General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to reach 80 LH by 10 min?

How to reach 80 LH by 10 min? in General Discussion
Don Piva

    Well, im a 2k mmr player and im trying to raise it by playing carry.
    most of the games im playing slark or sven.
    the problem is, ppl say that to be an efficient carry i need at least 80 LH by 10 min
    i usualy get 45 - 50
    i dont miss last hit, however in 2k games safe lane is 2 vs 2 so all the time im fighting or being harassed, what makes hard to get last hits (my supps aways sucks, exp leeches, no harrasing enemies, no stack pull, only pull then 7 friendly creeps at lane)
    my starting itens are QB, tango, +6 agi on slark (to make poor man shield)
    QB, tango, mangoo, fiery fire, 2 branches on sven

    i do pull creep agro when possible,
    should i fight less and focus more on LH
    should i buy more regen item to get LH while being harassed?


      fight in the lane while the creeps are healthy. when they get down go back to lasthit

      just get PMS and tango on slark and buy QB at sideshop instead of stout shield

      also can clear the jungle camp while your lane is pushed

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        u must focus at everything in dota

        Dire Wolf

          80 cs in 10 mins is pretty outstanding actually and you won't get that in a contested lane. If you manage to get every possible cs from every creep wave in lane it's between 72-76 cs, I don't remember exactly. And then most people miss a bunch. So just focus on getting every creep in lane and you'll be fine. Under 50 cs by 10 means you're missing way too many even in a contested lane but sometimes it can't be helped if your support sucks and you're vs a very dangerous lane like bristle or clock as a melee for example.

          Choosing when to fight vs farm is just feel for the game but every hero has certain timings so it depends.

          Hanamichi Sakuragi

            Pulling creep aggro is always possible.
            No, avoid fights and fight only if you have an advantage.
            Yes, do not always buy QB at the start of a game, if you know your supports gonna suck make sure to bring 2 sets of tangoes.


              It's easy, u can get way more if u have right hero and with sven and slark it's a joke how easy it is to get something like that in easy/uncontested lane, u can get above 100 by 10 mins by farming jungle and lane. It's fine if ur against dual lanes just get w/e u can. If u can kill someone then definitely fight, u will get more gold and xp for that kill than missing 3 creeps.

              BSJ. LGD

                Kill small camp, don't deny creeps at all and u inflate your last hits grats

                1K WANNABE
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                      U shudnt buy the same starting items every game. All i can say is try to stack pull the large camp urself to help catch up. Pros do that cuz supports roam a lot.


                        waga 11 min 120 cs with underdogshit


                          1 minute = 2 wave creeps
                          1 wave creeps = 5/6
                          5*2*10 minutes= 100 creeps
                          just dont missing a creep in lane.


                            i dont miss last hit

                            Bullshit. Everyone misses last hits. Stop lying to us and yourself.

                            however in 2k games safe lane is 2 vs 2 so all the time im fighting or being harassed

                            yeah but the enemy offlaners always suck and they often lane badly, lane with the wrong heroes, and they don't expect you to be pulling etc. their mechanics always suck since they're 2k and it's easy to just like get PMS and tangoes and survive since they suck so bad

                            what makes hard to get last hits

                            this only gets harder as your mmr rises. it's not a 2k specific problem, in 2k it's actually easy to get 60+ even vs dual offlane.

                            sure, 80 is not ALWAYS possible even if ur miracle.. but 45 - 50 means you suck, period. 80 is like free farm, you owned ur lane hard etc, but if ur not getting like 50 - 60+ then that's on you.

                            my starting itens are QB, tango, +6 agi on slark (to make poor man shield)

                            The fact that you stick to 1 item build is terrible. You can't always start with a quelling blade. You need to start off with a stout shield vs a dual lane. Typically I'll get a stout, 3 branches, and 8 tangoes as slark. Also, you shouldn't always be buying a pms. You need to buy items situationally.

                            In your slark game you didn't get iron talon raindrop, your build is awful because you have no way to jungle with dark pact since you have no mana regen.


                              in the 2k game i played my opponent mid tanked creeps and then i just hit him once and he died? im not sure how u have trouble winning in this bracket

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                                ^ my guess is he's doing exactly the same xd

                                Dire Wolf

                                  "1 minute = 2 wave creeps
                                  1 wave creeps = 5/6
                                  5*2*10 minutes= 100 creeps
                                  just dont missing a creep in lane."

                                  That is so incredibly off.

                                  From wiki:

                                  Spawn timing
                                  Lane creeps spawn the first time as the game timer reaches 00:00, right after the game horn sounds. After that, they spawn every 30 seconds. Unlike melee and ranged creeps, siege creeps only spawn every seventh wave. This means siege creeps spawn every 3 minutes and 30 seconds, with the first ones spawning at 3:00.

                                  Initially, a creep wave consists of 3 melee creeps and 1 ranged creep (and 1 siege creep every 7th wave). At 16:00 (33rd creep wave) and onwards, an additional melee creep spawns, increasing the count of melee creeps per wave to 4. At 31:00 (63rd creep wave) and onwards, a second additional melee creep spawns, increasing their number to 5. At 46:00 (93rd creep wave) and onwards, an additional melee and an additional ranged creep are added, bringing the wave's unit count to 6 melee creeps and 2 ranged creeps. Also from this point on, every seventh creep wave also spawns 2 siege creeps, instead of 1. After this, no more additional creeps are added.

                                  So you get 4 creeps per wave. It takes almost 30 seconds for the waves to run down the lane to, so you actually only get 19 waves. 19x4 = 76. Plus two seiges since they spawn at 3:00 and 6:30 and 10. You won't get the one spawning at 10 since it spawns at base. So max should be 78. I was pretty close, knew it was 70 something.

                                  Regarding starting items, I almost always start with qb, stout, tangoes on every melee hero. It's a lot easier to ferry an extra tango or salve from the base than it is to get the 225 for a qb or 200 for a shield which helps you at min 1. If you have one set of tangoes you can buy and ferry more healing out before you need them as you eat the first set.

                                  Also stout is good for a lot more than just minimizing harassment from enemy offlanes. It's awesome since it effectively drops melee creep dmg by 20% so if you draw lane aggro it keeps you upright. Thus you can engage enemy offlaners who are out of position even if your creep wave isn't near cus you don't care as much about the lane aggro. A lot of safe laners overreach and die cus they forget they're going to aggro a whole oncoming wave of enemy creeps and the creeps end up doing more dmg than the enemy hero and they die.


                                    The thing is both qb and stout r at side shop. So bringing in a ring of protection for a future aquila or vlads or something, or any other item u may need that isnt at the side shop may be better.


                                      Yeah I can link a slark game from the other day where I started off with rop + tangoes + stout fast pms, I was so tanky early and won my lane vs a dual lane hard because I wasn't greedy and unprepared and got a quelling blade.

                                      Don't ignore small details, remember they make up a bigger whole and are everything basically

                                      Don Piva

                                        IMA start game now, ill link game's id so u can watch first 10 min (if u want ofc) and tell me what im doing wrong and right
                                        ill try my best ;)


                                          Yea pulling aggro sometimes mean u get 2 creeps easily but will have to miss 1 or 2. That's still 40 cs in a contested lane. If u don't mind trading regen to get last hits that's mayb one more per wave assuming u don't actually die from trying to go up 1v2. So 50 is alright?

                                          Don Piva

                                            match id 2754233716
                                            cs by 10: 30, i had to change lane from safe to off becouse of kitter


                                              50 is fine in a contested lane, especially if you are getting dual laned. In a totally free lane 80+ is the standard though.


                                                You are both wallys there are 82 creeps. Not 100 not 78. Fuckin fact.


                                                  easy way is to stack (at 53 if you are dire mid or radiant safe you can easily do it to a hard camp yourself without missing too many lasthit (might need to push wave a bit)) if you play a carry that can farm the stacks.

                                                  otherwise if you got a supp then just ask him to stack for you and you get to reach 100. also note that multistacked hard camp gives a fucking lot of gold.

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                                                  I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                    Push out lanes and farm jungle if it's unsafe to push towers

                                                    But you are thinking about this game wrongly, cs/min shouldn't be your main concern, along with other useless metrics that 4ks like to bother with like kda xpm gpm

                                                    I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                      Learn to lane, proper starting items, positioning your hero to constantly apply pressure on the offlaner, learn to hold lane equilibrium and when to hit the creeps


                                                        Yes sir good advice

                                                        The Medic Guy

                                                          if you mean by only 10min and "if" you can make sure you don't miss last hit

                                                          just stay in lane.
                                                          by min 10 there will be 82 creeps in total (with 2 siege)

                                                          Don Piva

                                                            when i say i dont miss lh, is free farm lh
                                                            i do miss some when lanning


                                                              Who needs last hits when you can farm heroes in 2k no kappa


                                                                Ye all u need on slark to win is SB.


                                                                  farming heroes all day everyday