General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurfing Yet Normal Skill

Smurfing Yet Normal Skill in General Discussion

    I need a advice, I have a friend who smurfed to get to 3k or 3.5k. He created a smurf and stomped with riki and played 10 matches 8W-2L. I don't know why he didn't get VHS or HS. I also want to smurf but after seeing this, I want to stick to my main. Can u tell what is problem with that smurf ?

    [Senile] Good Grandpa

      Because he is not good enough for HS/VHS.
      His GPM and XPM are both low and he isn't farming well.
      These are all things that come into play when dota is calculating your hidden mmr.
      Anyone smurfing that is in VHS should be able to at least get an average of 600 gpm/xpm espescially when using low tier pubstompers.

      My advice is:
      Farm more.
      Die less.
      Have more impact on the game.
      Git gud.

      There are better heroes than riki to stomp with.


        @Good Grandpa I don't get that farming is problem. A day back this guys posted his account and got calibrated in 4.k something. Both stats in the games were same. I don't know how he got VHS in his first match itself. his gpm/xpm are also average.

        can u pls take a look and say what's wrong.

        Best Treant EU

          it seems smurfing depends much on ur main account. when u create new account, valve checks ur ip adress, and if ur main is 4k+ u get vhs in ur first match.

          [Senile] Good Grandpa

            The reason he started in VHS is probably because when first loading dota on that account he said he already played dota before. This makes you automatically play in a higher bracket because you already played dota. So I assume your friend said he never played something like dota before therefore being put in normal skill.

            I have a smurf aswell which I use when I play with a friend of mine who has a low ranking so that he doesn't have to play against my ranking. (I'm 4.4k)

            It's all normal/high skill because I don't play solo on it anymore but if you look silencer game (on the last page) you will see that it was in VHS after a lot of unknown skills.

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            Best Treant EU

              if i make a new account, my first game is vhs. if i want to go to high skill bracket i have to play several games where i feed. i tried it on this account to practice arc warden in lower skill bracket.


              my first match was already vhs as u can see. i played chen and teleported our midlaner to base everytime. with techie i just feed, with void i chronod my own team, with kotl i cliff tp'd my own team, with luna i fed rapiers after jungle farming. so after this really horrible games i finally reached high skill and played some arc warden games. i get vhs again some games afterwards.

              u see it depends much on ur main account.

              i mean even after this techie game i was in vhs bracket lol. 2/21 with 200xpm and 240 gpm 3 k hd in 40 min game hahaha

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                stomping 1k mmr makes u a 2k mmr player, but not necesarilly a 3k one.
                also its not about w/l ratio in the first matches, rather than ur own performance relative to ur team's one.

                [Senile] Good Grandpa

                  I don't think that Valve checks your IP because that would put people that live with you in the same bracket.

                  Best Treant EU

                    @good grandpa nope i always answered i'm new to dota. i have several smurfs and all had vhs in first game. this one is a smurf too. so how should valve know that i belong in vhs games in my first game? it has to be ip tracking


                      @Mulatschak You say that, if ur main account is 4k, no matter if u create a smurf and select I am new, u get VHS in first match. Is this are au saying ? I mean if u feed too much why do u stay in VHS bracket. I don't get it.

                      Best Treant EU

                        on the other side this is my first dota 2 account, after playing dota 1 for a year or so:


                        here i got normal bracket in first game and stomped. afterwards vhs and lost a lot. ended up in hs/vhs bracket. but ur games seem to be much better..

                        dunno how it really works. it's valves secret :)

                        Best Treant EU
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                            124 last hit at 1h is pathetic, most Riki spammer on dotabuff can't last hit, which is understandable, Riki only need boots diffused to solo kill most hero with better farm. Sadly I don't play against Riki a lot, I'm low 3k, ppl stops playing Riki every game from 2.k I think.

                            LIZA SOBERANO

                              @mulatschak . can i have some account from ur smurfs. Please hahaha

                              LIZA SOBERANO

                                @mulatschak . u only play 1 pc . all your smurfs at same pc?


                                  I think it'll check your main unranked MMR as your starting point. So if you're vhs unranked on your main, you'll probably end up in VHS right away.

                                  My unranked is high-skill, so every time I make a smurf I get first game as "high-skill", i stomp that one and get into VHS next one.


                                  You can check here.