Aggressive supports => early dominate.
Also idk why u think lich is passive.
Omni is win/win support.
Yes, because late game they'll be jumping on your carries. That's why Winter Wyvern, Oracle, and Dazzle are my favorite supports.
I think it's cus they are easier to play period. Omni as long as you repel carry and ult gg. Lich wins lanes by pressing two buttons gg. Abbadon just runs at enemies and spams shield, gg. Other heroes like lion and ss need good positioning.
I mean keeping your carry alive longer is the most effective way to win fights, right?
Good thing about defensive supports is that - when u carry tp off cd, u can turn enemies diving your midder into pile of gold for your team.
i hate earthshaker everytime i play him i cant do shit in lane and we lose and when hes on enemy team hes on every lane pulling out fissures that shouldnt be fucking possible and echo does 12546 damage
silencer is best support because he can carry when the carry is shit :=) and it is always the case in my bracket, hehe
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Look at your lich/omni/abbadon all superior winrate across all brackets. Its also main reason why OG won Frankfurt Major and fundamental way of their playstyle so thats not pubs although they utilize other supports such as dazzle/WW aswell.
Generally playing from behind with such heros as omni/lich feels more impactful than heros such as lina/ogre magi who just get run over. Thoughts?