General Discussion

General DiscussionLook at me I made a post, LOOK AT IT NOW YOU FOOL IT HAS REALLY IMPOR...

Look at me I made a post, LOOK AT IT NOW YOU FOOL IT HAS REALLY IMPORTANT STUFF IN IT in General Discussion
Bill Cosby

    I'm a normal scrub lord, played a couple dota matches in my day, and I have played on peru east Oh I mean us east 90% of my games I recently came into an amazing internet service and living in Oklahoma usa I now have 89ping to eu west, sooooo I started playing on eu west and OMG TO MY ASTONSHMENT I Began a unstoppable winning spree (greater then 70 percent of games anyway) so my question is why is the damned gameplay SO COMPLETELY different from us/ to eu servers, where there is actually team work AND EVEN MOST OF THE RUSSIANS SPEAK BETTER ENGLISH THE HALF OF THE GOD DAMN PEOPLE ON US SERVERS hahah anyway, playing eu from now on and NEVER NEVER LOOKING BACK

    Bill Cosby

      First post too WHOOOOOOOO

