General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play nyx offlane effectively to win games?

How to play nyx offlane effectively to win games? in General Discussion

    ^ theres this one time nyx offlaner dominated my game(literally wreck the game) and i got inspired i want to play him :)


      you could watch his replay


        i cant download replays man idk why

        doc joferlyn simp

          there's this one time a tidehunter fucked me in the ass as a pa because my kotl left lane to gank others at level 3 (literally wrecked early game) i got some gold and had a comeback ez




              nyx off is simple

              u punch people because u have carapace + godlike regen, if they commit u could translate them into kills with impale. just get pms and dont be too confident with ur carapace

              what i usually do in scrub tier, i pull aggro to me, stupid nuts chase after their creeps so i have the positioning advantage, punch them while csing, and if they commit, reflect their disables and try to finish them off with impale

              u can also prob carapace harassing supports and impale them to force them to back or even kill them, but i dont play enough nyx to know if this works

              then once u get six u gank other lanes. midgame come, camp their jungle and mid/safelane


                oh shit i gave a tip to someone 900 mmr higher than me

                doc joferlyn simp

                  arc warden spammer though, i dont think he has enough experience with other roles

                  Freya 69

                    I really wouldn't care about a solo offlane Nyx tbh. I'll go jungle and just pull like crazy if I'm the support and just farm like he doesn't exist as the core. PMS solves a lot of problems in a 1v1 situation as far as harass goes. That and fast PB.

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      Power Breasts?


                        Breasts, I like :horse:

                        Freya 69

                          No silly. Perfect Bewbs.

                          No one can do anything when confronted by those on a solo lane.


                            @pretty damn good, im arc spammer but it dosnt mean that i dont know other heroes, i just cant use the other heroes to its full potential thats why i need advices


                              on my main account i always play carry but i dont play offlaner


                                @alice its ok lad even my 1k mmr friend yells at me and teaches me how to play dota lols