General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy My Assists always higher than my kills?

Why My Assists always higher than my kills? in General Discussion

    I mean I almost certain that I contribute so much and deserve more kills. I'm not s3lfush tho but I think it will be better if I have the gold cuz my LH really sux.

    Now, my assists are almost twice my 10 kills with 20 assits, 5 kills with 10 assists and so on.

    Maybe I wasn't aggressive enough or ppl just ks? I don't have intention tho.


      The one who can answer this question is yourself


        Try playing riki and building only dagon and rapiers. It's very good for ensuring that you get the kill rather than the assist.


          Because most people "accidentally" make sure they get the last hit...


            In 6.87 you get much more assists.

            For example: Mirana casts ult and gets assists for all kills her team makes on the other side of the map.

            P.S. I'm not sure about Crystal Maiden. With her global aura she must get 100% assists (if she stays alive), right? That probably makes CM a new best hero for smurfers. =)
            P.P.S. Actually, when I think about it, there are many heroes with global auras who can abuse that new 6.87 rule.

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              does it matter? i dont even hit the person who is surely dead and just go for the next target. why bother about kills and assists? this game is much more than that.

              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                If you want, you can buy dagon and dagon when they're at 300 hp.

                Dire Wolf

                  Look at the heroes you play, on your quick view the only ones who really register a lot of killing blows are legion, sniper and necro (necro cus if he ults anyone and they die he gets the kill). The rest are all support type of heroes, not burst dmg ones.

                  And it's totally fine, it means you are participating in team fights and not trying to be a solo ganker.

                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                    Even with supports you can still buy dagon and take the last hit.


                      This riki guy account must be a joke account right?

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        I get more kills than you so whatever.


                          What I mean is u create this account to play around...I didnt flame u or anything...


                            He is either a troll or actually mentally handicapped, either way pay no attention when you see the russian name.

                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                              You know, even if I made an English name I'd still be the same person.

                              Race doesn't matter, it's the individual person that matters.


                                Race matters

                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                  There might be cultural differences, but race doesn't matter.

                                  If you're French ethnically but grew up in Russia, you will adopt Russian culture. If your parents taught you about French culture, that would still be a culture thing and not a race thing.

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                                  Zorthax Dorn

                                    I'm pretty sure the Riki guy is actually legit. Regardless ignore him.

                                    You play a lot of supports so you should have a lot of assists. If you have more kills than assists as a support you've probably actively tried to take kills which isn't your job.

                                    For core or carry stand point, my guess is you get caught out of position a lot based on how much deaths you have on cores which cause you to fall behind in farm, gpm and feed the enemy team more gold.

                                    Work on staying alive and taking smart fights. Smart fights are key. Your build choices on cores are a bit suboptimal in my opinion in some cases too.

                                    Reference me a specific match and I'll try to help if you want examples.

                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                      Sniper is a carry

                                      On average he gets more assists than kills

                                      Same with Spectre

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                                        Race matters

                                        Zorthax Dorn

                                          That's cause sniper is a dumpster tier hero and your bracket isn't a fair representation of what spectre actually does.


                                            Because assisting is more easy. You just need to contribute in some way to get it.

                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                              @FVG I'm talking about Dotabuff stats here.


                                                no one actually answered this correctly yet.

                                                for every 1 kill there may be anywhere from 0 to 5 assists given.

                                                so it's possible that everyone on the team gets exactly 5 kills and 15 assists in a 25-kill game.

                                                if i got trolled, gg.


                                                  you said you play support, if your taking all the kills your doing it wrong.

                                                  Zorthax Dorn

                                                    @phantom Riki I'm aware but dotabuff stats take into account all MMRs (the majority of players I believe in the 2k and under bracket). The main page stats representing heros do not represent the actual meta.