General Discussion

General DiscussionPlus giveaway: Axe is back!

Plus giveaway: Axe is back! in General Discussion
Sad Mike Stoklasa

    Hey all! To celebrate the release of a new patch and a whole new level of cheesy strategies, we're running a giveaway for a month of Dotabuff Plus!

    In order to enter, you've got to post in this thread with a story about a time you were (successfully) reckless with Axe. You must also have completed the Dotabuff Achievement Come Hit Me, so if you haven't, you'll have a chance to make your own story!

    We'll be picking two winners:

    • One randomly from the thread
    • One story that Dotabuff staff likes the most

    The drawing will happen on Sunday, May 1. Good luck!

    Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook for more news and updates to the site!

    Go forth and Blink into five enemies! :rage:

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      well, you might as well just give the gold to havoc right away


        This is my legendary AXE IS AXE story (in video instead of text):

        3 vs 5 comeback! :)


          my best axe story is we were down to megas while they still had all 6 or the their barracks so they came in for one last push with megas and right as they got to ancient i callled all 5 with blademail and than kunka sent a boat and jug omnislaashed them and i finished them all of with a solid dunk for a rampage to march down mid for the win!


            1 more new mod, wow

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              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                On top of independent work, I've produced content for Riot Games, Azubu, ggChronicle and LoLKing WutFace

                get outta here mod

                lm ao



                    Unfortunately, I don't play him :(

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      Welcome Mr. New mod.


                        Suh dude


                          Once upon a time when I was younger, quite a sad story happened to me, that made me feel quite spooky. I was sitting at home high af and watching the first part of Kickass movie on TV (probably the best film with Nicolas Cage, idk how you can NOT make a shitty movie when this guy is part of the cast).

                          Some retarded shit was happening, like the protagonist was flying some poorly photoshopped jetpack and shooting the bad guy with minigun, or smthng like that; and at that point a commercial break began. I was going to go to the kitchen and grab couple of sandwiches that were supposed to give me enough bravery to finish a movie involving Nic Cage, but then something caught my eye - there was an Axe ad with angels - well, I guess you should know it if you watched TV in the early 00s. A wild thought that I saw this perfume somewhere crossed my mind, and in several minutes I managed to remember that I've seen it on the shield in another room.

                          The Cage's face made me feel so bored that I wanted to do anything rather than staying at home and watching the movie till the end, so following the wild idea suggested by the commercial, I took the perfume and pourred its entire content on my blonde head. The smell was fucking awful, but i already stepped onto the path of weird shit and just kept following it.

                          Obviously, I couldn't pick up anyone sitting at home, and, on top, I really needed to leave the house cause it started to smell (I didn't ahve air conditioning here), so I put my clothes on (shorts, pur coat, and a winter hat), and departed. My soul was craving adventures, so I decided to go to a night club.

                          The face control guys let me in without questions cause I was high and wearing a winter hat, so I looked like a part of the gilded youth, that kind of a silly cocky kid of a rich lawyer that is the best costumer for clubs, bars etc.ñ you know what I´m talking about. Luckily, there was wind on the outside and they didnt smell the Axe cologne, otherwise it would be kind of a trouble for me to get in.

                          I rushed to the bar stand and ordered Blue Lagoon cocktail. Then suddenly someone touched my shoulder. I turned my head around and saw a guy with a punk-looking ugly mexican girl, probably his girlfriend; and his face was wet. He told me that I pushed him when going through the stage, and he spilled his drink, so now I have to say sorry and buy him another one. I was still high and didn't really give a shit, so I turned around without responding and grabbed my drink. He mushed me in the back and asked me who do I think i am, and it actually shocked me cause I didn't remember nor my name neither the way I look like. The fact that I was wearing a winter hat told me that I'm probably in Russia, but I couldn't quite understand what language we were speaking cause my brain was not working properly, so I was not rly sure.

                          When I was thinking about all this stuff, the angry guy kept getting more and more mad at me, cause I forgot he was there and he took it personal considering that I'm trying to show disrespect towards him, while i was just high. He grabbed my shoulder dragged my barely alive intoxicated body towards the the club´s back door where his friends were waiting. He promised me that i will regret my behavior, grabbed ahold me and tried to hit me with his head. However, he didn't know that I used axe several hours ago, and, apparently, he was an allergic individual. Right after he broke my nose, he lost conciousness. His friends that were around didn´t understand what was happening, and since someone in the club broke a glass in the same moment, they thought I jsut shot that guy with a gun. They started to scream and ran away, so only me and that ugly punk girl that were left. She passed me my Blue Lagoon and walked back to the club. The image of my face´s reflection on the surface of my cocktail is the last thing that I remember that ebening.

                          The morning after, when I woke up, I found myself in an apartment that was clearly unfamiliar to me, laying on the bed next to that ugly mexican punk, that was looking even uglier without makeup. I am not very exigent and i was actually happy that Axe's commercials didn't like, but I got taht weird spooky feeling - you know, like when you forgot to switch off the stove before leaving the house and something in your subconciousness does remember that, and generates the feeling of disturbance. For quite a while, I couldn't understand what's wrong. I reshuffled all the memories I had (I sitll couldn't remember anything that happened before I was watching Kickass at home, that, as I was thinking about it, was probably not mine, too), and eventually I got stuck at the last image. My face reflected at the Blue Lagoon that the mexican girl brought me after her unlucky boyfriend passed out. Somehow it made me feel weird about what happened recently, and it had something to do with me feeling that somehow I failed something very important. I focused on trying to remember my name, but it didn´t work out, so I thought that if I imagine my face, may be I´ll manage to connect to the visual memories of my social network web page with a name on it, or something similar. Surprisingly, it worked. In a hurry trying to write down what i managed to remember before I forget it again, I grabbed a serviette and a knife, cut my hand a bit to get the blood, and used it to right my name on the serviette. The name actually looked familiar to me. I threw it away and rushed out of the house before the girl woke up.

                          In several hours, Antonia (24 y.o., jobless originally male transgender mexican migrant) woke up in his bed. He remembered that he broke up with his boyfriend previous evening, and then he met someone else, and eventually they had sex. However, he didn't remember who it was, and didn't find anything that would remind him of it except for a serviette.

                          A serviette with a blood writing that said:

                          DONALD TRUMP

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                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                            tldr your the winner i guess



                              Sad Mike Stoklasa

                                Thanks for the warm welcome, people!

                                getting bj'ed and distracted

                                  From the guy that brought you "ayy lmao" comes a whole new level of shitposting

                                  Axe rates 6.8/7 axe approves




                                      I saw that the game was not so good so, I saw a chance and I took it. Dagon into Culling blade was fun :D

                                      lm ao

                                        Fuck you all i swear im gon win this afjjfddrhjtdnnczvooudwyeqquvxj

                                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY


                                          that's my submission; agha+dagon+bloodstone ftw



                                            they fed hard, I bought early bloodstone because I'm normal skill, and that item was really good back then.
                                            I killed some more guys, died, thanks to 3 towers hitting on me, but I respawned instantly. TP'd in and died some more, because I'm reckless like that.


                                              A long time ago, it happened. I picked Axe and went jungle. I managed to get Tranquil Boots and as smart as I am I knew how to use it properly. I dropped those green boots on the ground while I tried to kill the triple stacked camp with my helix. Then it happened, I died with without my boots. After I spawned I went to the jungle where I lost them but the boots weren't there anymore. Some seconds later Invoker writes in chat "who boots?".
                                              Please no dongerino pasterino my story


                                                @triplesteel your story was funny im not really sure why i decided to read the holy thing and the amount of foreplay and detail in it makes it sound real #makedonalddrumpfagain


                                                  o dear god not axe again


                                                    triplesteal wins.


                                                      its funny when people like triple steal spend more time on the forum for the game than the game it self hahaha


                                                        well, it took me like 10-15 mins, i didnt quite think about what i was writing neither edit it afterwards


                                                          thanks for feedback btw


                                                            Triple is unquestionably the best story teller in the form. I want to believe it's real except the Donald Trump part. It's fantastic and fucked up at the same time. Someone should write a story about Triple's life highlight and publish it.

                                                            Professor Dog

                                                              I hit r and got a kill. Was reckless because it meant i had to go into right click range of rubick. Dam that hero is spook.

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                                                                Triple basically won already but I like writing stories so will give it a go.

                                                                Mogul Khan sighed heavily as he walked into the jungle clearing, brushing aside foliage with one arm before returning it to rest on the hilt of his mighty axe. As he gazed into the distance, he heard the sound of another tower crumble to dust under the relentless onslaught of his enemies. A brief glance over his shoulder for nearby enemies - he was safe, for now. Three strange creatures hovered just above him, the flapping of their wings like drums of war urging him on, faster, faster.

                                                                "Not long now" Axe thought to himself, and raised his mighty axe above his head, red-painted muscles bulging in the moonlight. Bringing the axe down in an accelarating arc, one pathetic creature was dashed to the group in a single crushing blow. At once, his orphaned siblings sought revenge, and began tearing at Axe's exposed flesh, seeking to deal him any injury in their fury. Axe grew infuriated by the bites and scratches of the enraged creatures and with a roar of anguish raised his axe horisontal to himself and swung it round in a massive arc, the silver blade seething through the air with fiery vengeance. The heavy blade sliced easily through his two remaining foes, it's enormous weight crushing their carcasses.

                                                                "It is done." Mogul Khan flung the axe over one shoulder and rubbed his wounds idly as he picked his way back through the forest to a quaint market stall, hidden from view to any travellers who may tread the path. Greeted by the traditional silence and jovial grin, Axe counted out every last piece of gold and pushed the small fortune across the stall with a grunt. A twinkle in his eye, the shopkeeper produced a small curved blade as white as the moon, which shone as though enchanted. "My thanks." Axe affixed the blade to his belt, and immediately felt a sense of power about it. He focused on a clearing a few steps ahead of him, and closed his eyes temporarily. A rushing sensation came over him, and upon re-opening his eyes Axe saw he had travelled instantly. His happiness was short-lived, however, as from the distance the ominous sound of another tower falling came, a herald of bad tidings. With each tower that fell, the magic of the Ancient grew weaker, and Mogul Khan knew he had to protect it.

                                                                Axe arrived at his barracks, and the sight that befell his eyes was truly terrifying. As far as the eye could see, armies of creeps marched tirelessly towards him, their only goal to bring down the few remaining structures upon whose life depended the ancient and its power. Alone, his teammates dead, he was, for the first time, afraid. All five enemies converged for an assault to finally destroy the last remaining structures. In his apprehension, Axe glanced skyward, just in time to glipse the first ray of dawn break over the horison. The golden elixir of hope filled his heart with courage and he knew it was time. With all the resolve he could muster, Axe closed his eyes.

                                                                It was as though everything happened at once, but in a second which lasted a millenium. He felt the rush as he appeared directly in the heart of his foes. Glimpsed the brief moment of realisation and fear in their eyes. Felt the potency of a thousand suns burn in his heart, and the fierce rage which drove him to release a thunderous battlecry, shocking his opponents to their very cores and compelling them in their fear to attack him. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, thick skin becoming like rock to their blades, arrows bouncing off like matchsticks thrown against a mountain. The mountain flexed its muscles and hoisted its mighty axe, the sunlight reflecting off the gleaming blade like crystal. He began to swing it, slowly at first, faster, faster until he was but a whirlwind of steel and blood. The keen blade sliced through flesh like warm butter, inflicting agonising wounds as Axe whirled his blade around him. The blade thirsted for blood, and so Axe lifted it once again with all his strength, with so much force it dragged the burly man skyward, only to plummet to the ground like a vengeful angel of death, crushing his foe to a pulp. One more spin and he launched himself up again, vaporising the next foe with another gratuitous strike. Immediately the remaining foes began to flee, and Axe finished two more with arcing strikes, slicing them clean in two, driving the blade entirely through the poor victim's body.

                                                                One final enemy limped away, not daring to glace back for fear of what followed. Axe chuckled briefly to himself at the plight of the poor remaining adversary. He focused just in front of the wounded survivor - and blinked.


                                                                  I did the challenge. Please RANDOMLY pick me
                                                                  I'm reckless.


                                                                    Axe is my most played hero, RNG me plz.


                                                                      Enemy picked broodmama, then I picked axepapa, then the game for broodmama was hardKappa, that kido got dumpstered quite hard, ez game, ez rarez, ez Kappa's, ez 4Heads, ez bugattis.


                                                                        bugattis? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                        sopa en mi yolk


                                                                          Chen's Army and the Phantom Army think that they can defeat just one person. They are wrong, THEY CAN'T BEAT THE ONE MAN ARMY!
                                                                          I didn't know that the PL was my friend :P



                                                                            Ahh I remember the old games like these, this match is when I first started Dota 2 in 2013 (I was also 13) because I recently introduced to the game by my IRL friends. This was one of my very first video games ever, so I had to learn quickly how to use a keyboard, mouse, and such. When I did, I started learning the concept of a video game, what my goal in this specific game was, and how to achieve it. My friends always made me pick easy support heroes like disruptor and drow (a hero we thought was a support at the time due to her aura lol). Yet when I rarely got to pick a hero I wanted, I tried and experimented as much as possible. The hero they recommended to me was Axe, as they deemed him easy and fun to play with. I'd pour all of my very little knowledge into these games as I really wanted to win and finally be the one carrying the team, not dragging them down. I remember in this match my entire team was getting destroyed by the venomancer and bristleback slow combo of death. Until my other friend (pudge) managed to snag a couple pickoffs with me getting the dunk for the final kill, allowing me to tank up and run straight into them without a fear of their damage. I remember being so happy and laughing on Skype with my friends as I ran into the enemy team as a tank and they couldn't do anything except watch their HP pools deplete. These are the games that really made me keep playing for the next 3 years, the ones with friends where we were all having a good time and laughing.

                                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                              This is a true story:

                                                                              Back in '08 I was mostly playing in-house games with my IRL friend. Anyways, one day some of our friends who were newbies asked to play a game with us. Why the fuck not? Defecation on kids is always fun. Little did we know.

                                                                              Joining a random host in a random Garena room (3 friends were not members of IHLs) we all began downloading the map, which was odd because all of us had latest version. Even weirder thing was that there was a player in red slot. Now, in WC DotA red and green colors were reserved for AI that controls Sentinel (Radiant) and Scourge (Dire), and it was unselectabe for players. As soon as we downloaded the map host started.

                                                                              I recall only four heroes in game: Axe (red), Zeus, Void (myself), DP (my friend). Sentinel team was stacked together which manifested as all chat trash talk from minute 0. DP and I knew that we were gonna demolish some plebs and so it happend. Good start, we booth pick up some kills, ez game, ez life.

                                                                              Around 6 or 7 mins into the game Axe, who was jungling, ganks the DP mid. Weird thing is that he has Dagger, Boots and Vanguard. Literally impossible to farm those items in that time even if you are Burning. But we were chill, we thought guy knew some new meta farming tricks or NaVi courier jungling or whatever.

                                                                              Several minutes later, we jump Axe but he blinks out after taking damage. Now this was possible in DotA because game checks every 0.2 seconds for damage and disables Dagger accordingly (YaphetS does this in PIS movie when Tide uses Gush on him). So ok, guy has "17%" level of luck and mad ricing skills.

                                                                              Shortly afterwards, I'm peacefully farming woods, owning some Centaurs for $$$, when I get ganked. I'm pretty sure I consumed no LSD, but a fucking Sentinel tower is ganking me in my woods. Some Dalí level art right there. Yeah, a tower is in my woods following me and beating the shit out of me. Naturally I escape because I can't 1v1 a tower 10 mins into the game. We acuse them of cheating but respone is in Russian including famous Ruski emoticon " ) ".

                                                                              While Axe is owning the map and towers are roaming on their own, DP and I are finding kills because we're playing versus total noobs. Especially Zeus who is feeding left and right. Wandering around enemy secret shop I find Zeus and solo kill him. A tiny chest opens where he released his final breath, and shiny gold illuminates my face, like Vincent Vega shiny. Even before mousing over it I knew what it was. Shiny, shiny, shiny sword of gold.

                                                                              Having a Rapira on Void and DP in team during 6.57 meant no chance to lose. DP back then was like Lesh was few patches ago. I'm sure Twitch chat would be full of OSfrog balanced banshee lady OSfrog. So we marched down mid, their tower moving witchcraft was useless versus Rapier and DP. We took mid, and went straight for Ancient.

                                                                              But, no tier 4 towers! And you can't attack the Ancient until you destroy both of them. Axe used his magik to hide them behind the fountain. Somehow, with OSfrog DP and Chrono we claimed well deserved victory.

                                                                              Upon checking the replay we confirmed our doubts, Axe (red) was in control over entire Sentinel, he could micro every creep individually and he did that to help him with early jungling. Also he was gaining all gold from units killed by creeps and towers (if you played DotA you remember clicking on your buildings showed gold earned by AI). Tower moving was done by using "Uproot" ability that most Night Elf buildings had. Also he had old Dagger without 3 second disable rule and no CD on Call. Axe bought that Rapier for Zeus as well lul. Apparently it was an edited map, that's why all of us downloaded if despite having latest version.

                                                                              Axe was reckless with that Rapier, and now I will be reckless with Axe cause he is meta, and if one thing can be learned from my story is: meta always wins.

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                                                                                Got dotabuff plus already which is good cause I have a 33% winrate on axe so both hate playing him and against him.

                                                                                Vem Comigo

                                                                                  No One could hold this axe, i think i got a ultra with my ult
                                                                                  i got a offlane role in this game, but i remmembered about a strat, the one that you cut the safelane, to negate farm and push your lane, and i did it perfect i got a 8 min vanguard (i think), them i just snowballed trough the game, got blink + blademail, them build a aghs and got the ultra kill.
                                                                                  Come Hit Me
                                                                                  Build a Blade Mail on Axe
                                                                                  MATCH ACHIEVED

                                                                                  ASSESS Product


                                                                                    After first wave creep, I backdoor bot lane with invoker until tier 2 bot tower destroyed. They also try to gank me and invoker with 4 people but end up dying with my counter helix. Hell yeah in 15 min, I already finish blink dagger and blademail. My luck is so damn high at that time that even only 1 people attacking me, my counter helix triggered like more than 5 times. Bcoz of that, I go full yolo mode in this game. Poor fv. He try so hard to rat top and when I solo tp at top with half hp, he think he can kill me. Then he chrono me (i manage to open bm in time) and fv end up dying to me. He then abandon the game.

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                                                                                      @triplesteal- ur the winner .



                                                                                        getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                                                          ^lol bra dis alrdy stickied

                                                                                          lm ao

                                                                                            pls let me win mod pls pls pls :(((


                                                                                              is this still going mod? - all that i do is blink > call > bm and ded, and let zeus finish all. the funny thing is i making clinkz for a bait, w8 him for pursued and im jump in, he mad at me all the game cuz im also taking his farm with mnjolnir, but whatever we still win.

                                                                                              King of Low Prio


                                                                                                I was wrecking fools on my girls old account for kicks and the team told me I needed needed to buy a item to deal with the OD killing them so I got a rapier so I could kill them faster in call.


                                                                                                  Random pick.... Yay!!

                                                                                                  dookie daddy

                                                                                                    I can clip you a 5 man call rampage in about 7 seconds.


                                                                                                      I guess i won´t win but just for sport here´s my story... (simple and short, but i felt really good in the moment )
                                                                                                      One day in my dailly normal skill match, where sentrys doesn´t exists, wards are high level itens and smokes is some kind of unknown cheat..
                                                                                                      I decided to buy the first smoke of the game, just in case...
                                                                                                      I haven´t planned how i would use it, but anyway it was worth 75 gold in the time.. dammit this iten is almost free, why players just dont buy it? i thought....
                                                                                                      And so.. game goes on, mid game aproaches.. i have my blink dagger, a vanguard and of course one blade mail and see the mid lane without the enemy´s T1 and go there farm...
                                                                                                      As i am farming there, out of nowhere i hear im my mind that voice of cs:go (ou just bf3) saying "Enemy sniper in the area"... and so the sniper start to hit me and throw his shrapnel and i see myself slowed and taking a lot of hits.. i tried to come back, but i was too far away, alone.. dying, sad, crying.. begging him to spare me... but it was no use... i saw my soul preparing to leave my body.. i heard the click.. and them... boom...
                                                                                                      sniper shoot his ult...
                                                                                                      but them.. out of reflex i press the smoke button... in instinct... and suddenly, im saved... like.. what the f..?
                                                                                                      Sniper starts to cry in the chat, saying i was reported for cheat.. but well... With a single smoke, i made my way that day...
                                                                                                      Just normal skill things.

