General Discussion

General DiscussionCounter to Monkey King

Counter to Monkey King in General Discussion

    check two matches below from my smurf.

    Two heroes - Storm and Zeus absolutely rekt monkey king.

    on my zeus its against MOBILE GIRL team @ Malaysia [3 7k mmr players and 2 mid 5k players team]


      Can anyone confirm spectre is good against monkey king?
      A spell that provides vision on MK if it hits him, and her ult doesnt give a shit about his treetop bullshit
      Not to mention she buys R A D I A N C E which is DoT
      What do you guys think?


        DoT heroes are pretty good vs him.


          half the hero pool counters him


            R A D I A N C E which is DoT

            DoT = damage OVER TIME



              half the hero pool is close to be 1-2 shots of this nuke

              Giff me Wingman

                BS, Zeus, Meepo, TA, anything with nuke really. He needs to gain momentum and 4 hits. If he doesnt get 4 hits so his passive proccs he will not be strong.


                  Exactly -_-
                  He won't be flying across trees if his "blink" gets cancelled every 0.5 second

                  GR.Black s4

                    Timbersaw, enigma ... any hero that can cut trees is a counter too, when monky king is on top of a tree, and the tree get cutted, monkey king will be stunned


                      spiritbreaker is great - charge him and you destroy his tree once you hit him.

                      Johnny Salami

                        Heroes that give flying vision and also destroy trees:
                        Beastmaster, Tusk, Batrider

                        Forcestaff destroys trees as well.


                          U need to play accordingly when u are against mentioned counters. U dont spend whole game on trees. Btw when it comes to timber, mk fucking shits on timber in lane that its disgusting


                            Mk has other stuff than just tree dance


                              Because of the counters u guys mentioned i think that linkens is almost mandatory. So many items and spells to target and disable him, that if u dodge one u can many times jump away. I however think that against a lot of these heroes who use DoT, he can just man up and fight u, so imo its a soft counter. Keep in mind i havent played the patch or seen much gameplay, this is just theroycrafting, so dont flame me too hard if im wrong.


                                Ye support mk is countered imo by all the tree cutters, but carry mk just doesnt give af and walks up to u and kills u.


                                  Despite all the counters you grab, the initiation is quite nice: jump into tree into fast nuke covers a great distance, and it's perfect for ganking if the trees are in between you and your target.... It can be done quite fast, loosing the nuke-slow effect however. Still, with deso+echo you have enough to rape a support.
                                  If you have the time to channel the slow, then the move is quite sure to give you a solo kill if target has no escape.


                                    !warning, normal skill player opinion!
                                    IMO batrider counters monkey king at all stages of game - he can lane against him, has flying vision+destroys trees, DoT damage, long duration disable, can help kitting him pretty well and with lasso+forcestaff he can just drag MK out of that circle of his ult, basicaly stopping it.

                                    M U R D E R

                                      Imho slardar and bounty hunter are decent against him.

                                      Not in the lane tho.

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                                        viper is good laning against monkey as well as mid/late game due to the slow and dmg over time.



                                          phoenix ?


                                            Pheonix, windranger, bat rider, timbersaw (but not in lane), beastmaster. Imo beastmaster and batrider r nuts. Just get radiance on bm Kappa. Tho srsly, wild axes or firefly to break tree and stun, then use ulti for even more stun. Venge us also really good, wave of terror to get vision and cancel jump, then swap, u can even swap him out of gis ulti to end it. Bat rider can drag him out of it.


                                              pudge hook...?


                                                Pudge has no armor, and he can dodge hook. Often times he just dies to mk after hooking him


                                                  Why do people defend this hero? Yeah sure you can break trees but any Monkey King with a brain isn't going to stand on trees like a fucking idiot while you cast your shit at trees. Timbers fucking awful vs Monkey King because the passive takes a giant dump on you in lane much like an Ursa. Beastmaster is the best solution but not because you can cut trees but because you can just stun him and you have flying vision.


                                                    Timber gets rekt in lane, but u can burst him well mid game, i wud try not to lane against the mk. I forgot abt hawk actually thats so good. Its not all abt cutting trees, its just that if u have a spell that can do that it helps i wid assume, rather than carrying a qb around i dunno. Its the range on aces rlly cuz its not like firefly where u have to be right on top.


                                                      Unleash your inner monkey.


                                                        one hero, Templar Assasin recks him like no other except maybe nuking morph.

                                                        he has low armor and is squishy naturaly and no real disable. She melts him.


                                                          once u proc ur passive u can use q on creepwave and hero for insta full hp and do 9999999999 dmg

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                                                          4pos pudge/grim only

                                                            eh regarding the mk, as a pudge, can i hook him if hes perching on a tree?




                                                                @ saQil, yes you can hook MK if he is on a tree. You just need to know where he is...

                                                                The Medic Guy

                                                                  timber when he is up on trees

                                                                  if Monkey King's tree is destroyed, he falls and is stunned for 4 seconds.

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                                                                    4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                      but dont you guys think that 1.3 seconds cooldown on that tree jumping kinda..well..a bit too short? make it two seconds and i wouldnt say anything after this

                                                                      Tex Hex

                                                                        I just watched a 6k MMR game where MK (as a single offlaner) was laning against ember + ogre magi and he literally just shat on both of them. Match ID: 2847896516

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                                                                          but in reality u go mid or offlane and win ur lane

                                                                          safelane is dogshit

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                                                                            U just need any carry with bkb and silver edge


                                                                              His teamfight ability is only his ult. I usually just walk in with sb and ult to kill everyone though


                                                                                Fuck this, you know who really counters MK ?? pick Bane Elemental if support and if carry pick spectre and ursa

                                                                                The Medic Guy

                                                                                  he jump, he ult, i glimpse, his ult wasted