General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibrating my smurf!

Calibrating my smurf! in General Discussion

    I am about to calibrate my smurf and would like advice on which hero or heroes to play in the 10 games.

    I have these 3 in mind.

    Wraith King

    Should i pick one for all ten games or use two different ones?

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        I want to do it myself thanks.

        King of Low Prio
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              Unfortunately that's just an assumption and not worth typing.


                smurf is a cool name I love it :)

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                    hahahahaha ^^ retards aren't welcome.


                      Really reliable heroes that can manage good stats like Spectre are pretty good. You're probably better off using what you're comfortable with though.



                          Don't pick heroes with a good potential which are hard to pull off in certain scenarios, pick heroes who you are most likely to get good stats no matter win or loss, something like QW urn orchid invoker. Also get into the vhs skill bracket for at least 10 games before you even attempt to calibrate and you will most likely end up with 4k+

                          Also when it comes to picking feel free to spam the same hero for 10 games straight if you can get away with it, but if somebody else picks it, hero is countered or any other reason not to play that particular hero feel free to play some other hero.

                          Oh and i'm not 100% positive but if you abbandon a game during calibration it will not count as a completed game for the 10 needed, so if your looking to be having a bad game feel free to abbandon. You will still have to play the LP matches so get your energy drinks ready.


                            Oh also don't spam pick spectre or zeus like you were said to, because during calib dota doesn't compare the stats to the player stats, it compares them to the hero average stats. But still aim to get 20k+ hero dmg, 1k-2k player healing, 2k-4k tower dmg and at least 8 k:d:a.
                            Oh and winning/losing during calib has little influence compared to stats so be selfish and try to do good yourself despite of your team.

                            SANITY = ECLIPSED

                              ^ Thats actually not true, i've just spammed spectre during my calibration and got 900pts for these 10 games. But maybe i am just above average spectre player, who knows.

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                                thanks to you guys who are actually throwing me some advice there unlike the muppets in this thread. Appreciate the honest people that still remain in these forums.


                                  welp, accidentally ended up deleting [Lk].Zano's comment. here it is! "I like how the word smurf gets thrown around for each and every new account now."


                                    ^ You mean, you guys can't restore comments. Geez


                                      max 2700mmr for u w/e hero u play w/e ur performance will be

                                      /close thread

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        You accidentally deleted mine too


                                          Whatever you do play aim for highest hero damage or hero healing on the map :D

                                          You can check heroes stats for that on dotabuff ofc