General Discussion

General Discussionwhat's up with weaver?

what's up with weaver? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Sample size I know, but holy shit it's like these retards forgot what dust was whilst dealing with OD and spectre non stop pick rates.

    27-2-31 in two games, 700 gpm avg. Safe lane both times actually, which I think is good. It really takes two disables to take him down so he can solo an offlaner or have a support, but he's getting free farm while in offlane a lot of teams will sentry and pick annoying shit like shadow shaman to lock you down.

    What should you build first though? He sorely lacks for hp but linken's build up sucks so bad. S&y seems kind of wasted since ias doesn't help germinate at all and move speed he doesn't need cus of sukuchi. Skadi also awful buildup, and can't go deso. Bkb is good, depends on game. Maybe a drums?

    I went treads, aquila, deso rush, linkens, mkb one game and treads, aquila, linkens, crystalis, mkb, daedulus another. Deso is kind of annoying to build but once you get it his dps is amazing.


      weaver op need nerf


        Are u kidding linkens has a great buildup

        Dire Wolf

          you're joking right? perseverance is easy enough to build but +10 dmg? You get better stats out of an aquila and ult orbs suck to buy.


   he is meant to be a slippery hero to kill. Linkens stops orchids so why would you not pick it up. most of the time you need gem to counter him, not just dust because he can easily ult it off and run away. Sentries are also good but he get 500ms so he can also escape the sentry or once more ult back away from them.

            Get your linkens,deso. later on decide what you need. Heart, BKB if you are the focus, or if you are able to be out of the enemies attention get damage items and quickly kill the supports and other heros in 2 hits

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              If i play weaver, ill go with aquila>threads>magic wand>linkens>heart or bkb depends on the situation..if both are not needed ill focus on damage and attack speed..
              Linkens is very good for weaver, because enemy will have a hard time to stop u, if enemy manage to stop u, u are most likely dead because weaver have low hp..also linkens give u 150% mana regen(if im not mistaken) so u can spam shukuchi many times..
              Sory bad english, opinion not from a good player only xD

              great expectations

                its really good for laning phase and staying in one lane pressuring towers

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                great expectations

                  obviously u get aquila regardless

                  kunst 2

                    I prefer first build, and sometimes you can go bkb instead of linken. Also SaY is good item if you don't need truestrike/magical immunity but need 'something'. Also don't forget about wand - top item for weaver, stats+chance to juke.

                    Von Darkmoor

                      Go aquila medallion pt desolator bkb in that order
                      Max invs max ms shit
                      Get 1 vale point in geminate
                      Max swarm
                      Abuse swarm to controll lane and scout vs potential ganks
                      And abuse the negative armor to watch the enemys melt

                      Medallion+aquila will give you enought mana to spamm everything.

                      My games usually ends after this or i Simply got the avantgarde to build whatever.
                      Also i mostly play solo offlane mostly v tri.

                      Geminate scales better for late game compared swarms early power especially vs support.

                      Good Luck.

                      (Almost forgot you get away with boots Thx to ms invis unless you do it in a stupid manor^^ )

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                        dust and sentries wont help tho. Unless you have counterpicked him weaver will be untoppable no matter what. I can say that he destroys invo in mid, fucks up almost any duo safe lane, havent played him on safelane tho. and Void and Zeus fuck him in the ass hard.


                          I played weaver a lot, here are my thoughts from 3.5k thrash thrench.

                          Lane: I really dislike playing as weaver in safe lane. The main reason is that hard carries like Spectre, Sven, Juggernaut just bring much more on the table across all stages of the game. Additionally his elusive powers are not used with full potential there. Weaver doesn't need babysit at all and he gains much more from his AoE armor reductoion/damage on offlane which can truly wreck poor life of supports, especially dazzle.

                          Unless u are playing vs Trilane with double stun, you are preety unkillable on the offlane. Shadow shaman and Lion are strongest enemies.

                          Boots: Phase, Treads. Doesn't matter that much. I was used to make treads, tried Phase, +48 from geminate attack is quite surprisingly strong. Weaver doesn't benefit that much from attack speed as he rather nukes with geminate attack, shukuchi and again and again.

                          First item: Aquila.
                          - Super Heavy pressure -> Drums to Linken
                          - Eazy farm: Desolator for more kill oriented game. Maelstorm vs Brood, NP, push or jungle.
                          - U know its coming: If Enemy team setup is fucking time bomb like skywrath, orchid clinkz, Legion Commander then unfortunately first item should be linken.

                          - Most of the time after your damage item is ready Linken is a must because its 5 manning phase of the game.
                          - If you needed to make linken earlier, make a deso unless u need MKB.

                          6 Sloth!

                          BoT, Deso, Linken, MKB, Deadalus, Heart.

                          Sometimes when Linken is enough one damage item or Heart needs to be traded for BKB.
                          Skills order: WEQWWRWQQQEREESR

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                          Dire Wolf

                            I know linken's is good, it's core, I'm just saying it sucks to build it as first item. the sustain is good but stat wise, dmg wise it's slow. Hard to farm with it unless you're diving to rack up kills which of course is very possible.