General Discussion

General DiscussionTo All DotA Players (even if you are 6k)

To All DotA Players (even if you are 6k) in General Discussion

    Life is a journey.

    People that post threads like how to jump out of their recent MMR are pretty pointless IMO.

    I was calibrated at 1.6k after been playing this game for 3 months. I was a bit angry at the low MMR "given" to me. I was a veteran of dota 1 from 2006-2008 and I was thinking. " Am I that bad?"

    After honest assesment, back in dota 1 days I didn't watch replays or try a lot o heroes and my choices of heroes are limited and don't require a lot of active skills and simple like Lich,Sven, Bounty, Skeleton King back then, and Drow. watching people stream open my eyes how my perception of certain heroes are wrong.

    So to make this short dota is pretty much like life. If you want to make money, you need to focus on your skills in particular field and need to read, network and all that stuff. If u go to gym, you can't expect to be muscular and attract the girls in 1-3 months. IN FACT, life is a journey and lifelong learning. Just ask experts in their field, they don't know everything, but they're excited to learn something new everyday and keeps better and better. Professional athletes, entrepreneurs... whatever!

    So in dota too. I am willing to commit a few games on new heroes at least 5-8 games in unranked to know how this unfamiliar heroes I never played work etc.. watch streams...etc.

    Well, for me dota is a lifestyle. I ask to myself whether I will play this game for the rest of my life. Well, I can see that. So, it's not really wasting my time.

    Ok, enough rant. Have fun and good luck playing dota.

    Note: I wanna have some friends to play with me. So , I will mention my friend ID in near future. I play in SEA server. I like captains mode, i have high win rate in that mode and I usually am the captain :) thanks guys, be blessed.

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    U are all dogshit

      Well, for me dota is a lifestyleWell, for me dota is a lifestyleWell, for me dota is a lifestyleWell, for me dota is a lifestyleWell, for me dota is a lifestyle.


        tell me how to get out of 6k trench


          Nice words dude, if you want to play with me just ask, I am a dota 1 veteran too and started in dota 2 few weeks ago.


            <2k captains mode is a joke, the point of captains mode is to draft counters and meta heroes (and to prevent through bans), to be good at it, watching the entire series of the upcoming major would be a good start. I highly doubt <2k bracket knows how to counter or anything about the meta even.

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              @superbeaver I watched gameplay and pub cast on youtube. And I know what to pick on first and second phase. And I checked the record of the opponents before I play and ban the heroes they frequently win with in ranked.

              Usually the 2 supps first. Then the offlaner/jungler and midlaner the second, the last is hard carry.

              I dont first pick the hard carry like my opponent or anything like that.


                ^ although a draft won is usually a game won, if you get idiots who have no idea how the hero he gets works CM is still pointless


                  Of course communication is more important than the individual skill per se. That's why i always encourage team member to communicate in drafting phase. When I'm not the captain, the captains usually picked by himself! Theory and combo wise it was good but a bad captain doesn't talk to the other 4. When I am the captain I always encourage team members to pick heroes they frequently play, hearing their opinions of bans and picks while I make the final decision. Before picking a hero I ensure that they can play it turns out well.


                    Happy Dotatine day fellas! :D


                      I haven't played Dota 1 and started Dota 2 @ late 2014. but as soon as I participated in the rank match making I had 1.8k solo mmr. For someone as new as me, it's normal. Though now I'm stuck in 3.3k.

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                          SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                            ^ Play more of your Phoenix, abaddon and CM; you'll hit 4k soon