General Discussion

General Discussion5 things you like and 5 you dislike about 7.00

5 things you like and 5 you dislike about 7.00 in General Discussion

    1. hero talents
    2. Aghs upgrades
    3. Load times and VS screen
    4. 2 bounty runes(4)
    5. smooth gameplay(kappa)

    1. map change
    2. Awesome UI
    3. Amazing kill feed
    4. thrilling chat
    5. worldbreaking UI


      like: everything except:

      dislike: the entire UI can go fuck itself, also fuck removing stats.

      Optimus Drip

        Ui suck ass. I like everytgin else. But they might try balancing next patch. That'd be nice


          Why are you people such p*ssies that you can't deal with a new ui. Just play and shut the f*ck up


            SNIPER AGHS 280% CRIT AOE

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              lmfao ofc it's normal skill who doesn't care about the UI.

              how can it bother you if you don't even use it properly

              Dire Wolf

                I hate the vs screen, it's a stupid waste of 5 seconds. I don't like the planning screen that much either.

                UI is fine, just need to adjust. I have trouble noticing fog of war on the minimap.

                I'm not a big fan of the different levels in jungles and ward placement. Everything seems dark.

                I'm lukewarm on new map. Adjust I guess.

                Lukewarm on monkey king. Gimmicky hero, seems op, that stun in lane is ridiculous, like an earthshaker stun that doesn't block you and harder to dodge.

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  vs screen is worst fucking shit ever, like seriously who would ever come up with such a stupid idea


                    Minimap changed to grey from green, it is so ugly


                      u can cahnge it back to green in options


                        I dont like anything


                          LUL ofc the meepo spammer is mad his hero is dumpster now.

                          CANT EVEN COUNTER ANTIMAGE ANYMORE :D

                          Xd (im am)

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                            i dont care about hero changes tbh dont like them but dont care.

                            this game just doesnt feel like dota anymore


                              new ui is just pure cancer

                              fucking green shits and stupid small icons and everything


                                hero changes, item changes, jungle changes are fine.

                                cancer ui. and idk there are too many bounty runes.

                                Johnny Rico

                                  Isnt fucking root the best fucking thign in the fuckign world?

                                  Freya 69

                                    The loading in times for everyone is easily my favorite part about it. An honorable mention goes out to the VS screen that starts it off with the feel of Tekken or SF. Get a chuckle out of that every time.

                                    Edit! I forgot! The one thing I truly do hate currently is the Shop menu. It is SOOOO hard to navigate it at times and my custom cloud builds don't show up at all when I try to switch the suggested guide out. Its reallllllly annoying!!

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                                      Way to ruin the ui. Like where the fuck are my stats???? And let me move my health and mp above my skills. Unplayable for someone used to relying on knowing at a glance if they can do a combo. This has lowered my micro skills to an even lower margain

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        1) I never have to go to base anymore
                                        2) Casual clarities and salves for while you're roaming and jungling a bit along the way
                                        3) Killing illusions gives at least a tiny bit of satisfaction now
                                        4) Some talents are ridiculously fun to toy around with
                                        5) The map seems to have way more depth now
                                        6) New HUD

                                        1) MK's overpowered early game
                                        2) Hud tends to bug a fuckton and doesn't work as intended a lot of the time


                                          Worst patch I've ever seen.
                                          This games going the exact same direction that killed HoN


                                            ^you've been playing this game for too long. you got gud at previous iterations. now the new dota has come and your time is over, move along for the new 7ks. adapt or die


                                              come on marlan. what's normal skill got to do with anything.

                                              i really dislike u have to fkn hold alt to see impt shit though. im sure they could fit it in somewhere with all the space created


                                                new maps make me confused... ezz... >_<


                                                  Rip dota 12-12
                                                  Wc to generation of dota vs lol


                                                    Change on quelling blade :(

                                                    Yeah now a supp treant can't mess with ur lh, but now every melee hero will pick it for cheap dmg source.

                                                    Edit: still a farming item, but not % anymore :(

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                                                    Slow Hands

                                                      Been playing this game for ~10 years and this latest patch makes me feel like I have to learn a brand new game with the talents, new map, creep spawn times. UI gives it a brand new feel let along all the scepter adds.

                                                      Not digging it at all, played one game and I'm really not sure I can cbf anymore, it's not really the game I've been playing all this time. All for nerfs/buffs and adding of new heroes but this just seems to be a massive change for the sake of it.


                                                      La Lumière

                                                        This game is pure shit now. I remember the good ole' days of spamming 6.86 arc warden and sneaking a roshan with invoker. Now this game has fucking monkeys bouncing around and roshan IS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RIVER. Let alone 4 bounty runes. Like wtf? Bruh, riki can just sneak farm that shit.

                                                        Scepter upgrades are meh. And why take away stats? Well rip not scaling lvl 3 antimage to agility. This game is ruined. No wonder I play league now. #RIP DOTA 12/12

                                                        4pos pudge/grim only

                                                          ^ i took a peak at your profile and it seems that your last game is like a month ago..are you simply hating the new dota without even trying to play it online??? make you seems like a retarded person you know, with all the blind hating and stuff


                                                            "No wonder I play league now"
                                                            But this patch made DOTA2 more similar to LoL

                                                            clueless clown

                                                              Everything is great except the HUD. Checking enemy items to see how mucu regen they have is so annoying. U have to look at this shit that pops out from the left. All the important information we need is fucking scattered and minimised. How are we supposed 2 see shit

                                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                                tfw i actually use the xp value bar in the old ui

                                                                La Lumière

                                                                  Wrong use of retarded. But yeah I guess I am hating. I have seen a few videos and I didn't enjoy the eye cancer (ui). And yea, it did make Dota similar to LoL which I personally hate cuz Dota was my baby.


                                                                    Like people said "literally unplayable"

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                                                                      The new abilities give heroes much more versatility to adapt to suprise roles that are thrust upon them. I like that. The interface bothers me though. It's like they moved things around for the sake of moving things around.
                                                                      I like the rounded off numbers for some abilities and items that they put in every patch too. Something has a 53% chance to proc? Fuck it. 50%. Love it.


                                                                        those who spam invoker storm meepo to 7k will now get dumpstered back to 4k

                                                                        Shikanoko Noko

                                                                          Thing I like:
                                                                          1. I like it
                                                                          2. I like it
                                                                          3. I like it
                                                                          4. I like it
                                                                          5. I like it

                                                                          Thing I dislike
                                                                          1. I dislike it
                                                                          2. I dislike it
                                                                          3. I dislike it
                                                                          4. I dislike it
                                                                          5. I dislike it


                                                                            I heard you can customize your UI? So, has anyone found the way to customize?


                                                                              i dislike some parts about new ui and whole new shop is fucking garbage

                                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                                ^this half the melee heroes are missing stout or QB and i have to click around to buy them from the SS hoenstly so triggering

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  How do I fucking use the Glyph?


                                                                                    @Benao, it's the gold icon beside your minimap. Blue is scan. Either way, you can reuse your hotkey


                                                                                      UI is personally easy to use. People are just INCREDIBLY whiny about having to learn a large amount of information. Like, I personally don't see the issue. I agree on the complaints about shop though, shit won't load my fucking custom builds.

                                                                                      I personally enjoy having to learn and adapt to new things, keeps it fresh and makes me feel like I'm actually improving by actually adapting to it. And I've got 2k hours clocked in playing it on and off since 2012, yall need to chill with the bashing just cause you weren't able to keep doing things the same way you used to day in and day out. How can you guys even enjoy that? Is boredom not a concept? Are you all robots? 7.00 keeps it from getting stale. If everything just stays the same it'd get stagnant. I mean hell, even pro players asked for big changes to Dota.

                                                                                      I also enjoy the backpack and talents thing. I can FINALLY drag my component items around with me as I farm up my last bits of gold for a big core item and sometimes divert from a health giving item with a health giving talent and go a full damage item or a stats-damage item.

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                                                                                          I think all heroes that are recently release are op for the first couple weeks
                                                                                          remember lycan,centuar,ul,ember????


                                                                                            things i like
                                                                                            strategy time
                                                                                            some new aghs (expect lancer)
                                                                                            gold/xp for illusions
                                                                                            new rosh location

                                                                                            new shop (they split recommendations with common shop items which makes me sick)
                                                                                            minimap color
                                                                                            mk is too fucking op (level 7 with passive ability you have 800+ damage which is insane also if use it with your stun its a 500 aoe damage)
                                                                                            talents are fucked, with talents which give you AS MS game become joke
                                                                                            supports getting 25 level in 40 min easily (level getting faster)
                                                                                            new terrain sucks hard, and still imbalanced since dire can fight for 3rd bounty in the beginning easily (rune near radiant secret), and itself terrain just too many up and downs
                                                                                            neutral creeps spawn time perfect for am to fuck up enemy team, am meta inc
                                                                                            small ui, when i click on enemy hero i barely see his mana and items cuz its too fucking small
                                                                                            sound visual bugs which ofc will be fixed (right ?) but anyway i enjoyed 6.88 so much and cant play this shit


                                                                                              I'd like the time before the gong to be shorter seeing as you can buy everything early now and often there's no real fight at the bounty runes anyway.

                                                                                              There's a lot of standing around for a minute in normal skill


                                                                                                - new hud
                                                                                                - map
                                                                                                - backpack shit
                                                                                                - pick screen
                                                                                                - hero changes

                                                                                                - too many bounty runes
                                                                                                - new jungle timings
                                                                                                - retarded talents
                                                                                                - overfarmed supports
                                                                                                - shrine


                                                                                                  58 damage per duel on lvl 25 legion like wtf
                                                                                                  500 duel damage legion at 30 mins before i actually wanted to kms

                                                                                                  clueless clown

                                                                                                    To all the idiots that keep saying the UI change is good, stfu. Retards like you dont bother to get info about the actual game, all u want is fancy, new garbage. The old hud lets us see stats, cs and everything in a linear, regular arrangement. Right now all of the info is bombarded at different corners of the screen, with their icon sizes reduced. Sure make the screen have more vision but dont make it irritating to the eye to chexk fucking stats, kills, and other things.


                                                                                                      @Slim Shady at least i guess you're happy they added your king cuz you're a fucking monkey apparently


                                                                                                        #muh nigga you just got roasted