General Discussion

General DiscussionAs a carry main I need a support not 4 other carries.

As a carry main I need a support not 4 other carries. in General Discussion

    Spectate my current game.

    Fucking hate 5 carry games where even the support builds carry.


      Play support

      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

        I'm a carry main. I should have a support in my games.

        And then the team fucking camps enemy base instead of ending the game because "frags lel".

        This is the kind of team I get. As a carry, there isn't enough gold to go 5 ways when we have 5 carries who all require high gold builds.

        If you're 5th pick then at least try to pick support if you see 5 carries?

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          again, play support.


            your team had 280lh in 39mins. There's enough farm on the map to provide for 10 carries at that rate :D

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              Well theres still only 5 enemy heroes.

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                i'd rather have five carries because at your skill no one knows how to end a game anyways so the team with more carries wins.

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  If they see that 4 people are locked in with carries why the fuck wouldn't 5th pick pick a support.

                  Dire Wolf

                    carries don't do 10 tower dmg


                    let alone with two rapiers. what did you accidentally fart on a tower while running around the map at 290 move speed?


                      Lol riki spammer

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        carries don't do 10 tower dmg

                        I deleted the enemy team so that my team can get towers.


                          I thought sub-1k didn't know what a tower was.


                            Play support.


                              Lol. "As a carry main". You can't "main" in a pub, doesn't work that way.


                                you have a 30 percent win rate with riki LOL

                                Venus, MBA

                                  I don't support a team of 4 farming carries that yell at me if the jungle isn't warded every 5 seconds. If I get one of those teams I pick Techies instead and just mute them all.


                                    If you're a carry main with a 37% winrate maybe you should consider switching roles


                                      seriously 37% win rate.... please try to consider these people's advises on changing roles (no offense)


                                        Your account's a smurf right?

                                        Low Expectations

                                          I am a carry main
                                          >Normal skill

                                            This comment was removed by a moderator

                                              dagon is a gankers item.
                                              gankers kill other heroes to make space for the .... Carry.


                                                Holy shit the mods are removing comments. First time I have seen that. The beginning of the end of this forum ,


                                                  ^ Lolwut? They've been doing it for ages XD

                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                    Another 5 carry game, fml.


                                                      hahaha fucking riki spammer in normal skill crying. did you just come here from lol or what?


                                                        Is this a troll Or you are actually serious?

                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                          I'm serious, I need supports and not more carries.

                                                          I'm the carry. I don't need someone else being carry.

                                                          We can't have 5 bosses with no employees.

                                                          EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                            ill support u anyday op u sexi beast


                                                              Pick carry, tell others to take supports. Fail ur lane, fail farming, fail beein carry = blame supprots.
                                                              Thats why its not worth to play support untill u r liek 4k maybe.


                                                                Play support sometime not just riki

                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                  I main riki


                                                                    "As a carry main I need a support"
                                                                    Most Last Hits: 133
                                                                    Highest Last Hits Per Minute: 2.13



                                                                      I know that I'm neither good nor experienced at playing Dota, but somebody please tell me that I'm not as bad as this guy.

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                                                                        It's kinda sad when his records are less than my averages...

                                                                        Doctor Ead

                                                                          Riki is not a carry
                                                                          He's not even a character

                                                                          Doctor Ead

                                                                            ah, ye, i remember this guy
                                                                            looking at his latest game - he doesn't even has a boot there, he has the least last hits in his team, meaning he's just a useless stealer before he gets his rapier
                                                                            And when he gets it, his team with another carry has already won the game for him


                                                                              you're not entitled to have supports just because you picked a carry earlier than other people


                                                                                bluejack yes you are far better, 60% winrate is good in my opinion, also in normal skill, but that riki spammer has ~30% winrate sub 1k mmr

                                                                                JaPaNiS Monster

                                                                                  i agree with [PC.G.] OM3N, also you play support most of the time so you can support guys like him that only knows how to
                                                                                  blame and flame

                                                                                  U are all dogshit

                                                                                    You play 4 games everyday on average, that is either some next level commitment to trolling or something else I can't imagine . OP what are you man?


                                                                                      he mains hero like this is street cool to see people like that IN WRONG GAME

                                                                                      mmr assasin

                                                                                        u cant argue with a normal skill player . case closed


                                                                                          yeah il support you

                                                                                          Jacques Lacan

                                                                                            is this supposed to be a kappa post/shitpost


                                                                                              116 games with riki and even then only 35% winrate XD XD XD XD there is no point puting fault on the team... just delete dota u are noth worth it#

                                                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                                                ZERO TOWER DAMAGE HOW U EVEN DO THAT


                                                                                                  ^dota is all about getting kills.

                                                                                                  This comment was edited
                                                                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


                                                                                                    I was plyaing with all 9 smurfs.

                                                                                                    Enigma was the only new player, and he just got stomped over and over by the smurfs until he had to abandon. Kinda sucks for new players the environmnet they're put in.


                                                                                                      wtf is a carry main