General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win as Auntie-Mage without being MVP in team

How to win as Auntie-Mage without being MVP in team in General Discussion
Preap Sovath

    I think I'm the worst Auntie in the world from my win percentage.

    I may die more than kill a little but mostly come from retar* team who always blame me when I can't fight or even ks when they war.

    When I play other carry which I bad as him too like Ember Spirit never being cursed like this, even 13 losing streak as him I finally improve win rate better.

    Sometimes I complain to myself that one way to win as Auntie-Mage is having Divine Rapier on him.



      >Well Played!
      >Well Played!
      >Well Played!

      you farm too slow. thats all


        i have a related question, let's say i get player like this on my team. at 2.5k i know they won't be able to outfarm even the enemy offlaner, and even if they do, they will throw the game at some point with poor decisions, so how do i support an am picker at 2.5k?

        dont be thrilled by this ...

          u pick am against heavy physical combat heroes which doesnt make sense ... as his name says u should pick it against magic dmg dealers and mana dependant enemies.
          am can only realy fight physicals at late game with 6 slot. i can say before 25-30 min he rly cant do much against physical fighters.
          and dont forget about pure magical dmgs (qop ult, timbers w,r , tinkers q, bs ult and ... )

          another thing i can say is about ur item build. apparently u rush bf over all items. its often better to go treads then bf. or sometimes if u need hp or u are getting nuked and cant farm u should build vanguard or vlads first to survive and be able to farm.
          i build like this: brown boots>ring> treads>bf> vanguard if i need more hp> manta> abyss> ht/butter> situational (bkb/linken/ht/butter)


            You aren't supposed to support him and do nothing else. You're supposed to probably help him for a first minute or 2 to secure the offlane. Then you're supposed to fuck the shit out of the rest of the enemy team and forget about your AM as he's farming anyway.

            yung griphook

              cry as you watch him miss cs with a q blade

              casual gamer

                stop dying as anti mage

                mute ur whole team

                take a tower whenever enemy fights

                dont get ganked via mlg 420 map awareness

                punch creeps

                see if u can rosh when u have (vlad/vg) bf manta or more item


                  U are not supposed to play support at 2,5k mmr, learn another role (jungle)