rush? Maybe bkb then ac, but dk with just ac is pretty strong regardless.

                            Puck you

                              Banned for 24h has a good idea on how to play DK, i see a lot of other weird answers here.

                              Blink after PT is completely fine IMO, mobility is crucial since your movespeed is low. Silver edge is also fine if there are passives that you have to break.

                              My normal build would look something like

                              Bottle -> PT -> Blink -> Maelstrom (or BKB if absolutely needed, avoid if you can) -> S&Y -> AC -> Daedalus -> Moonshard.

                              1 hit every five seconds guarantees 100 tower damage with ulti. Hence, hit towers 30 times with at least five seconds of interval and youre done. An average game with a dk should have upwards of 7-8k of tower damage.

                              Dont listen to the normal skill fool that suggested desolator.

                              As for playstyle:

                              Do not focus on ganking. Instead you should prioritize farming. Whenever your ultimate is off cooldown, you push towers. Thats about it really.


                                as dk you should try to keep your plagues up during all the encounters, depending on the raidboss you play against you may or may not change ur lvl 100 talent in order to gain higher aoe dps. its also better to go for frost even in pve, as long as you get enough mastery on your items.


                                  because the hero doesn't farm fast and AC is an item with shit buildup, the problem is when the item is half complete for 20 minutes, if you had mid game items such as drum, sny, bkb, dominator, whatever, those help you win fights and transition into pushes and get tower damage.

                                  an AC should not be the difference between you only just getting 3k tower damage with it compared to without. if it is, then you've not done enough as a DK.

                                  its like the new TB, or sometimes lycan. just because those heroes "can" split push, doesn't mean it's always best to. instead you build the hero to win teamfights which then lets you get 2 towers after a fight instead of only 1 if you had a hero with weaker push such as PA, rather than building items that will let you damage towers further since your skillset already allows you to.


                                    also wand is far better than a bracer.

                                    4 str instead of 6 but 17 charges > 2 extra strength

                                    old wand with the recipe was far less cost efficient that i'd keep stick on most core heroes, wand if you're fighting, but now wand is so cost efficient there's like almost no reason to not upgrade it unless you're someone like AM who doesn't join early fights often enough.

                                    Puck you


                                      that is why i think maelstrom (and later mjollnir) is really good for the hero. DK needs both attack speed and a farming accelerator.

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                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Maelstrom gives u like no stats though, it makes you a farming hero which isn't necessarily good on a tanky hero that wants to fight.

                                        I understand what you are saying about ac, but just getting a 2k g hyperstone helps your dps quite a bit, you can stack ancients and clear em, I mean sange or yasha is 2100g or so, though yes buildup is easier.

                                        Wands good idea, didn't think of that.


                                          maelstrom's also cost efficient damage, that's the strength of the item. it's good for both farming and fighting. if you can get away with not getting tanky items, then maelstrom will help you farm up your next item e.g. SNY since you'll probably need to tank up eventually, and helps with DK's mediocre damage.

                                          hyperstone is not cost efficient DPS, that item is hot trash on it's own. yasha's way better, so is midas or mask of madness or dominator or even drum possibly blink, and this'll apply to any hero. and you're saying maelstrom is shit because of it's lack of stats but you're getting hyperstone first on DK in order to build an AC.

                                          if you're gonna rush AC with no early game items, dont get double bracer get an iron talon. AC's not even that good for damage when it's rushed because it amplifies damage that you don't have much of to begin with. you'd do more damage with maelstrom's lightning procs and a drum for the chase or something.

                                          or you get SNY because the hero's slow as fuck, that'll also make you super tanky and increase your damage but you're not at risk of being dead weight if you fall slightly behind because the item's super easy to build up.

                                          when a hero rushes a big item as their first major item e.g. spec, alch or naga rushing radiance, or AM battlefury instead of fighting items (diffusal/manta/sny) it's because it has a significant game changing impact on the game, enough to justify leaving your team to 4v5 temporarily because it has the potential to turn the game back in your favour.

                                          and if AC isn't the difference between only just getting 3k tower damage, then you would have gotten enough tower damage without the AC and had a better chance of winning the game because you're not useless in the mid game where the hero's supposed to be strongest.

                                          if you can get into a winning position then you're naturally going to get the 3k tower damage without even trying. if you do shit like double bracer no wand and you have an incomplete AC at 25 minutes you're gonna lose fights and this hero can't split push effectively.

                                          if the enemy team are crushing fights because you've spent 2k gold on 0 stats and shit damage, or 2k gold on 15 armour, they don't give a fuck when your AC is complete. when a spec finally gets radiance, she can turn a losing game around with haunt. naga can do that by delaying the game with split push, et cetera. there's a power spike where your team is now stronger than theirs, or your power spike will accelerate faster with your greedy item.

                                          the same does not apply to assauilt cuirass on DK, because you could get cheaper items with better buildup that will have a much higher impact. there are plenty of other alternatives that can make you tankier and deal more damage, but nothing will make naga farm as fast as a radiance or delay the game as well compared to without it, or AM farm as fast with a battle fury.

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                                          Dire Wolf

                                            On a strength hero hyperstone is always going to be a lot more dps than yasha, yasha is just 31 IAS. But move speed is good.

                                            Ok don't rush AC. Get drums and s&y and call it a day.


                                              isnt this hero get 6 > push tower


                                                Pretty much what dream said. Keep farming in lane, if someones missing, ult and take tower. Your job is to take towers, dont teamfight unless you think its a good engagement where you think you can come out on top. If youre mid go treads, bottle, sb, bkb if necessary and AC. With your sb, you can easily gank anyone. Gank a couple of times and the enemy will start 5 manning, just watch the map and split push carefully. With DK you can take towers in a minute or so with ult up


                                                  1 movement speed has uses besides farming

                                                  2 realistically it's not because this hero is slow as fuck, you're going to lose attacks because you're out of range

                                                  3 im making a point on how it's better to get something other than AC on DK

                                                  4 theres 5 other items that you've ignored, the point is that if something like yasha is more useful on DK than a hyperstone then hyperstone is pretty bad since you'd go sange first anyway most of the time.

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                                                      Basically what kitrak said. No hero should bully a dk out of lane with 2 points in passive. I prefer sb over blink. That requires less communication. Sny is good on dk