General Discussion

General Discussionno supports. kinda sad.

no supports. kinda sad. in General Discussion

    for some reason everytime i play a carry in safe lane i end up 1 v 2 or 1 v3. never, ever since day one had i a support who would baby me. although it trains me to look for money all over the map but, it's kind of tiring.


      welcome to dota, you suck

      I wish I was solo from the getgo rather than with some trashcans stealing my exp and ruining lane equilibrium

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        nowadays safelane is no more safe for carry ... i do solo safelane everytime when i go safelane carry , or the supp will just stay lane for 1 / 2 mins then leave u to a range offlane / dual lane , its kinda like enemy safelane ... n those shitty junggler...
        others than that , sometimes is good to solo then with shitty supp who lasthit n disturb ur lane equilibrium instead of harrass or pull creep... damn disaster.. welcome to dota


          ^ ur right.

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              We had this game -

              Enemy last picked a jungle LC rather than support. I was planning to go offlane with phoenix to help the Zeus who randomed and marked offlane fuck up the enemy CK. When I saw jungle LC picked I made the call for us to trilane bot since CM could also jungle to get some farm and exp. Two stuns and a slow combined with the damage from level 2-3 sunray made killing the offlane gyro/dark seer very easy, turned what would have been a difficult lane for sven/cm into a lane where sven had 69 cs by ten minutes, the zeus got solo exp rather than splitting it with me. All because enemy picked jungle LC and thought their lanes could manage to win without their help.




                  dragon roost, though ive no support ive never once complained in game. i just find ways to find money. good training too in fact. besides, what i mean with no support is people who take support heroes but do not support. eg: no pc, no stacks, no warding, roaming the whole map doing nothing. on a side note, i rather take the risk of playing a carry with no support and hoping to 1v5 late game than to support a piece of shit who cant farm.