General Discussion

General DiscussionDota is dead game

Dota is dead game in General Discussion

    ^ All go play league of lesbians dota is dead.


      Or play overwatch


        Gtfo braindead weaboo go play your anime games elsewhere
        Nevermind I just saw you have more than 3k games

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        Pale Mannie

          nice shitpost LUL

          herald rank prodigy

            League of lesbians is one of the worst games i've ever played. It's like telebubies - i hated them even when i was small child, same with LOL when i first saw that shit. So go f*ck yourself

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              Lol im serious 3k games and im bored as fuck
              I played like 20k games aoe3 and its still fun.

              King of Low Prio

                That many games and still 3k geeez


                  LUL im Not 3 k m8



                    Professor Dog

                      Not vhs anyway

                      King of Low Prio



                          Losing Normal Skill games: "I'm not 3 k m8"


                            Isn't he 4k or some shit last I rmb. Dusa player

                            Cho rong

                              I would play some anime games if u advice me one, no lol


                                OP can't handle dota so he went to play a less complex game.

                                Jacques Lacan

                                  10 loss streak 4Head

                                  sin blyadi

                                    lulz nice joke


                                      I play with guys who are on 500 Solo mmr and play vs 3-4 k enemy. Its 5v1


                                        Its fucking Party game


                                          ur jugger build is fucking DansGame and WutFace and also NotLikeThis

                                          Vem Comigo

                                            ^go fuck yourself twitch memester, be original.
                                            i fell you broh

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                                              My jugger build is fine. Check enemy Team.
                                              Anyways i dont give any fucks im done with dota

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                                                You are done with Dota and I am fine with it .. don't care actually, but pls don't be a attention "woman who give pleasure for money" just leave or you are lying not only to us but yourself as well ?

                                                Argon d'Orleans

                                                  I understand how lose streaks end up making you quit it, but as soon as you start winning a lot again you will realise how foolish it was to think about quitting it :) good luck if you are going to try m8

                                                  M u r d e r

                                                    666 medusa games is quite a good benchmark to leave at ;d


                                                      Its not that im losing a Lot lately, if been 4700 mmr 300 games ago and now im 3800. I just found my Limit and cant See any Motivation To play more, as i know i wont improve.

                                                      Tomicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                        After see your build on Juggernaut, you deserve that losing streak haha. Aghanim instead of manta diffusal.


                                                          1000 mmr same with my mmr gain, whutface


                                                            Y manta diffu vs 400 dmg invoker u fucking tard i die 0,1 Sec After ulti
                                                            Go fucking lern this game b4 u Talk to me.
                                                            450 gpm and 100% Core heros go Hang yourself pls trash.

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                                                            Tomicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                              Manta it works against Silence from drow, also you can purge Coldsnap and defending blast with it. Diffusal purge maledic from Witch doctor. You can avoid Stuns and projectiles. If you have no Idea how to use those items, so buy bkb , Aghanim without damage doesn't work.
                                                              Also Manta and Diffusal gives you more survivability because of Stats given.
                                                              Armor + attack speed + hp + damage.

                                                              I didn't say "you should win the game" but you could do it better.
                                                              As I see you didn't fight untill they went for your throne because of your GPM and KDA.

                                                              At least I won Normal skill games.

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                                                                Sry m8 but you are unbelivabel stupid.