General Discussion

General DiscussionEnigma jungle 7.00

Enigma jungle 7.00 in General Discussion

    So far i've given this a few tries and it looks like you can still jungle enigma pretty easy, at least on Radiant. Back on 6.88 my lvl 6 timing would be anywhere from 4:30 to 5:00 depending on camp spawn's and if i screwed up (i usually did) In this patch i hit 5:10 lvl 6 a few times on the radiant side and was able to finish mek/blink by around 8mins i think it was.

    This was done in bot games but this does at least show that for Enigma you can still keep to the same patterns and achieve around the same results.

    Dire seems to be at a disadvantage seeing that the first had camp talks longer to walk to (0.40ish) and therefor you cant really clear that camp before the 1min respawn time so its usually safer clear the medium camp twice while on Radiant you can depending on spawns get two hard camps in the same time.
    I've not tried other hero's yet but seeing that i suck at juggling with everyone else i dont expect it would help much.

    Im just glad that i can still do Enigma things and from the way the level timings work i would guess that most other hero's are going to be ok as well


      ty for info i dont need to try out