General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get out of mmr hell?

How to get out of mmr hell? in General Discussion
AT&T Samsung Galaxy

    Please tell me how to get higher mmr for some reason i win in pubs but always seem to lose in ranked :(


      Git gud

      Venus, MBA

        Pick supports with a lot of sustain. Omniknight, Dazzle, and Abaddon are good options. One thing I do to gain rank in low mmr is rushing Guardian Greaves on Necrophos.

        The Fool

          Losing streaks happen. Just look over your replays and see where YOU can improve. You are the only constant in any of your games, so you are the only thing you can control and improve. It might also help to work on communication skills and not being fucking cancer if things don't go your way. A tilting team is a losing team, and sometimes the best thing you can do is just try to keep people feeling positive about a match.


            Serious steps that carried me from 1.6k to 3k
            1. Learn support, like late game support who can impact teamfights late in the game. Tide, Omni, AA, Enigma. I would recommend omni he is the most straightforward.
            2. When you get in game say "does anyone here speak english, if so ill support you" If someone replies, most likely people will pounce on the opportunity, then lane with them, communicate with them, and above all else, keep them alive and farming. If they aren't farming tell them too, if they try to teamfight at 15 minutes tell them to farm.
            2.5. If they are missing every last hit then you take them, dont let the gold go to waste, and then atleast you will have items
            3. Whatever you have to do to keep them alive and farming until they are ready to fight. Now when they are farming you should be with the rest of your team, make sure you have your jungle warded otherwise they will cry over getting ganked.
            4. Ward the shit out of your jungle and then if you ping the shit out of enemies and they still dont move then its their fault.
            5. In team fights always buff them if you can pre-fight, whether its bloodlust, or any item whatever.
            6. save your ult until the fight is engaged, and make sure youre not the first casualty. Most late game supports have ults that can change a teamfight. If youre omni or tide or enigma and burn your ult too early youll either get wiped or have to retreat. This is mostly practice, learn when to ult, when to jump in. No support is a right clicker so really dont be in the middle of the fight.
            7. always carry a tp. Like i cannot say this enough. Every time you die you should buy two tps (if you have none) use one and get out there and have another handy. If the enemy dives you can be there, if you have to get to a fight, you can be there. TP is a global player movement for 75 gold. Rule of thumb past 10 minutes: if you don't have a tp, and aren't 6-slotted, you're wrong.
            8. rattle the other team. I know some people are all about sportsmanship, but if they have a carry who you know is farming, and you kill the other 4 or 3 or so, go on all chat and say "Where was AM (or PA or whatever) in that fight?" The other team who is likely a bunch of morons who will then bitch at that person and they wont wanna carry a team that's flaming them.

            Now i know, "supports dont carry teams" Yeah but supports win games. There will be games when youll get lucky and have two supports and youre good, but if you learn how to support, then when you carry youll understand the hardships of a support. Also, you're gonna lose games, deal with it, sometimes the other team is just better. But since everyone wants to pick a carry, if you give your team just 1 support, you have that much more of an advantage.


              Spam zeus

              Visita Hari Danta

                Play better.


                  Honestly most MMR experiments succeed as cores. Many people who were rated 5k or more tried playing supports to climb from 1.5k or whatever and gave up out of frustration. These are people who are much higher rated then the people they are playing against and they STILL lose a sizable amount of the time. Even people who did it with mids only still lost games on occasion if they were forced out of mid by another player.

                  The only answer you can take from this is get good at mids. You will get games where someone else tries to play mid as well, so try play someone who can play in another lane if you do get forced out, do NOT fight your team mate for it, it's not worth it. Mirana is an okay example because she can roam, play safe lane, offlane and even jungle to a degree and she doesn't scale awful if you do get to play her mid. An alarming amount of games though are decided based on who wins or loses mid, it's a little scary actually if you look at it.

                  Still speaking personally, I just don't don't enjoy being so selfish and I like trying to help people, so I can't bring myself to do it so I basically accept that I won't be rising any time soon and I don't exactly try to either. If I do play I try get out of the game what I can.


                    Git Gud

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                        So where's mmr heaven?


                          spam riki