Valve doesn't care about 6k+ MMR players, because they are few. Valve showed with new tower range and spawn boxes indicators that the main target group is 2k-3k players.
removing AP is not stupid...only force hero spammers to try also different picks. I is not really funny to see spectre, invoker, pudge every game
wait what? they are removing ap? i thought it was TEMPORARILY disabled????
i mean people will start queing cm i guess at some point but picking and banning takes so long why would they do this. and rd is garbage
what the actual fuck?
This get gud guy is funny. 2.5k games played, normal skill, giving others the advice to get gud. You are the bottom tier trash dude. You do not even exist in the world of the most ppl posting here.
So we have to choose between:
A mode that give 99% of the win to the less retarded of the 2 captains, and you will most probablly don't play a hero you like
A mode that allow a team to win by being first pick/second pick depending on the hero pool, and worst in it, can even allow cheese to happen as a first pick (compare to only 5 th pick in ap).
Remember that rd has almost 50% of the hero pool. So if we take just invoker od, you'll only don't see one of the in a ~1/4th of the game, and their counter will most likely not be there (as usually you need 2 of them ^^, which is only 1/4 for a duo to be there hehe).
(If you take invoker od zeus spectre, then it becomes ~1/16th).
The worst in it? peope high ranked, either they play those shit mode (personnaly i won't, even though for like the first time in 6 months i had the time to play 10+ games / day for next 4 days) Or you make a smurf (poor beginer) or you play unranked (poor unranked guy, being stomped by 6k+ guys that have a unranked mmr of 5k-)
Agree with everything above.
Also matrice what are your thoughts on allowing bans in all pick? I think it just enables chances for more cheese where they ban out the invoker/od/spectre counters and still get those picks, or just leads to new emerging op heroes once those top three or so are banned. So what's the point?
no because invoker OD spectre would get banned almost every single game.. honestly the highest mmr should just get 1-3 bans
I honestly don't understand why they would change AP, people always cry about heroes but its not the fucking players fault. If something is being abused it is because it is abusable, meaning that they need to balance the fucking game and not just remove heroes via. ban systems
If I wanna play pudge then god dammit I should be able to play pudge in games that mean something
I can already see the bannings in the 2k tier trash...
The AP ranked mode was the best that it could've been at low ranking with this current ELO algorith... The real problem is how you differentiate 2k to 3k and so on...
Valve doesn't care about 6k+ MMR players, because they are few.
Because they just can't left this game after 5k+ hours :)
Idk about short queue times, Ive been trying to find matches with a 5 stack for either random draft or captains, and queues regularly take 30-45 minutes.
Queueing as 5 stack above 4k usually has longer wait times but it was generally 5-10 minutes waits to find all pick games.
OMG really? I can't play random draft and captain mode is so tryhard its stupid. They flame you for literally everything and you'll get matched with 4 mans who gank up on you for no reason.
Guys,guuuuys !!! OD,invoker,spectre and stuff is not the main point here.Meta will change during time to time & ppl learn to adapt.
The problem is with AP removed,you have lesser chance to counter pick since the hero pool is a random-limited version of AP.
And most of people won't take risk playing CM solo.There are hates already in AP since they can't teamwork together.Just imagine CM.It will be worse.
Jesus Christ it is a few days without AP you kids need to get a life, calm your tits.
yeah it's fine, captain's is frustrating but random is fine for a few days. I actually wish we could do some single draft
Just look at the 3 heroes whos pickrate has dropped the most and tell me that getting rid off all pick was bad
6k players should be forced to play All Random because they should have to be able to play any hero correctly and adapt to abnormal roles. Specialization is for 3k
@ direWolf, it's bad if the ban is made ingame.
Imo you enter the queue : choose 2-3 heroes to ban, at the begining of the game, the top 2 banned heroes of each team is banned for the game (in case of tie, i guess position in team gives a little bonus like 0.10 / 0.06 / 0.04 / 0.02 / 0.01, so we actually never see a tie)
Eventually you add something like: "no player can choose to ban a hero that were banned at least 5 times out of their 10 last game" So sometime the hero still can be picked.
Choosing before seeing opponent's players is important, so the ban are not directed just toward one dude.
If some1 wants to play rd he can play rd, nobody is stoping them. Bring back AP, otherways bb doto
i heard one interesting opinion of one 7k guy on reworked ap with banning
even in high rmm games you're practicing heroes and trying out stuff for your team games and by that, all the top picked/banned heroes would rarely appear in games because they'd be nearly 100% banned
the ranked would be forced to be more competetive while the rank itself is purposeless and has no value whatsoever
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