General Discussion

General DiscussionEcho saber on LC

Echo saber on LC in General Discussion

    Hey guys, I know this is somewhat a stupid question, im not pro anyway, so,

    Does LC's 3rd skill stack with echo saber? I mean can you get 3 consecutive fast attack when it both proc at the same time?

    Can it proc at the same time? Thanks!


      I'd say that this item is "alright" but they are simply better items to get for LC.

      M u r d e r

        Pretty sure LC fastal attack triggers as she is attacked, not when zhe attacks herself.


          Rod of Atos > Ecchi Sabre

          casual gamer

            not worth it on lc

            the interaction you are thinking of only happens if you hit, you proc MoC, echo comes off cd after the first hit but before the second, then MoC procs echo.

            lc has way too much ias already and way too many hero-changing items (blademail, bkb) that have to be gotten first for echo to be viable


              Thank you for responding! I just want to have experimental build on lc. Im also tired of the jungle lc, i am starting to play her on offlane.


                I thought, if MoC proc, and if echo is off cooldown, it will be like,

                MoC>echo saber = 3 successive attacks

                Or MoC combined with echo saber, = 2 successive attacks with slow debuff and lifesteal proc from MoC


         are lc player and dont know that moc doesnt depend on lc's attacks i.e. it wont proc on 25% of lc attacks like crit
                  It procs on 25% of attacks she tanks and also needs to be attacking enemy
                  In short E.S. wont increase no of moc procs regardless of cooldown


                    @Dark Knight, i know it doesnt, you need to get hit by the enemy and what I am asking is IF IT DOES HAPPEN TO PROC AND MY E.S. IS AVAILABLE, ALL AT THE SAME TIME, WILL IT STACK? So, the enemy hits me, MoC proc, my e.s. is available, will the MoC hit will also put the slow debuff on the enemy?


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                    Player 175043649

                      i think it's better to get armlet and bm

                      M u r d e r

                        I feel like Echo is more of a really cheap mid-late item for when yu have a fuckton of duel dmg that you want to make best use out of asap - abuse the doublehit with.

                        sin blyadi

                          LC Alrdy has 140 AS buff. Let's buy echo sabre instead of rod of atos. Why not?

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                            Here is an extract from dotapedia:
                            Upon proccing, Legion Commander receives a buff, which grants her 1000 attack speed and lifesteal.
                            This buff lasts for 1 second, or until she lands an attack, whichever is shorter. Missed attacks do not count.
                            If the ability procs while Tresdin is already attacking, she performs an instant attack on the current attack target.
                            This instant attack does not interfere with the ongoing attack and uses no animation.
                            According to my opinion, echo sabre is totally viable, because MoC is not a 'true' attack but an instant hit without animation, so technically there are 3 portions of damage with 2 normal attacks and 1 MoC proc


                              If u compare LC and phantom strike of PA, the latter will waste echo sabre effect, because phantom strike consists of 4 true attacks. The same applies to ursa. Anyway, u can check combat log in a lobby to test this

                              Hatsune Miku

                                its not very good on lc and echo saber does stack with MoC but it wont be 3 attacks rather 2, assuming MoC and echo proc at the same time and you will lifesteal and slow the target.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I think you are wrong hatsune miku. It says in wiki:

                                  Upon proccing, Legion Commander receives a buff, which grants her 1000 attack speed and lifesteal.
                                  This buff lasts for 1 second, or until she lands an attack, whichever is shorter. Missed attacks do not count.

                                  but also:

                                  If the ability procs while Tresdin is already attacking, she performs an instant attack on the current attack target.
                                  This instant attack does not interfere with the ongoing attack and uses no animation.

                                  I believe she gets an additional attack and it doesn't mess up the echo sabre function because what echo sabre does is grant you an attack speed buff to do a regular attack, not an instant one, so it just speeds your next hit up which moc doesn't interfere with.

                                  Echo sabre:
                                  This ability works exclusively for melee heroes.
                                  Upon proccing, grants the user 490 attack speed until the next attack.
                                  This means it does not provide guaranteed full attack speed and can be countered by strong attack speed slows.
                                  The attack speed has no set duration. It lasts until the user makes his second attack, no matter how long he waits.
                                  Since it is a simple attack speed bonus, it is possible to cancel the second attack and "store" the attack speed for later.
                                  The second attack is not an instant attack. It uses regular attack animation times. This means it can proc any attack modifier normally.

                                  If you have bonuses though like ancient apparitions chilling touch both attacks will use them up.

                                  That said LC already has a big attack speed buff so echo sabre is not very useful on her. The mechanics of it make it pretty bad on PA and ursa for the same reasons.


                                    @DelCredere that is exactly what i wanna know!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the excellent answer my good sir!!!




                                        @Synapse, U are welcome


                                          fyi, legion is best played offlane due to its insane base movement speed of 320, only behind few heroes like pugna, luna, enchantress, ck , lone druid and skywrath.

                                          with the movement speed you can creep block and make the range creep the first one to reach the lane.

                                          with moment of courage u can at least dominate the lane for few mins till you have iron talon and then u can take the jungle stacks and come back to tower when creep wave arrives.

                                          always max overwhelming odds (4-1-1-0 or 3-1-1-1)


                                            best item for LC

                                            against hard hitters -> dagger/shadow into blade mail -> deso/bkb -> mkb/ac

                                            against mobile and low armor/weak cores -> dagger/shadow into deso -> bkb-> mael/ac

                                            Mother Russia

                                              Echo saber + SB/SilverEdge is good if you like to hunt solo. It also helps Lc to have decent mana regenaration. Hehehhee, Spamming that hero right now in this smurf account


                                                I'm pretty sure ES allow you to make a 2nd attack (3rd in lc's case) I've to read the item again. Having it in combination with dominator/satanic grants 3 attacks with lifesteal, which is a huge ammount of HP recovered


                                                  @Joseph yes, that's what I did on the previous day, I got satanic, bmail, echosaber on LC, and sven and jug is just eating their own damage. The heal is ridiculous and I wanna know if it really stack, that's why i wanna confirm it here, and the community says it stack, so, it's really nice to know this kind of information.

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                                                    @Mama Mary thanks for providing the feedback! :)


                                                      @zDonFrank Thank you for your skill progression and item progression! :) i will also try this especially i really like going offlane on LC :)


                                                        @Dire Wolf, thank you for that elaborated information sir! :)

                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                          Getting Echo Sabre on LC is like.

                                                          Getting Ather Lens on Axe

                                                          or a Skull Basher on Puck.

                                                          Hope that helps!

                                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                            And if that didn't help, let me put it this way. LC's E is an Echo Sabre with lifesteal instead of a slow.

                                                            So the Sabre is only useful on her if the E triggers before Echo's cooldown refreshes.

                                                            In other words: it's about as useful as an IO with a Battlefury.


                                                              well nice but imbetter buy dagon on lc than echo sabre ...

                                                              Hatsune Miku

                                                                @dire wolf

                                                                tested in lobby and saw the log

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                                                                  @Hatsune Miku so, my good sir, what is the answer?

                                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                    @synapse No. That is the answer you are looking for.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      That is weird and seems like a bug.

                                                                      sin blyadi

                                                                        @Getting Ather Lens on Axe
                                                                        Whats wrong with aether lens? i mean its not the worst item axe can ever have. He deals all his dmg with 3 and lens buff it


                                                                          Kinda reminds me when LC first came out and she got like 5 moment of courage hits on a single proc depending on how many attacks hitting her

                                                                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                            echo sabre is ok


                                                                              Echo Sabre and moc don't stack.. Moc is a right click.. Just insta hit.. So only 2 attacks happen.. 1 way or another.. If you get echo n moc at same time.. The first hit slows.. The echo is treated as Moc and does lifesteal... So 2 attacks only

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                still seems like a bug though cus moc isn't support to be a regular attack that interferes with your other regular attacks (which is what echo sabre does, speeds up your regular attack). But hey dota is terribly inconsistent with mechanics, and it wouldn't be a great item even if it worked right so just skip echo.


                                                                                  Is mid lc a good idea? I keep winning when i choose mid lc, meanwhile losing when i choose jungle lc. Lane lc.... Sometimes win, sometimes no. But when i win, im not the mvp of the game. Meanwhile in mid, i am.