General Discussion

General DiscussionProblems in SEA server.

Problems in SEA server. in General Discussion
wait for me

    The main problem is you can't trust anyone. That's why I always pick carry even when my team already has four. --->
    One of my friend told me this yesterday. I don't know what to say.

    doc joferlyn simp

      if you cant trust anyone be the one that can be trusted


        Remember dota is a team game, it's not 1v9 it's 5v5, also your "friend" just doesn't want to play support

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          Yeah it's a team game with teammates you can't rely on
          Picking support then gets treated like trash is better than losing before the game starts,unless,of course,the enemy team also fucked up their draft
          Or it's 1k bracket where you can 1v9 every game if you're good enough


            Yeah.. We have Riki on my last game, he always blame team about anything, fortunelly we won The game XD
            Sry bad english


              1k talking lmao


                playing with the occasional random filipinos on US West has already made me rethink my position on eugenics, I don't like thinking about what goes on in SEA servers

                wait for me

                  @malicious5, so so sorry dear god. I have no right to say anything and just because u are better at this game than you have all the right to stop me any time you can.

                  Oh wait you don't. enjoy your miserable life.


                    that what happen in sea, i have an amazing win streak by play hard carry all recent game. with super high average gpm, xpm. u can win a game all by yourseft

                    wait for me

                      I feel in almost any bracket you can 1v9 people. Miracle does it all the time. That's not my point. People can play good or bad but why you always pick carry even when your team already has two. People in my bracket (or in most bracket for that matter) absolutely don't respect the role of supports. I've seen 5kk players complaining because he couldn't pick carry and picks carry no 4 anyway.
                      Your skill doesn't bother me, your attitude does.

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                        well, i alway pick carry because when u can't trust ally. u have to trust yourseft. most of the game i play jungle carrys. i will buy courier and wards if my team doesn't have support. u can't farm if u don;t have vision. other carry can farm safe lane, mid lane. and when i come out from jungle. i'm rich as fuck and finish the game around 20-30 min. that's my game plan :v

                        Need to talk,remove your ...

                          Give me your account


                            the key to play in sea server is to take support role. #bad english srry


                              ^yah, but you have to take into account the throwers in the game who cry all the time, fuq sg and malays go burn in hell


                                Just improve your gameplay, all games above 4k is already playable.xd


                                  Arena gosu , its ez to stomp a below 3.7k average game ranked/unranked.


                                    Normal Bracket means ez support. I recommend Skywrath Mage considering he is already deadly enough in early game and late game although in late game has only have around 1k HP. He just need crimson to initiate war.


                                      Sorry double post


                                      I once playing ursa as support. I even buy courier and 2 wards at starting game. then my core items is Tranquill, Force Staff, Vladmir and SnY. It's pretty hillarious to pull back the enemy facing you using force staff
                                      at the end i getting bored playing ursa and have 75% ursa wr on recorded stats

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                                          i dont get why sub3k would talk instead of learning and play.


                                            ^ yo was it you who was playing against alliance in first battle cup as riki


                                              @Meekoo that was interesting build :D, ya. something u have to support for yourseft. like this game. 5 carry, 2 jungle. i had to bought couriers, wards,...


                                                thats just the nature of this game, until u climb to a decent rating you can only rely on your only solo plays




                                                  In this game my enemy have invis item. I even plant blue ward for defending untill comeback lol

                                                  wait for me

                                                    I love playing position 3-4. I like to play offlaners and initiators. However, I su*k at it.


                                                      Simple thing about dota is.. if u don't understand that this is a team game then u deserve to be in ns.. even hs.. drafting is a big part of dota.. and not understanding this I guarantee u, that u will not make it far..

                                                      The probz with NS games especially in SEA is thr is no communication.. and retard fucks who thinks he is "the chosen one" to carry the game.. even when thrs alrdy 3 cores in the team.. like.. why not ehh? NO FUCKTARDS change ur attitude too much of "I watched a pro gamer so I must be better than others" mindset.. when all it takes is some team play..

                                                      Well I'm done ranting.. conclusion is.. <3k and <4k r thr coz of ur own attitude and it's fucking toxic in SEA..


                                                        @HutsoonehMeekoo I've tried a roaming Chaos Knight and it works somewhat well in the lower tiers. Start with OoV and Wind Lace and maybe a Observer Ward and an Iron Branch/Clarity. Works very well against the often immobile and squishy carry heroes of the 1k tier. You can transition from there into an Armlet of Mordiggian to start dealing damage. Go for Q + W only, getting a late level of E at 9 and Phantasm at 10 and 11. I recommend Drums of Endurance and Vladimir's Offering as possible sidetracks from main items if you feel like you need to end the game faster/team needs the auras.