General Discussion

General DiscussionRoad to 4k

Road to 4k in General Discussion

    Is it hard to grind from 3k to 4k MMR?


      the 3.8-.3.9 bracket is cancer, but it will be easy to grind up to 4k if you truly deserve it with the skills to show for it


        It's easier to rollback tbh.


          3.6 k is pure cancer ..


            From 3.6, now I'm here at 3.1 real quick




                I think it's better to smurf acc and calibrate 4k MMR than grinding from 3k to 4k

                Potato Marshal

                  Going 4k to 4.5k was a lot easier than going from 3.5k to 4k, I can tell you that much.


                    You have the right idea to smurf. Do it man.


                      pretty sure u will get to 4k soon with PMA


                        Rollin back is much easier than gaining MMR




                            positive mental attitude


                              3k to 4k in aus is the easiest shit


                                How tu git vhs 1101

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  It's decent. Just don't stress yourself. Just watch more videos on your role and get used to them. You'll find yourself going up real quick.

                                  Oh, the most essential thing is drafting. Doesn't matter first pick support or core. Just pick the best hero for the situation.

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    I might have said too much "Just"


                                      If you don't belong in the mmr you're at you'll get out of it in no time it's that simple, however looking at your profile right now I strongly doubt you'll make it to 4k

                                      oh and a tip that will make you be able to gain any mmr you want: Focus on improving your skill, not your mmr number


                                        how do i get 4k mmr guys pls my team keeps holding me back omg????

                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          Play more Omni and try to protect your post 1 24/7,easy 5K


                                            How do I get back to 2k if my teammates keeps carrying me

                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                              ^ pick techi every game and only put boom/trap at meme location

                                              basement :)

                                                The 3.7/8k range is the worst. 20% of the players there have an undeserved mmr. 70% are awful. 10% are good to decent. The 4.2k players might be bad too. Outside of that is smooth sailing. I actually started getting good teammates whereas I had to carry 99% of my games before.


                                                  Most of smurfs end up in 3.7-3.9k range and they are delusional as fuck.

                                                  Sadly they think their sub 3k and low 3k mmr is the same as high 3k, so apparently people who try to climb out of 3k need to carry those fucks.

                                                  But even with them being delusional and what not, getting out of 3k is easy.


                                                    everyone who says that high 3k bracket is the worst or that most smurfs end up in this range has never been in 4k for more than few games


                                                      actually everyone who says that his mmr range is infested with smurfs has never reached higher mmr
                                                      prime example: me

                                                      very good csgo player

                                                        Still blows my mind how people with less than 100 ping can't achieve 4k. I play with approx 300 ping because I live 13 000 km away from the server because there is no ranked in SA. So please just play bots if you can't get 4k with over 1k matches


                                                          @ Arin

                                                          I've been as high as 4.6k (almost 4.4k on main) and I've neever seen so many salty/delusional/arogant smurfs as I've seen in 3.7-4.1k range.

                                                          Basically the high 3k and low 4k is cancer because of low 3k/high 2k players calibrating there and literally going instapick mid/instapick safelane Antimage and feeding most of the time.

                                                          There's tons of examples that I'm not talking bullshit, because, I'm mostly hovering around 3.9 - 4.1k for past few months.

                                                          I could literally list at least a few games right of the bet for my last 50 games or so which are calibrated 500 points or more above their real mmr.

                                                          While 3.9-4.1k bracket is SHIT for any competent and competitive player with at least 5.5k+ MMR, for scrubs like me is actually hard to carry these overcalibrated smurfs because I'm shit at this game compared to a good player and I tilt/give up/change mood too easily..

                                                          Last but not least, I'm aware there's a ton of smurfs aswell in mid to high 4k, but quite often they are not as bad as people in 3.9-.4.1k..


                                                            @ Senor Chang

                                                            While having a high ping can affect your overall gameplay, as someone who played with as high as 150 sometimes, I can tell you it's a matter of "getting used to" aswell.

                                                            When you're not used to having a good ping and a good PC/Internet, you will get used to having what you HAVE and eventually you'll play as good or simiular to a player with a way better ping.

                                                            What I want to say is that, while high ping is annoying, a dunning krugger strikes hard if you think that it'll stop you from becoming a decent player in a long run.

                                                            With this being said, beware of one more thing:

                                                            Didn't say you're supposed to play this game competitively or on an advanced level with 300 ping, but my point is that even tho someone can't reach XXXX MMR with 50 MS, him starting his Dota career with 300 ping would result with the exact same thing.

                                                            Basically searching for excuses will just wake up the Dunning Krugger effect in you.

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                                                            very good csgo player

                                                              @ vertoxity bruh I play normal south African unranked games with 90 ping then I switch to Europe east ranked and get 280 ping the following game trust me its not easy to adjust. I just calibrated this account to 4k and I'm winning my last 6 ranked games with delay. I am by no means claiming I would be a pro player but I played in a 1v1 tournament with the best players in my country mmrs are not impressive but I have beaten several mid 5k players. I know 1v1 means little but I can conclude latency has an effect especially in the laning phase. Because I lose lane to 4k mmr mid players with 300 ping. Difficult to dodge skillshots and last hit. This is why I find it hard to believe people can't reach 4k with low latency

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                                                              The Medic Guy

                                                                i stuck at 3.8 - 3.9k almost half year lol

                                                                just got my 4k yesterday

                                                                i'm 12 btw haHAA


                                                                  3k-4k is piece of cake.

                                                                  4k-5k is also another piece of cake

                                                                  5k-6k is also a piece of cake.

                                                                  the challenge is 9k-10k.

                                                                  The Medic Guy

                                                                    there is 1 guy in china with 10k party mmr lol
                                                                    i wonder how much money he spend for that ranked party abuse


                                                                      @Senor Chang

                                                                      Making a change and being consistent with something is a whole different story.

                                                                      Majority of SEA players had a high ping from the start, for example. So they are just used to having a delay.

                                                                      Majority of EU people are playing with little to no delay and as low as 15 MS(me included if I que on EU EAST, which I rarely do, but hey)

                                                                      While on paper it might sound unfair, high or low ping has nothing to do with your MMR coinsidering the fact you are consistent with the high or with the low ping.

                                                                      Point is - everyone around you will have at least more or less same ping at the end of the day. (exeptions may be found but are justa few)

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                                                                        i went from 3.8k to 4k with straight win streak, i carried my team every game.


                                                                          nc winrate op.I suggest you to stop playin as a core, ur so cancerous

                                                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                            the 3.8-.3.9 bracket is cancer, but it will be easy to grind up to 4k if you truly deserve it with the skills to show for it



                                                                            It's decent. Just don't stress yourself. Just watch more videos on your role and get used to them. You'll find yourself going up real quick.
                                                                            Oh, the most essential thing is drafting. Doesn't matter first pick support or core. Just pick the best hero for the situation.


                                                                            Literally 100%.

                                                                            I was 4k in Dec. 9th, and since was stuck between 3.8 - 3.9 and now am 3.7 since once again, I ignored my "stop playing solo ranked after two ranked loss in a row" rule.

                                                                            Follow that rule to your deathbed, but still, just don't stress. I will get back to 4k again. Just takes time lol

                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                              ^I played 12 hours Saturday and Sunday, and guess what? I start with 2 lose I continue to play until the day is green for me,and I done it.
                                                                              go off please, 'rule' ahahahaha.
                                                                              (If I stop play is a -50day but I continue, so it's a +25,I guess the total value is +75 for 2 lose=stop then)

                                                                              Keep your passion alive,keep your attitude good,if you can't control anger you won't have much success

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                                                                              basement :)

                                                                                The ‘stop after 2 loses‘ rule is actually just a worse ‘do not play when tired’. I have lost so many games due to exhaustion. It is a good rule. Follow it.


                                                                                  damn right it's a good rule

                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                    ^^The 'stop after 2 loses' is for people that can't control their anger and depress over a lose online game or when you know you perform badly.
                                                                                    For me I will just try to improve the performance on 3rd matches or if I know my performance is ok just bad luck on 2 matches I will just continue play,why not,dota is a fun game and not a game you should just care too much for memer and lose fun.

                                                                                    While 'do not play when tired' seem good rule if you want to win more.

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                                                                                      it worked for me when i was climbing low 4k, but hey, some ppl are just different

                                                                                      The Medic Guy

                                                                                        yeah you should stop play when you lose 1 game.

                                                                                        i feel too much negativity when i lose a game, and if i keep playing the impact from previous game is disturbing my current game.

                                                                                        and playing after a good sleep is really helpful for me.

                                                                                        like my 2 disruptor game, i just wake up from Sunday Morning and play 2 games and i own so much with solo support.

                                                                                        my bara games just after i had a bad game from smurf (i bring negativity from 1k games).

                                                                                        and my third disruptor game i feed so much, it just me hungry and tired from office.

                                                                                        tl;dr : good mood help you win the games


                                                                                          how bout quit the games?

                                                                                          i dont care about losing or winning, all i care is whether i play good myself!

                                                                                          thats how i win games

                                                                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                            The ‘stop after 2 loses‘ rule is actually just a worse ‘do not play when tired’. I have lost so many games due to exhaustion. It is a good rule. Follow it.

                                                                                            Rest is important, and no distractions too (girlfriend, mom, naggy roommate, pets etc.)

                                                                                            But losing 2 games in a row, and depending how you lost can have negative impact which effects your next games. No matter how much you try to 'ignore' the negativity, it will carry out the next game especially if you get passive/toxic teammates.

                                                                                            The DarKNovA

                                                                                              That's true BobMarley, but also you have a sharp eye for what playstyle works very efficiently atm it seems.
                                                                                              The kind of Riki you play from the looks of it could fit into most pubs and be an asset.

                                                                                              Also at the smurfing thing, it's really much easier to get a few hundreds MMR above your current ranking if you create a new account and spam the in-meta heroes with decent play, made a 4,5k MMR account (both party and solo) in no time back a few versions.


                                                                                                i tilt uncontrollably after 2 losses so i just stop cuz my brain capacity reduces to 10%

                                                                                                basement :)

                                                                                                  I actually recently lost 4 games in a row due to autistic teammates and won the next 2 on the same day. I felt nothing but the urge to win.

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                                                                                                  The DarKNovA

                                                                                                    That happenns to me at times, and usually that's when I get my most games, and ugly stats like 1-7 or 2-9 in one day.