General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes diffusal and Skadi stack?

Does diffusal and Skadi stack? in General Discussion

    ^ above

    Riguma Borusu



        Diffu lost orb status some time ago, so yeah, they stack.


          yes, diffusals stack with everything (besides antimage's passive, afair)

          Dire Wolf

            Yes, the only item that doesn't stack with other stuff now is desolator. Still a bunch of hero abilities that don't stack, all on a case by case basis.

            The reason diffusal doesn't stack with AM's burn is cus mana drains don't stack. You can't stack two diffusal's either.

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            Nah, I'd win

              removing UAM from Deso and SF is back again

              Dire Wolf

                removing uam from deso would make a shit load of heroes massively op. TA, clinkz come to mind. Sniper, drow maybe.


                  the only item uams left are skadi, deso, maelstrom, mjollnir,crysalys and daedalus as far as i can think off the top of my head.

                  Dire Wolf

                    That is so misleading, proc based uams only overwrite others when they proc. Meaning if maelstrom procs a lightning it won't apply skadi on that hit. But who cares? All it means is you can't stack like 5 maelstroms cus it won't work well. Crit is not a uam.

                    Lifesteal is a uam but it stacks with almost everything, just some hero abilites don't stack and deso. Really deso is the only thing you have to worry about item wise and then your hero's particular abilities like AM's mana burn, viper's orb, drow's orb, OD's orb etc.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      Deso and non-aura/non-ability based lifesteal being an UAM is not even a balance issue, it's a leftover from wc3 legacy, wc3 has a really really funky and inconsistent idea of how UAMs should work.

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                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        Fucking peasants don't know why Desolator Lich is a thing.

                        Anyone who answers the question gets a gift from me.


                          more armor swing

                          Die Lie Sigh

                            @gg - what question?


                              Is crit not a uam? Doesn't it override any other uam if it procs?


                                Crit, cleave, maelstorm, skadi, deso, am's mana burn, drow's frost arrow all fall under "Attack Modifier". However not all of them are unique, therefore some of them may stack without interfering with others, or stack in some way with the same effect (i.e.: chance stacking of multiple daedalus).

                                "Unique Attack Modifier" that only stacks which is not chance based is lifesteal + Orb of Venom/Eye of Skadi.


                                  ajde da vidim koji csh gift da mi dash.

                                  Big Daddy Pudge

                                    diffusal blade stacks with any unique attack modifier (i.e.- Eye of Skadi, Helmet of the dominator etc.)


                                      Don't try to think about uam.
                                      It's orb effect and buff placer.
                                      Cann't have more than one of each per attack.
                                      every uam are both buff placer and orb effect, exept for skady which is only buff placer, and lifesteal which is only orb effect.
                                      -the reason why skady and life leech stack-

                                      Also, Proc chance uam are uam only when they proc, and nothing when not proccing (so mjolnir is an uam only 20% of the time)

                                      And hell wtf with this "i agree shit ...." button, we need to tick it every time we post or wut?
                                      Not like anyone will read this "code of conduct"

                                      Edit: and so to answers : yes they stack, diffusal is not an uam

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                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        I remember the old times, you had to carefully choose what orb you wanted. Now you can get Skadi, Maelstrom, Diffusal, Lifesteal and S&Y on Clinkz.

                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                          @Kitrak why Deso Lich is a thing.

                                          @xan sta ti dusa zeli


                                            diffusal is not uam but it doesnt stack with anti mage's mana burn


                                              @gg was my answer not correct?

                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                Nope. The answer to the question isn't exactly logical.

                                                saving private RTZ

                                                  Crit is not a UAM. By this logic Basher is UAM as well, which is not. If you crit, you lifesteal(see PA), if you crit you still apply deso-7 armor, skadi slow etc.

                                                  And deso only works with Mjolnir because as Matrice said Mjolnir is a UAM only when it procs


                                                    Deso works when Mjollnir doesn't proc, which is most of the time.


                                                      Crit and bash were buff placer (so more or less what is called "uam") for ranged heroes on dota1.
                                                      But they aint in dota2


                                                        lmao a kitrak fanboy

                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                          @ matrice

                                                          Gotta toggle that MKB with Deso on ranged heroes.


                                                            Actually Skadi used to be both an orb and buff placer for melee heroes in DotA 1. Doesn't stop retard slarks from getting MoM tho.