General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are you supposed to do against a trilane with shadow shaman+ oth...

What are you supposed to do against a trilane with shadow shaman+ other support stunner? in General Discussion

    If you are ever within like 500 range you die, no matter what hero you are.

    Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

      Depends on what hero you drafted.
      Get an iron talon and kill the large camp at the secret shop every minute, try to get as much exp as possible if that's doable and you are a hero which needs levels, rotate to other lanes to apply some pressure there, ask one or both your pos 4/5 to rotate over to your lane if your carry is free farming. Completely abandoning the lane is also a valid option, and refarm once your tower fell.


        You only need to be in 1300 range to get xp. Don't get within 500 range.

        Get wards so you can see where they are.

        Get their earlier a place the wards in a non-typical place so they are not de-warded (they did not see you place it and can't guess the spot).

        If all else fails use tangoes, talon, or q-blade to cut into the trees and hide. You can still gain close to full xp on any lane this way.

        As already mentioned above, you don't have to lane at all. You could jungle or roam and only come back to defend the tower if they push.

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          As an offlaner, make space. Keeping the supports bot means your team feels safe, roaming supports mean you get xp. It is also okay to die if you're getting lots of xp. Lots of offlanes can rotate to jungle if the supports refuse to move aswell.



            Range means nothing if the supports know what they're doing. Just let it be known that even if your levels are kept low, if you keep both supports there to zone you out instead of ganking mid, then you're doing your job

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                Iron Talon + they are sharing thier lane as 3. Literally the #1 Job of the Offlaner is. Do not Die. If you do not die you will become huge fast.