General Discussion

General Discussionhow to reach 5k

how to reach 5k in General Discussion

    I'm in 4k treshold now and I really want to go 5k. Btw, this account was from 2.9k and I climbed up my mmr by playing hard , watching pro gameplay and a lot of tips but I don't think that's not enough, I'm playing in sea and it really is a challenging server. I calibrated a 4.3k mmr account before and tried to get it up as high as I can but unfortunately months of playing and nothing is happening and I'm stucked on that treshold. Later on I sold the account and played this old account of mine.

    Btw, my comfort role is position 1 and offlane
    What I'm doing right now;

    -I limited the heroes that I'm playing. (sven and jug)
    -Followed advices from youtube on how to be a good carru
    -Analyzing my games and pointing out my mistakes and thinking on what I could've done better

    And I think these things are working very well but I dont think that's not enough to reach 5k.

    So I want some advice guys, I want your opinions on how could I still improve my gameplay. After I got my 4k i stopped for days now due to vacation but after that I will play harder again to get that 5k with your advises.

    Thank's in advance

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      watch better players play, analyise their games

      look it isn't enough to just see something happen like ''ok i got ganked i shouldn't have stood there''

      why did you get ganked, where should you have been, why did the enemy try to gank you etc.

      you need to go in depth with analysis

      example my simple videos are 1+ hours long, that's how much it takes for an average quality analysis to be done for only a part of the game.

      a real analysis for me would take 3 hours at least per replay

      casual gamer

        ^^ it seems like even in high 4k dota is not played goal-oriented. people go into drafting thinking based on counters and from the second they load in play almost entirely on autopilot. at most they will think to check an am's items, or put multiple people in morph's lane in the early game.


          I really appreciate your comment @cookie, yes you are right that's the way I think I review my games. I think I mostly focus on my hero only when I watch my games and only takes an hour or less. Could somehow share your factors on how you review games? and also. I would be really thankful if you could anylize some of my games. It would really help me a lot.

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            @esperanza what I've experienced so far in this 4k treshold is that a lot of players fail to play carry. Im not saying that I'm not good. But I could say I play decently right now and I always tend to pick first on my role

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              Cheap Laugh Guy

                For this Dark Rift patch, for now.


                  Drakarys - U are so wrong.

                  Actually in 4k almost everyone knows how to play carry. Weakness is others who are not able to put pressure on enemies, make space, and not feed in the process.

                  4-5k lacks good supports and mostly offlaners.

                  Eg. I played a game yestarday where 2 supports could not outzone 2 meele enemy offlaners.

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                    Thank you for the heads up. But I think after I mastered pit lord in normal match. Dota2 will update already and nerf him. Anyway. It's worth the try.


                      Why would they nerf Underlord ? He is completely team dependant.


                        You have to learn how to Farm. Less than 10 lh per min as Sven, you actually have to work rly Hard on it. No kappa


                          I somehow agree on you @Lex Because support role is much harder than being a carry. I myself agree on that. You need to have insane skills on playing support to win games on 4k and get to 5k. However my only concern is if the carry fails. There's a huge chance that your team will lose the game. After all, supports aren't the one who push towers and finish the game. So I believe by mastering carry is the best approach to get to 5k since being a carry is much easier than being a support. But thank you for calling that up.


                            Thanks hartzfear, that is exactly what I'm doing and practicing now. Actually I just started watching the best sven players here in dotabuff which were Secret.Mp, Forev, Fear. Also I watch the games of oldchicken playing sven since I saw his LH on 10min mark which is 90+. So I set that goal always when I play sven

                            casual gamer

                              ^ play WW so u can jack their carry for a couple seconds

                              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                Hitting 5k takes work mygoodness my mini goal right now is hitting 4750! ò_ó

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                                    I climbed from 4k to 5k last year hitting 5100 in January. Now I am 4180, havng lost all the MMR. Its strange because I think i am a much better player than I was at 5100. I'm not sure why I dropped but I know I haven't had nearly as many "easy win" games where you can casually win in like 25 mins.


                                      @esperanza i dont really think WW is a good support right now to spam because of his ulti nerf


                                        people asking how to get 5k like it was very hard to, just get skills man. Watch some competitive scene and play some pubs you will learn which meta works. Else, you should try yourself, if you're 4k that means you are no better.


                                          @kylextazy - yes I think it is more sensible to take small steps at a time.


                                            @Stm uhmm that's why I'm here man. But thanks!

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                                            casual gamer

                                              im 11-3 win loss on ww this patch, usually first pick

                                              i wasnt around pre ww nerf, unless ur talking about when it was smaller but u could damage them

                                              ofc that doesnt mean everyone will get the same results

                                              casual gamer

                                                dead serious i gained 300 mmr listening to music and taking deep breaths and praising my teammates ROFL


                                                  haha! I just adopted that habbit when I started taking mmr seriously and told myself to not create a new account and have a high calibration. Listening to music really helps me relax whenever game is rough.


                                                    Just play morphling gg


                                                      you just got barely 4k which is still ahit shit bracket 5k os too far for u sorry people play on 4500 -4800 mmr 2 3 years no way u fuck'ing get 5k fu'ck u shit lilte retard i beat ur face until u bleed and blungeon with crowbar ruin your noob ass face :))) fu'ck u shit


                                                        halp salty af,

                                                        it took me 1 week of lobby practice, to get from 4.2 to 5 in 3 days.


                                                          That guy is really salty af! Hahaha! Funny guy


                                                            @Help! you calibrated a good starting mmr right there and I'm really happy for you but I would really like to see how much you improve your gameplay and until when are you going to stay on that treshold. I don't think that it would take me years to climb to 5k since it's not that impossible if you always improve your gameplay

                                                            Livin' Real Good

                                                              Reach for the stars, and you will get a star


                                                                a blue star, but there's a price to pay; you'll die a virgin

                                                                a shiny blue star, but also blue balls


                                                                  @YB morph is not a that really good to spam since it really takes time to get items for him and most of the time games will be much longer. But I agree that he is one of the best late game carry. Morph doesn't really suits my playstyle. But thanks for the advice


                                                                    HAHAHA! thats a really overrated statement.


                                                                      cuz you need to be 5k to reach 5k; if you havent reached obviously you aren't 5k yet

                                                                      you can watch miracle- videos all days guides all day and still not 5k players ok?

                                                                      1000 xpm

                                                                        u dont need to be 5k material. just pick riki


                                                                          Sir cookie..
                                                                          What kind of lobby practice is that..?
                                                                          Would like to practice that..

                                                                          Been stuck in4,3-4,5 this past weeks..
                                                                          Would like to be 5k in three days.. Haha


                                                                            i can't remember what i actually practiced, i know it was something either around sk or supporting.

                                                                            but it doesn't really matter what you practice, as long as it's worthy practice


                                                                              Just dota normal match pratice till u go mmr


                                                                                In my last 6 lost i learn that I failed at zoning the enemy offlaner..

                                                                                But in mid 4k there is a bit different..
                                                                                Usually in high 3k and low 4k when enemy dual lane in offane I can still zone them with solo supp lich, but now it's becomes harder especially when my team draft is greedy..

                                                                                From that answer I take that mastering your heroes and play at your best condition will help increase it.. Thanks


                                                                                  U wan reach 5k ez just byy ward buy sentry buy dust tat


                                                                                    That's what I'm doing lol..
                                                                                    At early 4k I try to play tryhard carry but it doesn't worth it..
                                                                                    My supp often is bad..
                                                                                    But when I play supp suddenly my mmr increase pretty fast and I can maintain my mmr..

                                                                                    In some games my supp items even 10k++ lol..

                                                                                    Thanks for the advice badman..
                                                                                    Will do that more efficiently now..


                                                                                      You are welcome cause mmr is quite alot selfish guy
                                                                                      Carry as so greedy and finnaly greddy kill he
                                                                                      My advice be a support and back up all the times and the games will win even carry is luck


                                                                                        this is terrible advice^

                                                                                        a support is dependent on his carry, and so is his carry dependent on the support.

                                                                                        it's a symbiotic relationship support + core. you're as good as you can provide for your teammates.

                                                                                        idk how many times have i told this

                                                                                        SUPPORT =/= WARD BITCH/BABY SITTER.

                                                                                        if you think support is ONLY a ward bitch or baby sitter then you're not playing support, you're being a cuck.

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                                                                                          Yes u also rite...
                                                                                          But depend wat your carry think
                                                                                          I saw alot carry like be a superman but last is die and the support killl rnemies and end the match


                                                                                            Actually in 4k almost everyone knows how to play carry. Weakness is others who are not able to put pressure on enemies, make space, and not feed in the process.



                                                                                              *hory sheet..
                                                                                              That quote got anime vibes lol..

                                                                                              Carry and support is very dependant on each other..
                                                                                              I ever in games when I'm the highest net worth and almost 6 slotted but still lose because the enemy support is very good at kite templay and too rich that the have durability item(so they can absorb my damage)..
                                                                                              So I cant one shotted or only few sec kill them, but my supp got one shotted..

                                                                                              After that I realized that in 4k many people can play carry and few can play good supp..
                                                                                              That's why I pick supp in this bracket..
                                                                                              Eventhough when play with friends I usually the carry..

                                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                i think u meant {F{F{F{F{F{F{F{F


                                                                                                  Agree with u sir cookie..
                                                                                                  Support play more bigger role than ward bitch..

                                                                                                  Ward is just part of the support role..

                                                                                                  Actually in 4k almost everyone knows how to play carry. Weakness is others who are not able to put pressure on enemies, make space, and not feed in the process.

                                                                                                  Is there anything wrong with this statement sir..?
                                                                                                  Because I feel exactly like that in my recent games..


                                                                                                    Support is important to set up the whole game trap etc...


                                                                                                      But i always use ta,lich,


                                                                                                        I agree that there are a lot of good/decent carry players in 4k treshold but in my case wherein I'm still in low 4k I don't really think it's the best idea to play support since I haven't mastered that role yet. Also, I'm already comfortable on playing carry for now since I somehow manage to be decent on some of the heroes that I'm spamming and took me to 4k. I might practice supporting in bots or normal match once I get 4.4-4.5 and play rank again cause I believe there's much higher chance that I could find a better carry than me