General Discussion

General DiscussionHero versatility

Hero versatility in General Discussion

    Alright guys for about 20 games now I've first picked randomed every game, with the exception of one game because I wasn't paying attention.
    I've lost tons of games lol, some games I'll get 2 counters ( pa- tinker and timber) and (ck- axe, ember and sven)
    I've been randoming for fun and to get better at other heroes besides the ones I'm good at, yet it hasn't gone the best lol.
    How are your guys versatility, and when playing heroes you don't have exp with do you feel awkward playing or no?


      Unless im forced to, ill never pick some other hero outside my top10


        Depends I normally random if I'm playing a pub match, unless I'm playing with my friends cause they suck and I usually have to pick a hard carry. In ranked I never random that's way too risky. I've played every hero in a real game except for Meepo... fuck that guy.


          Randoming is fine if you are not playing ranked.

          Or if you are a fooker who uses some kind of cheat to always get the hero you want when pressing random to get the extra gold.


            is it possible to get 10 in versatility btw? just picking 20 different heroes in a row isnt enough for that.


              yea, just random.




                  Who's your top 10 heros and in order from 1 through 10 cookie?


                    1. arc
                    2. sk
                    3. am
                    4. alch
                    5. cm
                    6. lich
                    7. sven
                    8. slark
                    9. ursa
                    10. meepo

                    so depending on which heroes are in meta, those are my choices. but i didn't play meepo/ursa in a long time since they aren't in meta at all.

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