General Discussion

General DiscussionCentaur new MMR farm king. Omni dethroned

Centaur new MMR farm king. Omni dethroned in General Discussion

    not really, he's strong in low brackerts because of his simple but failproof skillset

    same with omni

    he's far away from being an mmr grinding king


      Spectre in 6.86 and arc in 6.87 are the true grinding kings


        He got relatively better, because stats have become more important since you can't skill attributes anymore. He's talents are ok as well.


          Speaking of spectre, she's getting some love with those armor and str talents no? I mean 5+ armor at lvl 10 great for both vanguard as well as no vanguard builds


            Visage tree warlock ogre slark lycan are the mmr picks I think


              The extra armor would help her crappy farming sustain

              Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                "not really, he's strong in low brackerts because of his simple but failproof skillset
                same with omni"

                But didnt omni have a 60% wr in all brackets not just low?


                  tree has been transformed from spam living armor to fun roamer


                    If you recall arc had 40% wr in most brackets

                    But he was the strongest hero in game