General Discussion

General DiscussionHELP ME!! my MMR dropped 850 in a month. lost 15 game a day. half gam...

HELP ME!! my MMR dropped 850 in a month. lost 15 game a day. half game got leaver from the begining in General Discussion
Dennis 3080@2k

    Guys, I don't know what happened to me. Recently my mmr dropped from 2450 to 1720. I was in 2400 for months. then i slowly dropped to 2100. I stayed for 2100 for a month. Suddenly I couldn't win one single game. 100% of the game I got AFK teammate or instant leaver. The few good games I got, I had two games we have mega troops, but my teammate just wandered around their base and all died so we still lost. I also got lots of teammates who random their heros and they had no idea how to play.

    I was playing EU west and EU east, they are proper bad. Everyone is very very rude. People curse and insult every game. I have to switch to US east, it is much better people there although I am based in UK.

    In EU server I used to mute all chat and voice, I won several games in a roll. I hope I could get some suggestion how to block or avoid rude people. And what to do to win. I remembered my win rate was 49%, now it is 44%, which is proper bad. I played every game very seriously, but why dota2 always match me with bad players?


      50 last hits on min 35 spectre

      Well first of all... you are the part of your team. Blaming teammates is retarded, because your enemies on 2k are also retarded and you are the only factor that matters. Some games are unwinnable. Some games are ez stomps. If u cant win that even ones, that mean that you are far worse than your bracket.

      From what I see. U die too much and farm too slow. Also u follow same build on spectre over and over. In addition u like playing spectre, AM - they are both very team reliant. If u dont get a decent support, its very hard to farm no matter the bracket.

      Play unranked. Git gud instead of whining about your teammates.

      PS> Besides you are probably in hidden pool cos of bad player behaviour. Then u get more retarded teammates.

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      Dennis 3080@2k

        I do blame teammate when if shaman never use ult or ns never gank. But I was friendly and polite. I believe if a player is somehow bad , blaming and insulting will never help, but sometimes I need to tell them where to go, or use your ult first do not save your ult. I played dota for 8 years + at least I know which location on the map should the heros be placed. People insulting are retarded.


          u made smurf, calibrated and u didnt even deserve 2k
          im pretty sure i would be 8k pubstar if i had played dota for 8 years

          Just stay calm and keep playing, flaming is bad, study meta, watch pro streams (and actually learn from them) -> git gud -> no long lose streaks -> mmr

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            Stayed at 2400 for months. Didn't play 1 game for 4 patches


              L M F A O


                comes back after 2 years and wonders why he is bad

                Stephen Wardell Curry II

                  sad life LMAO


                    If this is your primary account then yes exactly what was said above you didnt´play enough in the last years.
                    Its hard to accept but maybe you didn´t belong in 2,4k anymore. Even in games you win your last hits and KDA isnt very good and if you play a lot of hard carries this can easily drag your team down as well.
                    I think if you will play more now you will get better and adjust to the meta and you will rise in mmr as well again.


                      Meh I went from 3.8k to 3.1k recently, it happens . You get it back eventually.

                      Dennis 3080@2k

                        Thanks for the suggestions and the lmfao. I am currently study the hero meta in the dotabuff, that is the reason for me using spec a lot. What I asked is mainly about how to get back to where I am. It is good advise to be honest, since I was really confident about the last hit skill so that I never use Quelling Blade and recently I realize it is a big improvement to use it.

                        It is very sad life with leavers on team almost every game. Is this normal below 2k? Do you guys find EU server really impolite?

                        I find it very tricky because dota is a game where you will need communication. but for most of the time, I will just lost the interests to play if there is someone proper rude in the team.


                          Judging by your hero kda, you sucked real bad. Maybe you should try another role other than carry which will fit to you best.

                          Dennis 3080@2k

                            Thanks for your suggestion. I do understand all communities have low people like you