General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat buffs would YOU give Storm in order to bring him back from the d...

What buffs would YOU give Storm in order to bring him back from the dead? in General Discussion
Livin' Real Good

    I know, and YOU know that this hero was one of the hypest heroes to ever hit a meta, and most people loved him, a few people hated him, but fact of the matter is, you need a little Storm Spirit in your life. So how would you bring him back without making him OP?


      You scrub! He's ok, people just need some skill this time!!!!

      Livin' Real Good

        Benao O_O


          If anything, they nerfed sf -.-

          Livin' Real Good

            They did sadly, I barely started playing him this patch, never touched him in 6.84 or 85, how sad. At least you still got Drow... oh wait... she's weak too! Gergnergjerbgerhjg

            Pale Mannie

              Buff bloodstone and the cancers of 6.84 will have little hope inside their nerfed hearts


                Don't, just don't !

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                    I always wondered what would happen if storm and OD were in the same team.

                    As storm zip zaps around , he regens like a massive chunk of his mana pool constantly with ODs aura

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                      doesnt work on 0 cooldown spells with the exception of arcane orb


                        does it work on overcharge? since it has a cd now?

                        < blank >

                          Tweak his ult, and set remnant mana cost on 85 and he is ok


                            maybe increase his movement speed since his ult takes more mana now


                              Are you sure? I remember watching an ability draft where Storm Spirit took Lightning Ball, Aftershock, Overload, Essence Aura and some ulti.
                              You can understand what happened next.


                                "WHAT BUFFS WOULD YOU GIVE STORM IN ORDER TO BRING HIM BACK FROM THE DEAD?" - CPR, 1st Aid, Aegis