0-4k shit players or good players but doesnt know how to finish games
4-5k players decent players but bad decisions
6k doesnt give a fuck about game, fast finishers, dope games
7k try hards, meta pickers 1k game quality
8k get a life
1-2k - Fails of the Week Quality
2-3k - People who lose consistently to Silly Builds / Counterpicks
3-4k - Lacks either short-term skills or long-term plans
4-5k - Don't play in this bracket, but I hear this is where the game starts to resemble pro / meta DotA. Non-team players without rtz's mechanical gifts can't pass this MMR bracket and play on their 10000 smurfs / booster accounts.
5-6k - Agree with the author.
6-7k - From interviews I heard from pros and semi-pros, the advantage they have over 5k players is that all the decisions 5-6k players make have become basic instinct. Consistent and smooth application of game understanding, rather than simply the knowledge, becomes the standard.
0-4k Subhuman
4-5k Animals
5-5.5k good players and trash mixed in
5.5k+ know what they are doing
??? - people who can make at least a living wage playing this stupid game
??? - everyone else
I'm pretty sure its stupid to generalize player pools belonging to discrete increments of 1000 points I will literally sue you if you do this in real lofe professional applications
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1k- No sence about the game, plays for fun, most of times suck hard.
2k- Have sence to what dota is, but doesnt play for improve, just goes like the old dota1 garena doing madness for CM, mjhonir for Zeus. etc
3k- Now there are guys who are triyng to improve, feel the game and plays for in, anyways, most of time they throw up the game.
4k- im a 4k-5k booster and im not near a pro. But knows a little about the game, enough to GIT GUD later on...
5k- guys that have sence of how to pick, spells, counters, what to do, when to do on any stages of the game
6k- do what 5k does but even better
7k- professional players, some or even 80% plays on team and even for money
8k- you know what im siayng: Miracle, w33. The pool of best players in the world right now.
Your thoughts?