General Discussion

General DiscussionThis game is cancer.

This game is cancer. in General Discussion

    I tried my best to not rage and I didn't. But this game just gets on my nerves. 4 minutes into the game and our support+offlaner start flaming our mid and our safelane FOR NO REASON. Nothing happened, they just weren't happy with the picks so they started fighting. I begged these guys over and over to push, but slardar wants to keep farming lanes and medusa wants to keep farming jungle. Why is it so hard for people to comprehend that they should stop farming and start pushing? I bought smokes, bought wards and told them again and again to push as 5, but at least 1 wants to keep farming everytime. I NEVER blame supports, EVER. But this cm, raging before the game even started, left our safelane to jungle, refused to ward although I bought them. This has become more common than before, and its disgusting. Check out my past few losses and tell me what happened.


      you are the cancer


        LC Jungle


          You mean the 6 minute blink? I left the jung as soon as I got it and started getting duels. Keep your bs to yourself.

          King Dave

            high skill lul


              Maybe it has something to do with leaving your team to 4v5 for the first 6:00 of the game while their storm and morphling got fat.


                My friend,
                first u must realise how fucking bad you are (cause you are)
                If u cant boost mmr in 3k hell u dont deserve nothing
                i can boost that acc to 4k in less than 3 weeks if play every day
                trust me ur the one who suck
                and if ur mad at players just fucking mute all chat and mic and play ur game

                ps;u suck


                  hows jungling in the new map? how's the new talon?