General Discussion

General DiscussionJust Sharing my Curiousity! ^0^

Just Sharing my Curiousity! ^0^ in General Discussion

    You think normal matches will affect tbd matches if you stop midway?

    I played 5 TBD Matches already and if i remember correctly the average every game is only 3.3k MMR.
    So i decided to stop midway and play more Normal Matches.

    ( Also everytime i play in Pub i'm always in a Very High Skill Bracket. )

    So what do you think? You think there's still a chance to raise my hidden mmr? Should i play more normal match? Or just accept the truth ( that i am just a 3.3k Player T^T )

    PS: Sorry for my Bad English.

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      It won't affect the tbd matches

      Vem Comigo



          Oh. I see, so once you start playing your tbd matches there's no way to raise that anymore?

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