General Discussion

General DiscussionWanting a transition

Wanting a transition in General Discussion
Naughty Snipa

    So I have been playing Dota 2 on and off (mostly on) for about 6 or so years now. I am 25 years old, have a job in the US military and would like to start playing on a more pro level. I often will pull up videos watching "the pros" play tournaments and see what I can improve or what I may or may not be doing wrong. What I want to know is how to start transitions from that casual pubstar to a serious Dota 2 performer that players look for. I have a fluctuating 4.8k matchmaking rank and I will be leaving the service soon and would SERIOUSLY like to participate in tournaments and hopefully get to a level that I am happy with as well as a player teams look forward to have that positively affects the team. Any tips on doing this or even better an invitation to do in-house matches would be very welcome. I can easily put in anywhere from 10 hours a week to around 40 hours a week depending on my current work schedule. I know I have a lot of work to do and I do mean work* especially to become a serious competitor, but this is something I will not let go until I have done what I am setting out to do. Thank you ahead of time for any helpful information.

    Mike Wazowski..!

      4.8k is not enough.. And you're 25.. Too late bruh..

      me, government hooker

        wow these threads are the new predict my mmr threads

        Naughty Snipa

          @ Mike Wazowski- I was hoping for something more constructive and I am aware that 4.8k is not the pro-competitive level, which is why I want to participate in more organized games that are not the pub-star level. Like actually having a group of people to make a legitimate draft. As for my age... Have you seen how old some of the pros are? I know that I am late in the game for this, but it's not inconceivable.
          @ ok- I am not sure how that helps.


            Reactions drop with age of 25+ sry bro- if you want to become a pro player play hearthstone^^


              use joindota LFP/LFT forum section if you are looking for a team; dotabuff aint a proper place for that

              Naughty Snipa

                @ TripleSteal- Appreciate the info! I will have to do that, but I mainly posted this for advice as I'm not sure what kind of networking needs to be done to at least try* to do these things. I will maybe have to find a team and just work my way up from a startup to establish some sort of credibility. Again, thanks that helps out for at least part of what I was looking at.

                @ Party- I get it, but it's something I gotta try. Hearthstone is a fun game but not my forte. lol


                  Ask phantom Riki to join you. He's one of the best players on dotabuff. Listen to the advice he gives.

                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                    You can make as much money being a funny streamer than a pro though.

                    You can just stream yourself trolling on smurf accounts.

                    Naughty Snipa

                      You two who I cannot spell your names. Love the input, really nice stuff! You guys are awesome. As for the trolling, I like the idea and I have seen a lot of people do that, to include SingSing who I believe barely even plays pro scene now because he makes so much just streaming. I still would prefer a more serious approach to it but it's definitely something to think about.

                      sopa en mi yolk

                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! is a smurf confirm, but I don't believe so


                          Ask kitrak if uou csn join his team (for stsrtrs)

                          Mike Wazowski..!

                            @OP Wasn't trying to be destructive.. But I honestly believe if you wanna make money from dota, 25 is late.. Its gonna take you a year to get to 6k given you're that good..

                            Naughty Snipa

                              @ Mike- It's all good bud, you said what you believe and I respect it for what it is. 25 I do not argue is late, but if it happens it happens and if it doesn't it doesn't. The climb to 6k will be something that's for sure. I better get on it! It's not just about the money for me either though. I seriously just like competing.


                                age is not a problem at any point except for op's self esteem (may be), idk why ther are so many comments about it. no one cares hoe old you are, if u r decent.

                                Mike Wazowski..!

                                  Really? Wouldn't someone prefer a 20 year old 6k instead of a 26 year old.. Again, I'm not trying to put you down, but you might regret it a few years down the line.. In stead you can play in small tournaments with a stable job in hand.. Like Badman or something.. He has an actual job..