General Discussion

General DiscussionSome mechanics that I am not clear with

Some mechanics that I am not clear with in General Discussion
Teamwork is the key

    Glimpse can send back a Slark that is using dark pact?
    Jugg during ult can use the active of diffusal blade for ghost scepter?(I know blink dagger)
    Ebola demon ultimate work like a break no?(never saw somebody play him)
    Nether ward affects heroes that have bkb on?
    Etheral blade+ice vortex+decrepify+soul catcher stacks?
    I was oneshotted by a lion as abaddon when I was like 500hp,how the fuck his ulti works in this case?

    If you have any questions just post below and I will try to answer to yours


      Glimpse can send back a Slark that is using dark pact?

      glimpse is not dispellable by anything. not even death. says so in the ability text with a diff blade icon next to it. here's a table of dispellable debuffs. have fun remembering it.

      Jugg during ult can use the active of diffusal blade for ghost scepter?(I know blink dagger)

      jugg can use items during his ult. it's written in the alt text.

      Ebola demon ultimate work like a break no?(never saw somebody play him)

      no without aghs, yes with aghs.

      Nether ward affects heroes that have bkb on?

      yeah, that's why the ability description says "pierces spell immunity: yes". afaik every ability will say whether or not it goes through bkb in the help text.

      I was oneshotted by a lion as abaddon when I was like 500hp,how the fuck his ulti works in this case?

      his ult triggers after taking damage. if after taking damage you're below 400hp it'll turn on. if you're at 450hp and someone deals you 450 or more damage (after reductions) in a single damage instance, you will die.

      This comment was edited

        1. Glimpse can send back Slark even with Dark Pact because Glimpse is not a debuff.
        2. Items can be used in Omnislash so he can debuff ghost scepters
        3. Shadow Demon's ulti has break if he has aghs.
        3. Nether ward's negative mana regen works but not the damage under bkb
        4. Eblade and decreprify doesn't stack, the stronger one will override the other but others, stack
        5. Abaddon's Borrowed time will only work if he goes below a certain HP threshold. If he gets damage and is calculated to be killed beyong the HP threshold, then Borrowed time doesnt work.


          ^ Yea, nether ward triggers laserbeams and mana degen but no dmg.

          Teamwork is the key

            The question was for the damage,anyway thank you :D


              i got a question too

              i dont play much ck so...

              i know he pulls his illusions to him when he uses reality rift on someone, but is the illusion pull thing global? like for example, i used reality rift on someone at mid, but one of my illusions are at top, will be able to pull that illusion from top to mid?


                nope, just range indicated