General Discussion

General Discussioncarry players

carry players in General Discussion

    as a carry, how many minions u should kill in 10 mins?

    lm ao


      Also to answer your question, its 50 @ 10 mins


        80minions and 3 bosses

        kunst 2

          Maximum without jungle is 82. 40-50 is fine 1 vs 1, 50-60 with support, and 70+ in triple line. You must always (!) buy quelling bade with any melee carry, trust me (you can't lasthit creeps without this under your tower). And even sometimes on ranged.

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          D the Superior
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            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              If you can't last hit under the tower without a Quelling Blade then carry is not the role for you.

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              D the Superior
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                kunst 2

                  @Sam you can't last hit every (!) single creep under tower without qb, sometimes not enough damage and not enough time for two hits. Also carry can sometimes visit jungle, with qb jungling is x2 faster.

                  lm ao

                    Last hitting under tower is bssic math, care to google it?


                      Last game I had 90 cs but I was sven^^


                        yeah sven doesnt count.. you get 100-115 if you are completely uncontesteded. 90 if there are a few probs and even if you are having a hard time you get 70ish.

                        i swear to god if i pick anything but sven i lose mmr, nothing else seems to handle the spectre and OD spammers..


                          Idealy 82 @ 10 mins, but for perfection 100+


                            If u just stay on lane and get contested then 50-60

                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                              You must always (!) buy quelling bade with any melee carry, trust me (you can't lasthit creeps without this under your tower).



                                It really helps if ur damage has high variance so you don't have to prep a hit like pl


                                  Anything above 70 cs by 10min mark is good for the carry


                                    Wow it means u missed 12cs and don't even jungle. U must consider switching to support if ur that bad at farming.

                                    kunst 2

                                      22.22% winrate on carry heroes


                                      You can save only half qb price (2-3 creeps) with PERFECT lasthitting, so why not?

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                                        it depend on your lane ... but free farm vs a hero that cant disturb u ... 60++ , but rarely game go on that ... ppl do gank n roam n u hv to keep an keen eyes for it ... i usually 50++ ... here u look at high mmr match..
                                        beside ... i do agree If you can't last hit under the tower without a Quelling Blade then carry is not the role for you, some hero like morph/ursa don get queling blade .. and lasthit under tower is easy and basic for a decent carry ... don go carry if u don even can lasthit n how to farm...


                                          Fucking retards

                                          Bad Intentions

                                            Minions! :O




                                                22.22% winrate on carry heroes

                                                yeah what a scrub


                                                  @Sam you can't last hit every (!) single creep under tower without qb, sometimes not enough damage and not enough time for two hits.

                                                  the ability of predicting this in advance is one of the things that separate an experienced carry and an unexperienced one.

                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                    Just kill heroes, not minions.

                                                    Heroes is reliable gold remember.

                                                    Minions aren't.


                                                      Triple you Can't reliably do that if u have wide dmg spread not to mention pre hits make u take lots of dmg

                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                        Or you can just kill heroes.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          If you actually spend your gold on useful shit instead of saving it all for rappers it doesn't matter if it's reliable or not.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            50 is kinda like the minimum. But if you have a hard contested lane sometimes you have to make do with less like spectre with a defensive support like dazzle vs a crazy dual like undying + necro or whatever



                                                              My man Aui answers your question

                                                              also, to whoever said it was for last hitting, a QB is NOT for last hitting. That should not be it's main purpose for being bought anyway

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                                                                Wow u guys all so good l0lz perfect cs against offlaners who randomly aggros ur creep from you, sends his wave into ur hard camp, no need for +24 dmg item 200 gold item which ure gna keep for the next 20min!



                                                                  HEY SUPPORTS DONT ROAM PLEASE I CANT GET PERFECT CS IF U DONT ZONE THEM WAHHHH

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Yeah seriously you sell qb back too so it's cheap. And it helps you clear jungle a lot quicker. I often don't get on ranged cus bonus is a lot smaller but almost no reason not to on a melee, even someone who doesn't need it like sven, clearing jungle quicker makes it pay for itself.

                                                                    And yes random aggro is so damn annoying, even if offlaner doesn't deny there's tons they can do to mess up a last hit. Ever play medusa? Her starting dmg is 44-50. That's so damn low, svens average is 65 plus you gotta time missile speed. So some heroes are a lot harder to cs with for sure.

                                                                    yung griphook

                                                                      the answer is pretty simple: more

                                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY


                                                                        normal skill xd


                                                                          so the minimun for last hits is 50. average should be 60. everything above 70 is good.
                                                                          dont get quelling blade just to not miss last hits under tower. if that's the case u need to practise last hitting. with some practise it is pretty ez

                                                                          the reason why u get quelling blade on nearly every melee carry is to clear the jungle between waves faster to maximize ur last hits.
                                                                          but pls guys NEVER get quelling blade on ranged heroes. its is just nor worth it. if u have problems with dusa last thitting just get an early wraithband u build aquila anyway. wraithband is the qb for ranged heroes


                                                                            hello strygwyr lmao

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              you can get wraith band, but it's still only 9 dmg on agi, that's far less than a qb melee gives, it's not equivalent to a melee qb, but you are right in that qb sucks on ranged. On medusa it'll only add about 7 dmg. On sven though? 24 dmg.

                                                                              And under tower it just depends. Ranged creep has 300 hp and no armor, t1 does 100-120 dmg, so it it does 100 dmg twice in a row and your hero does under 50 dmg a hit you can miss it.


                                                                                i like to go quelling blade on od, really helps me boost my gaming abilities

                                                                                Meat Spinner

                                                                                  Depends on lane ! Game situation as every game is not same !

                                                                                  Optimus Drip

                                                                                    all of them


                                                                                      Honestly with how games are now if you get more than 30 cs at ten minutes you're doing well. Almost every game I play safelane you get an aggressive dual offlane. Some how though in my last game I had that rare of rarities - a solo offlaner (and an Ember Spirit at that). Of course it was an unranked party game though so it didn't even really matter or count >:


                                                                                        nowadays i don play spec... ppl used to put me solo safelane or that passive supp that nvr zone out enemy and pull nc ... opp used to take necro or others hero that make some hard time for spec... team ever blame noob spec cant solo vs xx hero .. im like wtf? how abt we hv a match u use spec n i random ... spec is real weak in lane early game..

                                                                                        lm ao

                                                                                          I didnt mean to say to never buy QB - I dont buy qb as a starting item ever, unless the opposing laner is far more superior in last hitting.

                                                                                          Sometimes buying a mango or pms or a\ extra set of yangoes is better, but pre qb u might have to last hit under tower and thats where skill comes out