General Discussion

General Discussionbest support to 1v9?

best support to 1v9? in General Discussion





        yes shadow is my friend

        but to be fair i invite you to look at all of my normal skill lost matches (esp the support ones) and i double dare you to find 10 games (out of 70) that the team wasnt complete shit

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        The Medic Guy

          don't expect too much in NS bracket.
          its called Normal Skill for a reason

          Earrthshaker echo sabre?
          in that ogre match, forcestaff will be more usefull instead dagger.
          not sure what happen in the lich game lol, but better you build dagon Eblade, instead dagon octarine octarine if you want to burst.

          overall, your itemization is poor


            Any support these days can 1v9. But in normal skill I'm afraid you're thinking about carrying as a support. So probably those w dmg ultimate that can win games. Witch doctor and crystal maiden if u are still in shit tier. Then move on to disruptor winter wyvern as u get better. Strong ulimates on them can win games easy


              Forgot to mention lich if u are in super shit tier.

              2k indog monkey

                ANY SUPPORT CAN 1v9
                All you need to do is DO WHAT SUPPORT SHOULD DO instead of stealing last hit, ruining lane equilibrium, pulling a non-stacked easy camp for no reason which ruins the lane equilibrium by doublewaving it, or build weird things like dagon when a GLIMMEr, a FORCE STAFF, or a MEK would give way more impact ( bounty pickers omg)

                Lets do Science

                  Pretty much all I do is play support. Mind you i'm 4k trash but, in general the things you're gonna wanna look for when picking supports is the following:

                  Can I win any lanes?
                  If so which lanes are most winnable?
                  If not, how can I fix this via a support pick?
                  If I can't fix it via support. How do I fix it later down the line so we aren't being steamrolled 10 mins in?

                  99% of games in 4k and below are so passive that you just taking charge and showing the enemy who's boss early on can lead into easy victories. To this end, most of the time when I pick a support its usually something that can run at the enemy early on like Abaddon, Undying, Ogre Magi, Spirit Breaker, Bounty Hunter, or Riki. Having a wide pool of heroes to pick from is very valuable in a world where the viable hero pool can change drastically from game to game. Having 3 or so heroes you're a specialist in is also a huge plus.

                  In short: there's no 1 single hero that'll instantly get you mmr. You have to learn how to use them first, and even then some people are more adept at learning different things.


                    Bws. OP is obviously asking about how to carry as a support. In such a case. Avoid utility at all cost and rely on your opponents to fuck up to win (which will definitely happen). Then destroy them with a wel placed aghs ultimate.

                    Oh yes. Always Rush aghs and be greedy. Take as much last hits as you can because ur carry is shit anyway and is gonna afk throughout the mid game. No need for wards as it delays ur aghs. Ur carry won't use the vision well anyway.

                    Just don't die in fights and make sure to use ur carry as bait when he gets into a bad position. Don't sacrifice yourself. Hit R and watch them melt. That's how u carry as a support. U only buy wards when u get your aghs


                      guys i know most of what i should do to play support well (only thing regarding sub-4k dota i really suck at is solo supporting against aggro lanes), but if my carries dont go for kills when i set them up, dont push towers, and cannot lasthit, i just become useless if my pulls get contested.

                      lmao i just got into a 2kish CM game and im not drafting, time to kill myself.

                      and i FUCKING know what items to buy, i just buy random shit when the game has already been thrown. especially on this smurf.

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                          The Medic Guy

                            imo sup that can 1v9 and dominate in early game is Crystal Maiden.

                            just go afk jungling (this is how you trigger the other 4 team mates) then farm dagger and get lv 6 then, go roam.

                            dagger in the trees, stay in the trees and ult, while you channeling your ult, trash talking in the all chat or pausing the game randomly, this is how you trigger all the enemies (meanwhile you can trigger your teammates too)

                            that is how you 1v9 with support


                              ^ solid advice. This guy knows what it's all about.


                                Did someone say 1v9 as cm?
                                Got my second rampage, against a team where all 5 cud cancel channeling

                                yung griphook

                                  ^that's just hilarious

                                  also how much did your team hate you for not leveling aura

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                                    They were just grateful that I got rampage into ultra and initiated the comeback. We were losing hard before that. Plus I was and still am a cm noob, not rlly sure on the skill build. I feel like u can just take almost whatever depending on what u need. Not sure if maxing frostbite or nova first tho.


                                      Think u max nova.

                                      Lets do Science

                                        cm has a pretty fluid skill build based on whats immediately needed. Lvl 1 is almost always Frostbite first to enable self sufficient jungling unless you're the lane support who needs to grab nova for aoe. lvl 2 is aura 90% of the time unless you need immediate spellpower. Maxxing aura first is only for games where you have heroes who get massively more powerful with the + mana. Usually 2 pts is enough otherwise. Maxxing Nova first is the norm unless you're the only guy who can lockdown an Am / Qop or something so you need frostbite asap. Don't be afraid to skip ult at 6 if you need to. sometimes the extra cc from nova / frostbite can do more than the ult you pretty much won't be able to cast if you've leveled the other two anyway.


                                          I usually take lvl 1 ulti now but skip lvl 2. Too much mana, not enough effect. Thx for the tips tho. I have a high winrate with cm but tbh only think thats true cuz of my 1k shitter bracket lol.

                                          very good csgo player

                                            Spectre is better

                                            very good csgo player

                                              Spectre is better simply because of the strong lane presence. Just zone people out with Dagger


                                                forcing a support into a core role is beyond retarded


                                                  Play 5v5 u moron, you arent much better than ppl at ur mmr

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                                                    not arin

                                                      lich oracle ogre wd


                                                        but how do i play 5v5 if my team doesnt want to destroy the enemy ancient?

                                                        The Medic Guy

                                                          listen to your heart


                                                            Learn to communicate


                                                              i am permanently muted on all of my accounts. pretty sure its ip-mute or sth. people i am matched with in solo Q are often also perma-muted.

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                                                              The Medic Guy