General Discussion

General Discussiontips on invoker

tips on invoker in General Discussion
Smitty Werbenjaegermenjensen

    As you can see my win rate with invoker isn't very good. Can any of you good invoker players tell me what im doing wrong in my games?


      you're getting killed too much and not getting enough kills yourself

      Megu Rum

        dagger is a high skilled item for Invoker. At normal bracket, force staff is better.
        Did you follow guides?


          Are you newbie invoker?
          If yes u should try quas wex build,->higher ms,mini stun,tornado,mana burn
          Dont afk farm and be aware when enemy heroes missing

          Quas exort is hard to play for newbie(i think) since the chasing skill only cold snap and sunstrike need practice


            quas exort is easier LUL
            Only Hard part of exort is sunstike but quas wex is too complex.
            i can explain if u want.


              I was playing against a dogshit quas wex player but the part I don't get is how do I get damaged from only tornado?


                Cast Animation: 0.05+0
                Cast Range: 2000
                Effect Radius: 200
                Travel Distance (Wex): 800/1200/1600/2000/2400/2800/3200 (Can be Improved by Aghanim's Scepter. /3600)
                Cyclone Duration (Quas): 0.8/1.1/1.4/1.7/2.0/2.3/2.6 (Can be Improved by Aghanim's Scepter. /2.9)
                Base Damage: 70
                Bonus Damage (Wex): 45/90/135/180/225/270/315 (Can be Improved by Aghanim's Scepter. /360)

                This comment was edited

                  Quas Wex is defintely easier to start with.


                    Yes, zaywop is a normalskill noob dont listen to him.




                        ^ You got 23 games on Invoker with a Sub 50% winrate in normal skill tough...


                          Dogshit wex is easier than drow ranger but miracle wex quas that buys like 12 items and snowball is harder than casual exort
                          I dont care about what u think. I play casualy and for fun i dont want mmr
                          If i wanted i would make smurf and spam 2or3 heros but that shit is freaking boring... it just a game. I aint get paid for that.


                            you don't need to be bad at the game to be a casual player.


                              I think Zaywop should be timed out or something from forums.


                                How come I become bad player cus i said exort is easier than wex


                                  no you're bad cos you're in normal skill and u can't win more often than you lose.

                                  you don't need to be good at the game or be a super tryhard to not be in normal skill.


                                    I say quas exort is harder for newbie because it was based on my experience using invoker :p
                                    Me too,first time using invoker i can't play quas exort and then i learned quas wex build from youtube and i learn it fast because of blablabla,

                                    There are also many reason why quas wex better for noobs, like u get more ms makes ur enemy hard to catch you, ghostwalk escape(works well on normal skill), huge mana drain and easy to use tornado


                                      The thing that gave me the most help was just watching replays in player perspective. When you go to the watch tab if there's a picture of invoker there just watch the game in player perspective of the invoker. You will learn a lot.


                                        Lets dont be toxin
                                        Simple: im noob and normal skill and playing really badly cuz i dont care
                                        I watched pro plays and tried both quas wex and quas exort
                                        And found out quas exort really easy and funny. Early game farm and kill if u can. Only need sun strike. Cold snack. Forge spirts
                                        Mid to late qhoas methor and deafblast and split push with bots
                                        Almost no active item in fights (only bkb or shiva or sythe) EZ


                                          Simple: im noob and normal skill and playing really badly cuz i dont care

                                          yet you still try to give people worthless, or even damaging advices


                                            Cold snack
                                            Cold snackCold snack
                                            Cold snackCold snack

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              арин ownin' ракs прямо there(nyet)


                                                Chill son why so serious. I have sense of humor.
                                                Im giving actual reasons but all u say is normal skill.
                                                Btw my advices are not damaging

                                                If your a good invoker player try to help and give worthy advice. I try to help. Thats all im doing. If its helpful im glad if u dont like it or dont need it Give reason and explain why....
                                                if u dont want to explainThen just dont respond

                                                This comment was edited

                                                  Well, actually quas exort need more active item than quas wex such as blink,eul,force,drum,urn, unless u go rightclicker?(i dont call this invoker)
                                                  Easy farm ofc, that makes ppl go afk farm and this is mostly why the team lose
                                                  The problem in normal skill player is most of them can't use meteor or sunstrike properly.blink qqq eeq eee need fast hand and eew qqq need good sense,also icewall.(I fought a lot of invoker player too)
                                                  And someone give me coldsnack pls