General Discussion

General DiscussionSome games you're just meant to lose

Some games you're just meant to lose in General Discussion
ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! This one for example.

    Stop asking "how do I carry this? I stomped but still lost" yes that happens, sometimes you can't do nothing about it.


      This is how u go riki, 60% + winrate.

      This comment was edited

        46 minute game, 48 last hits and 0 damage. You actually think you're carrying? Rofl.


          Should I be surprised that there are worse builds than yours in your bracket?

          EZ MID 9k mmr

            yall shit compared to riki sama


              just look at how they get lvls
              no smoke on riki untill lvl 21 ? XD
              and zeus who get static field over bolt :D
              ogree with most last hits
              this is just normal things in hell bracket



                Legitimately tried to win this one after the enemy mid viper bought a gem after I killed him mid 3 times by sitting there with a shadow amulet.

                Problem is it is actually impossible for a necrolyte, even a 3k one on a smurf, to win against pre-nerf storm when you have a bunch of people on your team who couldn't find their own dicks in the dark.